
AS3 "Loader" progress immediately goes to 100%

If you go to you will see a progress bar. The application is loading a fairly large SWF from the server using the Loader class. Strangely enough, the progress bar immediately goes to 100% (but the loading still takes a while after that). The code is below, but you'll see it's basically too simple to br...

How can I use a meter-style progress bar?

In Vista/7, the Windows Explorer shell window makes use of a special kind of static progress bar to display hard drive space. With default styles, this bar is blue colored and non-animated. It also turns red colored when it gets close to being full (low disk space). Using messaging, I can tell the Windows Forms ProgressBar control to ...

how can I show progressbar in WPF for DB actions?

I want to show my application user a progressbar for following actions: when they provide login information in WPF and hit submit/OK whatever. when they request any information from DB (select command execution). Thank You ...

backgroundworker+wpf -> frozen window

-progressbar always 0% -the window is froozen (while DoWork r.) -if System.threading.thread.sleep(1) on - works perfectly whats the problem? private void btnNext_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this._worker = new BackgroundWorker(); this._worker.DoWork += delegate(object s, DoWorkEventArgs args) { ...

Cocoa UI Elements Not Updating

I have a few Cocoa UI elements with outlet connexions to an object instantiated within an NSView object, which is in turn put there by an NSViewController. These elements, a definite progress bar and a text label, are not updating: the progress bar is dead and empty despite having its value change constantly, the text label does not unhi...

Show a progressbar on datagrid data update

It might sound like a trivial question but how can I show progress bars, when datagrids and other components that "talk" to web services, update their data providers ...

Getting progress status out of a class library method

This app that I am doing uses a class library (if I dare call it that) to do the bulk of the work: 2 main methods in there (DoWork and UndoWork) use the other classes to achieve thier goal. Now that that works, I want to get out of the Console test enviroment and do a GUI. How would I get the status of say, the DoWork() method to update...

Facebook iPhone SDK: show a progress bar while uploading an image

Hello. I want to show a progress bar while my iPhone app is uploading an image to Facebook. Is it possible? Can I do it with every FBRequest that I make? I also use FBRequest to check extended permission and sometimes takes a lot of time. Thank you. ...

How to show the progressbar using threading functionality in win32?

In my application I have a simple module were I will read files for some process that will take few I thought of displaying a progress bar(using worker thread) while the files are in progress.I have created a thread (code shown below) and also I designed a dialog window with progress control.I used the function MyThreadFunct...

Displaying progressbar using threading in win 32 applicaition!

In my application I have a simple module were I will read files for some process that will take few I thought of displaying a progress bar(using worker thread) while the files are in progress.I have created a thread (code shown below) and also I designed a dialog window with progress control.I used the function MyThreadFunct...

How to change the color of an indefinite ProgressBar?

I have a progressbar with the following style: style="?android:attr/android:progressBarStyleSmall" Sadly the bar is nearly white and in my case displayed on a white background. The progressbar is nearly invisible because of that. How can I change the color of the progressbar? A darker grey would be great. ...

jQuery loop through td and insert jQueryUI progress bar

I am trying to use the jQuery's progressbar method on the value in my table. I've been able to traverse the table and add the proper div's for the required progressbar's selector. The progress bar does not display the val variable correctly. var i = 0; var val = 0; var id = ""; $("document").ready(function() { $('#progress tr').fi...

Progress bar in Java

I have got a form in Java (Swing) loading large amount of data from the database. I want to display a progress bar while the program gets actually loaded. How can i do it? The code is as follows: import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import java.applet.*; import java.util.*; import java....

Android: How do I change the height of a ProgressBar?

Hi all, I was wondering what is the easiest way to change the height of a ProgressBar in Android? Thanks, Tomek ...

Multiple Progress Bar States in WPF

I'm currently developing a WPF application in C# and I want to have a progress bar control that can be in a "paused" state as well as an "error" state. Much like this: Unfortunately, that's a Windows Forms control and implementing it via a Windows Forms Host proved to be incompatible. My question...

how would you show the progress bar greater than 100%

i want to use the jquery ui progress bar to show pct of daily total. In my case, you can actually go over the total allocated. (as i am showing pct complete of a certain distance, and you could actually go above the required distance. Does this tool support having a value of greater than 100% or are there any other gui tools to do this...

Getting scp's status bar to appear in a Java window

I'm writing a program that uses scp to copy files in a bigger java program. As it stands now, the program freezes up while the scp is copying the file, which can take a few minutes, so I'd like to be able to display the progress of the scp or at the very least get the terminal window with the scp progress to show up! Any suggestions? ...

How To Create a Custom List of ProgressBars in .Net 2.0

I have created a progress bar custom control and would like to embed this into a list which can be sorted and placed on a windows form using .Net 2.0. What is the best approach for this? Is it possible to just add it to a ListView as a subitem? Is there a better way to achieve this? I want it to be as lightweight as possible. ...

ListView and undeterminate ProgressBar

Sorry for the question it might sounds stupid, But: how do you activate a ProgressBar according to the cell you just cliked on ? I have a list view, with a menu that shows after a long press. When I click on one of my option I would like to display the ProgressBar in the listView according to the cell I clicked on. It is currently al...

I need to do multiple file upload in my page also have to display progess bar with status of file..

I need to do multiple file upload in my page also have to display progess bar with status of file..It should display the all file progress status bar seperatly and total progess inseperate progess bar.up to the file finish the upoad cheers!!! thank a.ayyappan ...