
Jquery/php/taconite radio buttons

I am new to Jquery and taconite I want to have a page that does the following It has multiple panels the first contains search criteria to submit a request to a mysql database The second panel contains the results of the search I would like to use radio buttons on the second panel to get more specific details from the data base and disp...

WPF Radiobutton equivalent

What is the WPF equivalent for WinForms radio button CheckedChanged? I have your basic 2 radio button set up, where when one is selected a textbox is enabled and when the other is selected it is disabled. For the time being I was using RadioButton_Checked, except, I set IsChecked true for one button in the xaml. When I reference the te...

Creating/Handling events for controls when added during runtime.

I am using a Repeater which contains a placeholder. The placeholder is bound to my database and each ItemTemplate contains 1-6 radiobuttons depending on what the database returns. What I need to do is somehow keep track of which one of the radiobuttons is checked for each question so I can write the user's answers to the database when t...

BlackBerry - RadioButtonField, hide border on select

I have a screen with two RadioButtonField objects. By default, the first RadioButtonField shows a rectangle around it to show its selected, and the rectangle moves if you change the selection to the other RadioButtonField or other buttons and textboxes on the page. What I would like to know there a way to hide this border that sh...

online quiz using ASP dot NET

Hii, I need to develop an online quiz website that would be having MCQs. I would want to have one question appearing per page with a Numeric Pager so that the user can go back and forth. I tried using the FormView for displaying the questions and RadioButtons. I created a class QANS that would hold the answer selected by the user for t...

creating a radiobutton control in

ok this is my code in behind where i am creating the radiobutton - TD = New HtmlTableCell Dim rdb As New RadioButton() rdb.ID = "rdb_ads_" & DR("ID") TD.Controls.Add(rdb) TR.Cells.Add(TD) It displays the radiobutton, but doesnt select single. i can select all at o...

How do you use data binding in C# winforms development ?

Recently I use data binding to speed up my development of C# winforms application. But I found that data binding is just useful when the control is Textbox or textare and text kind of controls. If things come to be radio button, image control or datagridview, it's hard for me to use data binding. For example, it's hard for me to...

radiobutton not working in allkeys

i have a radiobutton built throught my code. this is the code for that. dim 1 as intereger = 0 Dim rd As New RadioButton rd.ID = "rd_" & i rd.GroupName = "rd_g" TD.Controls.Add(rd) i = i+1 the reason i gave groupname is so that when i select the radiobutton only one is select...

how to validate the radio button group? in flex

iam new to flex , can any one say ,how to validate the radio button is selected or not in flex 3 if my question is wrong ,plz suggest me any thing regarding the validation of radio group plz help me ........... ...

Is there a way to make TRadioButton be Transparent?

I'm using delphi 2010 ...

jQuery RadioButton index

Hello How to get checked RadioButton Index using jQuery? I need to read it and save to cookies to load status later using code $('input[name="compression"]')[{Reading from cookies code}].checked = true; 1<input name="compression" type="radio" value="1" checked="checked" /> 2<input name="compression" type="radio" value="2" /> 3<inpu...

Winforms Bind Enum to Radio Buttons

If I have three radio buttons, what is the best way to bind them to an enum which has the same choices? e.g. [] Choice 1 [] Choice 2 [] Choice 3 public enum MyChoices { Choice1, Choice2, Choice3 } ...

How to make radio button options dependent on other radio button choices using Mootools?

I have a form where there are 6 items, each of which can be ranked from 1-6 in order of importance. Here's a screenshot. Basically, I need to set it up so that if one item gets a ranking of 3 (for example), then "3" becomes disabled for all the other items. Therefore, the user should only be able to select a number that hasn't alrea...

Selecting a radio button when a dropdown value changes

My setup is something like this: radiobutton1 - selection1 radiobutton2 - selection2 textinput1 I want radiobutton1 to be selected whenever selection1 is changed, and I want radiobutton2 to be selected whenever either selection2 or textinput1 is changed. There has to be a simple javascript solution here... I just can't find it. Here...

Zend_Form_Element_Radio option label should not be escaped

I want to include some HTML in the labels of the radio buttons so that the user can click a link within that label. For example <label for="value-12"> <input name="value" id="value-12" value="12" checked="checked" type="radio"> Doo Bee Dooo Bee Doooo <a href="somelink">preview this song</a> </label> The html keeps getting ...

Can I fix the width of JRadioButton?

I have sever JPanels which have to be ordered vertically. For that I want to fix the width of the JPanels. Because if they are too short in comparison with the windows width, they will go horizontally (one after another) and I do not want it. At the moment the width of the JPanel is not constant because the width of the JRadioButton (inc...

Is there a more efficient way to set variables on a RadioButton's CheckChanged event?

I have 16 radio buttons in an application of mine.. I have to set a variable based on which one was selected.. and I've produced some very ugly code doing this.. private void Foo_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { convertSource = 1; } private void Bar_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { co...

jQuery: How to grab RadioButton selection?

I need to grab the value of the radiobutton option selected with jQuery. I am using the following code but "str" is undefined in Firebug: //handling Feed vs. Ingredient RadioButton $('[id$=rdoCheck]').change(function() { str = $("input[name='rdoCheck']:checked").val(); //ingredients ...

disable radio button group in flash

hey all, im trying to disable a radio button group in flash, so users cant change the selected item. im using the following code to create the radio button var rbuttongroup:RadioButtonGroup=new RadioButtonGroup("radioGroup"); then adding radio buttons to it on the fly, my question is how do i go about disabling the radio buttons ? ...

Html.RadioButton group defaulting to 0

Hi A default value of 0 is creeping into a Surveys app I am developing, for no reason that I can see. The problem is as follows: I have a group of Html.RadioButtons that represent the possible values a user can choose to answer a survey question (1 == Not at all, 2 == A little, 3 == A lot). I have used a tinyint datatype, that does n...