
Find out what process registered a global hotkey? (Windows API)

As far as I've been able to find out, Windows doesn't offer an API function to tell what application has registered a global hotkey (via RegisterHotkey). I can only find out that a hotkey is registered if RegisterHotkey returns false, but not who "owns" the hotkey. In the absence of a direct API, could there be a roundabout way? Windows...

RegisterHotKeys, Global Keyboard Hooks (C#)

Hi! I was looking around and google this two subjects for hours...couldn't find an explanation about those function\classes, just how it works and what is it actually, i can't just copy paste to my program without understand exactly how it works. I want to make a key to get focused on my app Form(when it minimized) and then focus on a Te...

How to detect programmatically whether code is running in shared DLL or exe?

A have a C# class which simplifies the handling of global hot keys. This class uses the Win32-API function RegisterHotKey() to register the hot keys. According to MSDN this function needs an ID value in the range 0x0000 through 0xBFFF when calling from an application and an ID value in the range of 0xC000 through 0xFFFF when calling fro...

Global hotkey with WIN32 API?

I've been able to set local hotkeys like this RegisterHotKey(hwndDlg, 100, MOD_ALT | MOD_CONTROL, 'S'); how can I set the hotkey to be global?( I want it to be there even when my window is hidden) ...

How to capture CTRL + CTRL key presses in my Win32 application?

How would I capture the user pressing CTRL twice (CTRL + CTRL) globally. I want to be able to have my application window hidden and then make it visible when the user invokes it with the CTRL+CTRL key presses similar to Google Quick Search Box. The user may have focus on a different window. I've looked at RegisterHotKey, but that seems t...

Compile all projects hotkey

Hello, I have two projects in a project group that share same units(mostly all).I use both projects in order to test something I've written. The problem: When I change a unit that is used by both projects and run the current project,the other one uses the old code in that unit(because its not compiled). The only possibility I know to ...

Custom Global Hotkey

I am trying to get the user defined global hot key for my application. Here is my application code, user.rc CONTROL "", IDC_MHOTKEY, HOTKEY_CLASS, WS_TABSTOP, 91, 86, 68, 14 function.cpp WORD wHotKey = SendDlgItemMessage(hwnd, IDC_MHOTKEY, HKM_GETHOTKEY, 0, 0); GLOBAL_HOTKEY= wHotKey; RegisterHotKey ( NULL, TURN...

Unregistering or removing or undoing global Hotkey setting leftover from testing jscript in wsh

Below is some jscript code that I modified from the example code at : // Code snippet to create a desktop link: var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); strDesktop = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop"); var oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktop + "\...