
CruiseControl.NET NTFS security of published packages are different then the parent folder.

I've setup CCNet to build under user CCBuild, which publishes the builds to C:\Build\Projects\ProjectName\Version\ I've allowed several AD domain users to access the folders from C:\Build\Projects\ProjectName But they can't download the packages because the security gets set differently. While they can acccess the ProjectNam...

cant do file io after deploying my app on user machine:

Hi, I have built a win application with C# framework 3.5 sp1 When I publish the project and install it on other machine (with framework 3.5 sp1) I get "application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy..." After learning about this a bit I found two leads: "Administrative tools-->microsoft .net configu...

Post to multiple user profiles from a Facebook app

I am developing a web application that I want to integrate with both Twitter and Facebook. At a certain time, messages will automatically be published on every user's feed, for both their Twitter and Facebook accounts. I am currently working on the Facebook component. I know that in order to post to a user's feed on Facebook they must ...

Can ClickOnce be configured to delete off old published directories?

Can ClickOnce be configured to delete off old published directories? Or Has anyone written some code that will delete off these publish directories (maybe keeping the last 10)? Currently, every time a ClickOnce Publish is done a new directory is being created on the IIS Server. This NEW directory contains a copy of the whole applicat...

Problem publising site to Windows 2008 server

I have an Ajax enabled web app created with Visual Studio 2005 - .Net framework 2.0. I publish this to a Windows 2003 server and everything works fine. I now need to publish to a Windows 2008 server with IIS 7.0 on it. Whereas before I used to publish to http:// .... (because the site on the 2003 server was Frontpage server extension en...

Flex Application does not connect to server [while it connects after running on flex flash builder]

Hi, I've a flash application. It connects to my server when i build and run it from flex builder. I'm using crossdomain policy file (i've have that file correct, because if i do not use any policy file my application does not connect to server) I want to publish my application and export and publish it on my host. But my application d...

Exclude file types in teamcity artifacts

Hi, I'm just about to setup teamcity for the first time on my own. Very nice and simple in most ways I have to say. However, I have one issue that I haven't manage to solve and find any information about. When I wanna publish my artifacts I want to exclude some file types. example:\trunk\Source\Projects\Webp...

showing fb publish dialog in graph api

Hello all. I'm using FB.api("/[user_id]/feed") method to publish to a friend's wall. I know I need the publish_stream permission for this, and it works just fine. Problem is it auto-posts the stream on the friend's wall, no FB dialog whatsoever. That means, by facebook terms of service, I have to design my own fb like window, and ask to...

Visual Studio 2010 memory usage during web site project publish

I've got an Asp.Net web site project that is causing increasingly frustrating memory issues during publish. Visual Studio operates reasonably well during normal work, and even the build stage is fairly quick (especially after following some of the recommendations in the posts listed below). However the publish stage is slow, and more t...

android & facebook stream.publish problem... help!

HI all, Im having a strange thing. Im having a code that was working that doesnt anymore. To me, I think i didnt make any changes...Can someone give me an idea what is wrong ?? I'm trying to publish a text with an image and a link using the attachment method of stream.publish. here is the code : Bundle myParams = new Bundl...

Access SqlCeDB with relative path to sdf on VS2010

I have a SqlCeDB as part of my project, right now the connection string is the following: public String localDBConnectionString = @"C:\Users\Patrick\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\WpfApplication1\WpfApplication1\MapProjectDB.sdf"; Obviously this is going to fail when I publish it and put it on another machine. How can I make t...

web.release.config change dynamic webservice url

I'm editing my web.release.config file for production. I want the web.config file changed after a publish. I found how to change the web.config by using the web.release.config file properly, but not for this particular component. The URL of an dynamic webservice has to change. In the web.config: <applicationSettings> <FooService.P...

What's the function of the Publish field of items in Sitecore

Hi, I am wondering what the function is of the Publish field of items in Sitecore. Just to be sure I am clear about what field I am talking about it's the field in the "Publishing" section of an item which is only shown when you check the "Standard fields" option. Normally that field is not filled in and I expected it to be filled auto...

Publishing in .NET produces "Application Files\MyApp_SomeVersionNumber" How to get this number?

When I publish my app it gives me a name like Application Files\WPFMapLauncher_1_0_0_43 I can get the with this : String version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName; But how can I get the 43? ...

Team Build: Publish locally using MSDeploy

I'm just getting started with the team build functionality and I'm finding the sheer amount of things required to do something pretty simple a bit overwhelming. My setup at the moment is a solution with a web app, an assembly app and a test app. The web app has a PublishProfile set up which publishes via the filesystem. I have a TFS bui...