
Flash Remoting: are NetConnection calls allowed inside Responder callbacks?

Hi all, we are working on a project involving lots of flash remoting stuff. Particularly, we build on Flex Builder 3 using Flex SDK 3.2. An interesting question here: when a connection to the remote server (FluorineFX-based) is established, and we issue a call via, is it allowed to place another NetConnection call...

Flash webservice (remoting) calls in CS5 using Flash 10

I'm finding little info out there on using Flash and remoting services. Currently I'm starting out using AMFPHP which works pretty well for sending back simple sets of data but I'd like to send back complex query types which translate to RecordSets. I have two problems: 1) Is this the way it's currently done? PHP backend with AMFPHP ...

how to edit a file in powershell remoting session (powershell)

I am connecting to another computer using powershell remoting, really nice. can do lots, but how do I edit a file? PS C:\Users\guutlee> Enter-PSSession -ComputerName appprod [appprod]: PS C:\Users\guutlee\Documents> cd \myapp [appprod]: PS C:\myapp> what can I do to open a file editor on a file on the remote machine? ...

Increasing the Concurrent Requests on a .NET Remoting app under IIS

We have a .NET 2.0 Remoting server running in Single-Call mode under IIS7. It has two APIs, say: DoLongRunningCalculation() - has a lot of database requests and can take a long time to execute. HelloWorld() - just returns "Hello World". We tried to stress test the remoting server (on a Windows 7 machine) in a worst case scenario by b...

Expose 3rd party interface (over WCF) to Silverlight

Hi. I searched a lot, apologies if I missed something obvious. And thanks for reading the looong text below. I have a 3rd party (read: No way to access/change the source) application here. It consists of a server (Windows service) and an API, that talks to the server via remoting. For several reasons I'd like to expose this API over WC...

Would you say .Net remoting relies on tight coupling?

Given that both the client and the server need to know everything about the object being remoted, firstly is this tight coupling, and secondly can .Net Remoting work in any other way? ...

Socket Communication - StreamCorruptedException(Jboss Remoting)

Hi All, I am using EJB3 as the client socket and the server socket is a normal java class. My Application server is Sun GlassfishV2. I would like to communicate from the EJBBean(Client) to the server using Jboss Remoting. If I use transport protocol "sslsocket" in the InvokerLocator class means its working fine. But If I use the transpo...

binary serialization, adding a new field to class - will it work?

I have a client and a server application which communicate over .NET 2.0 Remoting using binary serialization. A small change has been made to one of the data transfer object's interface and the implementing class, well, an array of strings field was added. If I to redeploy a new version of server application, will my old clients cont...

Strange .NET remoting SerializationException with MarshalByRefObject

I'm having a remoting issue in my application. Since the architecture is quite complex, I'll try to make an simple example with dummy names to illustrate the problem. Consider these components: MyApp.Client.exe: client application MyApp.Service.exe: Windows service that hosts the server MyApp.Server.dll: server implementation MyApp.Sh...

Huge Grid displayed on page

Hello guys, I have a major problem. We have a application that has this report that shows about 1000 rows as of right now and can grow up potentially up to 20,000. Dont ask me why, but out client does not like paging and does not like filtering, they like to see everything on a single page. Our obvious problem is the load its pu...

Running remote GUI app in Powershell

We have a custom comonent that wraps some of the functionality of powershell so it can be used frim BizTalk 2006. For most operations (checking a file path, copy or move a file) this works fine. However we have the need to fire up a GUI app remotely to do some processing. The component itself handles the connection to the remote box, ...

Remoting object calling from ASP

Can I call .Net remoting object from core ASP page? I'm able to call it through other ASP.Net application, but is there any way to call it through ASP application? ...

Flex Blazeds Java NoSuchMethodException

Hi All We have a Flex-BlazeDS-Spring-JMS application. The issue is sometimes we get a Blazeds error: NoSuchMethodException. It is not able to find the Java service. The weird issue with this it does not happen all the item...1 time it goes through and returns the result, the 2nd time it fails, 3rd time fails and so on. Also not all meth...

What causes "Tcp channel protocol violation expecting preamble" in .NET Remoting?

I have a distributed application that uses .NET Remoting on an in-house gigabit network. There is a single server, and over a dozen clients that connect to the server. The clients run multiple threads, and there can be up to 10 concurrent requests from each client. This application works very well most of the time. The server stays u...

Is it possible to mock Activator.GetObject()?

Hi, I am trying to write a unit test for a method that uses a .net remoting object. The remoting object is created by using Activator.GetObject(typeof(myRemotingObjectType), uri); During runtime, the uri is server ip address of the remoting object. Since I want to write a unit test, I don't want to initialize any .Net remoting to slo...

Unable to cast transparent proxy to type from AppDomain

I'm trying to create an object in an appdomain: var type = typeof (CompiledTemplate); var obj = (CompiledTemplate) domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap ( type.Assembly.FullName, type.FullName); However, I always get the following error: Unable to cast transparent proxy to type 'Mono.TextTemplating.CompiledTemplate'. I'm running on .NE...

Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'HelpLink.ProdVer' Key being

Hi All, I am getting this error while putting files on remote server. Please suggest me what to do. Following is the stack trace. Void Add(System.Object, System.Object) Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'HelpLink.ProdVer' Key being added: 'HelpLink.ProdVer' System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been t...

Creating MMC Snap-Ins for console application and windows service

Hi guys I need to have a standard management gui ( look and feel ) and lately I've been looking into mmc. Msdn and other free tutorials provides the installation and simple implementation of a snap in. I'm confused right now on how I can integrate it with my production applications( console and windows service ). Do I need to set a com...

Retrieve remote bitmap, using HBITMAP handle in C#

I have a MarshalByRefObject which I needed to serialize and store (in a database), so I could deserialize and reference it later. I have chosen to approach this differently: right now I am running a Windows Service which simply keeps the MarshalByRefObjects "alive" (please note that the RemoteObject is actually a 3rd party object, which ...

How to list linux running process from client ?

I want to read all the running process in linux server from my client ? Can you please show me the way or possibility for achieving this ? We are in same domain.. I guess no firewall issue and but I cannot write or install anything on server. (I am trying this to get hold of the process id running on linux box and when that pr...