
PHP: Condense array of similar strings into one merged array

Hi everyone. Working with an array of dates (opening times for a business). I want to condense them to their briefest possible form. So far, I started out with this structure Array ( [Mon] => 12noon-2:45pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm [Tue] => 12noon-2:45pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm [Wed] => 12noon-2:45pm, 5:30pm-10:30pm [Thu] => 12noon-2:45...

How can a language's compiler be written in that language?

Possible Duplicates: implementing a compiler in itself Bootstrapping a language How can you write a compiler in the same language as the language you're writing that compiler for? Isn't that sort of recursive? Edit: This may be deleted, but otherwise... : How to bootstrap:

f# types' properties in inconsistent order and of slightly differing types

I'm trying to iterate through an array of objects and recursively print out each objects properties. Here is my object model: type firmIdentifier = { firmId: int ; firmName: string ; } type authorIdentifier = { authorId: int ; authorName: string ; firm: firmIdentifier ; } type denormalizedSuggestedTradeRecommendatio...

How do I output the preorder traversal of a tree given the inorder and postorder tranversal?

Given the code for outputing the postorder traversal of a tree when I have the preorder and the inorder traversal in an interger array. How do I similarily get the preorder with the inorder and postorder array given? void postorder( int preorder[], int prestart, int inorder[], int inostart, int length) { if(length==0) return; //termi...

best way to write a-> ..->[a] recursive functions in haskell

So I keep having this small problem where I have something like func :: a -> b -> [a] -- # or basically any a-> ...-> [a] where ... is any types -> func x y = func' [x] y -- '# as long as they are used to generate a list of [a] from x func' :: [a] -> b -> [a] func' = undefined -- # situation dependant generates a list from ...

Deletes not cascading for self-referencing entities

I have the following (simplified) Hibernate entities: @Entity @Table(name = "package") public class Package { protected Content content; @OneToOne(cascade = {javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL}) @JoinColumn(name = "content_id") @Fetch(value = FetchMode.JOIN) public Content getContent() { return content; }...

C++ Filling an 1D array to represent a n-dimensional object based on a straight line segment

READ FIRST: I have rewritten this question with the help of a friend to be hopefully more specific in what is required. It can be found here I'm not very clear on n-cubes, but I believe they are what I am referring to as the square family. New Question Wording: Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. What I'm asking, is how to set a 1D array to...

visual tool for debugging recursive code

when debugging code which's called recursively many times, sometimes it gets difficult to realize which execution of the code you are seeing. Is there any IDE graphic tool which helps to see that with diagrams or something? ...

how do I call a javacript function every 60 seconds?

So I'm trying to work on a Canvas demo, and I want this square to move from one side to the other, but I can't figure out how to call javascript in a way that repeats every 60 seconds. Here's what I got so far: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Canvas test</title> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link ...

Recursive Function To Create Array

Hi, i use kohana framework and i am trying to code recursive function to create category tree. My Categories Table id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment name varchar(50) NO NULL parent_id int(11) NO NULL projects_count int(11) NO NULL My Example Which Is Not Work publi...

Recursive function MultiThreading to perform one task at a time.

Hi, I am writing a program to crawl the websites. The crawl function is a recursive one and may consume more time to complete, So I used Multi Threading to perform the crawl for multiple websites. What exactly I need is, after completion crawling one website it call next one (which should be in Queqe) instead multiple websites crawling ...

PHP elseif statement not executed even though initial if statement is false

I am writing a recursive function to print out the differences between 2 multildimensional php arrays. The purpose of this code is to see the difference between jpeg headers to deteremine how adobe bridge cs3 is saving rating information within the jpg file. When I am single-stepping through the code using my eclipse - zend debugger i...

fastest way to crawl recursive ntfs directories in C++

I have written a small crawler to scan and resort directory structures. It based on dirent(which is a small wrapper around FindNextFileA) In my first benchmarks it is surprisingy slow: around 123473ms for 4500 files(thinkpad t60p local samsung 320 GB 2.5" HD). 121481 files found in 123473 milliseconds Is this speed normal? This is my ...

tail recursion vs. forward recursion

Can someone give me the difference between these two kinds recursions and example? specifically in ocaml. Thanks ...

Jquery Too Much Recursion Error

Hi There. I hope someone could help me. I have this code: <script> $(document).ready(function() { spectrum(); function spectrum(){ $('#bottom-menu ul li.colored a').animate( { color: '#E7294F' }, 16000); spectrum2(); } function spectrum2(){ $('#bottom-menu ul li.colored a').animate( { color: '#3D423C' }, 16000); spe...

How can invoke a shell to make a new environment to run a make inside another make?

I would like in my GNUmakefile to have a target rule that invokes a new shell and then with the clean slate of the new shell invokes a new make. What is the syntax to do this? I tried this but it didn't work: .PHONY: setup setup: shell cd myDir; make; cd .. It gets infinite repeat of the following error: make[1]: Entering director...

Reentrancy and recursion

Would it be a true statement to say that every recursive function needs to be reentrant? ...

PHP: recursion keeps values for variables?

i have a function (below) which is used in my mysql abstraction class and converts table names in fields like "tableName.fieldName" and replaces them with the specified variables (it's useful for joins). the array of fields is very mixed, and so i need it to support recursion so that it can change the table names in an array(array(array(...

Does this code follow the definition of recursion?

Hi All, I have a piece of code which I am doubting it as a implementation of recursion by its definition. My understanding is that the code must call itself, the exact same function. I also question whether writing the code this way adds additional overhead which can be seen with the use of recursion. What are your thoughts? class dhOb...

how do I exit from Recursive Loop Exit

How do I exit from the recursive loop from the code below. I would like to notify the end-user to select a checkbox in a msgBox before I exit the loop. Thanks. Private Sub PrintRecursive(ByVal n As TreeNode) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(n.Text) If (n.Checked = True) Then MessageBox.Show(n.Checked) Else ...