
Silverlight: Wrapping a non-DependencyProperty in a DependencyProperty

Hi, I want to be able to add a Binding to some properties of a DataGridTextColumn (i.e. Width, Sorting order, etc.), however it seems that those properties are not DependencyPropertys, so they can't be bound to. Another answer suggested subclassing DataGridTextColumn to expose those properties as DependencyPropertys, however I can't see...

Expression Encoder properties not correct

I am using Expression Encoder SDK in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. I have been trying to get a feel for the sdk and been experimenting with the dlls. The problem I am having is every MediaItem I create does not get the properties right. I print out the video size, frame rate, ect and most of the properties are not the same as the video c...

How do I have to configure a RMI environment so that I'm able to use it in a "real" network?

Hi there! Because I didn't want to implement a communication protocol for my client-server based application, I implemented a RMI client and a RMI server on both sides for the information exchange between the two components. If I try to use my application by starting the two components on the same machine, everything is working fine. ...

Adding a set accessor to a property in a class that derives from an abstract class with only a get accessor

I have an abstract class, AbsClass that implements an interface, IClass. IClass has a couple properties with only Get accessors. AbsClass implements the properties of IClass as abstract properties to be defined in the classes that derive from AbsClass. So all of the classes that derive from AbsClass will also need to satisfy IClass by ...

[Eclipse] Read remote properties

First of all, Hello everyone(/world) ! I am making an Eclipse RCP app' who needs to inspect some .properties located in some plugins who's Id I know at runtime. I'd like to know if there is an easy way to read them, for example I know that in my plugin org.anyname.myplugins.mypluginthatrocks I have a file named myawsomeproperties*.prop...

How to specify c:\users\public (%PUBLIC%) in WiX?

Is there a Property that resolves to the public folder? I don't want to hard code "c:\users\public" in the Directory structure, obviously, but I can't find a predefined Property that resolves to this. Is there an accepted way of specifying files to be installed here and/or removed on uninstall? ...

WPF ListView - Sorting by Nested Properties

I have recently stumbled across an issue where the WPF ListView control seems to be restricting the ability to sort its items. Specifically, I am having a great deal of trouble trying to get a SortDescription to recognise nested properties (properties of properties). For straight-forward sorting by propreties, the following line should ...

(Ruby) Converting string values into assignable properties for OpenStructs...?

Hi All, I've got a bit of an odd situation. If I were using a hash, this issue would be easy, however, I'm trying to use "OpenStruct" in Ruby as it provides some decently cool features. Basically, I think I need to "constantize" a return value. I've got a regular expression: textopts = textopts.recipients = [] ...

change a file in a jar / war file in runtime and hotdeploy the changes ?

change a file in a jar / war file in runtime and hotdeploy the changes ? my requirement is something as follows, we have a "" in a jar/war file , i have to open the file through a webpage and after the user has made necessary changes to it, i have to update the "" in jar/war file and h...

PHP Method Chains - Reflecting?

Is it possible to reflect upon a chain of method calls to determine at what point you are in the chain of calls? At the very least, is it possible to discern whether a method is the last call in the chain? $instance->method1()->method2()->method3()->method4() Is it possible to do the same using properties that return instances of obje...

Evaluation time of C# properties

class Bar { private byte[] dg; Bar(byte[] datagram) { dg = datagram; } int Foo { get { return BitConverter.ToInt16(dg, 8); } } } When are properties evaluated? At the time Foo is accessed? The debugger evaluating all properties is scaring me. ...

C#: Public Fields versus Automatic Properties

We're often told we should protect encapsulation by making getter and setter methods (properties in C#) for class fields, instead of exposing the fields to the outside world. But there are many times when a field is just there to hold a value and doesn't require any computation to get or set. For these we would all do this number: publ...

Change properties of an unknown object in VB.NET

I have a sub that handles when 14 ComboBoxes have their Index changed. I am able to cast the sender of the event, and obtain properties from there. However, after that, I want to be able to change the properties of the actual sender, rather than the cast one. How would I do this? Current code: Private Sub ComboBoxIndexChange(ByVal send...

Visual Studio -- how do I save debugging properties so they're applicable for all projects?

The accepted answer to the question accurately describes how to set command-line arguments for a given project: "In VS 2008, right click the project, choose properties, go to the Debugging section -- there is a box for command line argumen...

Tips for designing Properties?

Can anyone suggest some guidance for designing and implementing good Properties? I am concerned with aspects such as: Side-effects Mutual Exclusivity Concurrency Symmetry and Reversibility Error Handling/Exceptions Pointers to existing write ups that answer these topics would be great. I am NOT looking for help with WPF Dependency ...

EXC_BAD_ACCESS with Objective-C Properties

In my iPhone application, I have the following line in a constructor: self.myVar = myVar_in; where myVar is a property and myVar_in is a parameter passed to the constructor. When I run the code, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on this line. However, when I replace the line with: [myVar release]; [myVar_in retain]; myVar = myVar_in; t...

Disabling 'Edit Properties' in document libarary across documents

Dear All, In sharepoint 2007 document library, when documents are uploaded, across each documents there is an option that allows us to 'Edit properties' for that document. How do we disable this option. We wish to disable this option so that our users do not mess up the properties fields in there. Thank you, Mahesh ...

JSFs: commandLink as a parameter for outputFormat

Hi, I'm in the process of internationalising some JSF files so am externalising strings (and the concatenation of strings using placeholders). I have very little experience with JSF (today and yesterday) so excuse me if there is an obviuos answer to my question! I have been using the h:outputFormat tag (and the f:param tag) successfull...

Is it bad practice to include properties/configuaration files within jars?

For example: MyApp is a web app that contains a properties file ( that describes config data (e.g. server names) for the app. In the development phase, is located in its own IDE project folder (a logical spot for it). Now it's time to deploy MyApp. The IDE makes it quite trivial to jar up the class...

How do I bring DRY (don't repeat yourself) to Objective-C

I'm coming from Ruby to Objective-C and I keep doing: NSObject *foo; @property (nonatomic,retain) NSObject *foo; in the .h file, and then in .m file: @synthesize foo; at the top and [foo release] in dealloc. It's 4 steps to add foo! Do seasoned Objective-C programmers do all four steps manually each and every time they want t...