
Is there a visual studio automatic save configuration setting/addon

I use the java IDE IntelliJ IDEA and one of the features I like is that there's no saving. Everythings's always saved and you just use history navigation. I tend to have both editors open and I'm always forgetting to save in VS. I'm running vs 2008 with resharper 4.5 but as far as I can tell this isn't achievable or configurable (with...

What sort of resharper specific files does resharper generate in your project?

What sort of resharper specific files does resharper generate in your project? (BTW, did you guys get the full version or just the C# version?) ...

Can resharper break your code?

As a young(ish) developer in a solo shop I have come to greatly appreciate Resharper as a learning tool and mini-QA. That being said, can Resharper break your code in some cases(possibly edge)? For example(see below), R# continually suggests that my --> this. is redundant and catch is redundant There are other examples as well but ...

ReSharper VS CodeRush performance

I have seen extensive articles and blogs posts on the comparison, but what about the performance? I am fine with the function of ReSharper but the performance is unbearable. I am willing to change to escape that pitfall, but will I actually be escaping it? I'm not asking anyone to do statistics on a fresh machine, but what is the appr...

Properly assigning Namespaces (with ReSharper's suggestions)

Lets say we have the following file and [folder] structure in a project with a main namespace of MyNamespace: [Entities] Article.cs Category.cs [Interfaces] IReviewable.cs ISearchable.cs Enumerations.cs According to ReSharper's suggestions, the namespace of the classes Article and Category should be MyNamespace.Entities, the name...

ASP.NET (MVC) jQuery Intellisense -> Error in ReSharper

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC project using jQuery. I'm referencing the jQuery VSDoc file (jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc.js) in order to get Intellisense for jQuery in Visual Studio: <% /* %><script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.3.2-vsdoc.js"></script><% */ %> Then Resharpers live solution analysis (the red/green symbol in the lower right status bar)...

why does resharper default to warning if you don't declare using var?

why does resharper default to warning if you don't declare using var? I don't see the point? ...

style cop, advantages/disadvantages

Is stylecop useful, advantages or disadvantages of it? I have also downloaded StyleCop, Resharper StyleCop. I am using resharper and it has its own coding standards and StyleCop has its own, I am confused which rules will be used? ...

How can I debug a NUnit unit test using resharper?

I am running VS2008 with Resharper 4.1, NUnit 2.2.7, coding in c#. I would like to use an NUnit unit test as a debugging harness while I am developing the code. My test is in a different project than the method being tested, but in the same solution. I have put breakpoints into the unit test as well as the method being tested. VS is ...

Why does resharper say 'Catch clause with single 'throw' statement is redundant'?

I thought throwing an exception is good practice to let it bubble back up to the UI or somewhere where you log the exception and notify the user about it. Why does resharper say it is redundant? try { File.Open("FileNotFound.txt", FileMode.Open); } catch { throw; } ...

Property shortcut in VS

novice question but here it goes. I type prop then tab in VS 2008 (or whatever VS). I'm using Resharper. I tab, give it a type, tab again and have to delete the text for the property name before I can start typing it. Ok fine. Now here is the question, at this point I'm left with this: public string Maxlength { get; set; } is ther...

Get Resharper to Consume StyleCop configuration

Our project already has a StyleCop configuration. I am using ReSharper and I would like to be able to have R# use the StyleCop settings. I know that you can use StyleCopForResharper to build the settings in Resharper and export them as a StyleCop configuration, but can you do the reverse and have Resharper consume the existing StyleCop ...

Is using "base" bad practice even though it might be good for readability?

I know this is a subjective question, but I'm always curious about best-practices in coding style. ReSharper 4.5 is giving me a warning for the keyword "base" before base method calls in implementation classes, i.e., base.DoCommonBaseBehaviorThing(); While I appreciate the "less is better" mentality, I also have spent a lot of time ...

nunit resharper expected exception testing

I truly love NUnit's new(er) ability to test for expected exception testing, ie: var ex = Assert.Throws<SomeException>(()=>methodToThrowException("blah")); One minor issue I find is that to test some sort of operator overload or other assignment type functionality, the only way I can know how to do this is by giving the compiler a va...

Turn off Tag Navigator in VS2008

Hi, I've looked everywhere on how to turn off the Tag Navigator at the bottom of my Visual Studio 2008 and can't any info! Since installing ReSharper a group of us have come across a bug where it will reset your mouse cursor to 0,0 when you rollover a tag in the Tag Navigator and since I can't find any info on that bug I just want the N...

When would SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() return null?

When using calling the SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() method, ReSharper tells me I have a possible NullReference exception when I use the SqlDataReader object afterwards. So with the following code: using (SqlConnection connection = GetConnection()) { using (SqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = ;...

Running WatiN tests with ReSharper testrunner

I'm getting started with WatiN to test my web interface. The problem I'm having is the following: When I start the tests from within, I have no problem. If I use the ReSharper test runner, I get this predictable AppartmentState exception. I tried using the different options described here:

Is RockScroll compatible with Resharper?

Both RockScroll and Resharper are recommended add ins for Visual Studio However my experience is that RockScroll hides Resharper's error markers. Is there a workaround? ...

Resharper running all tests when only a single one is selected

I'm using Resharper 4.5 with Visual Studio 2008 and MBUnit testing, and there seems to be something odd with using ReSharpher to run the tests. On the side there are the icons beside the class each test method with the options Run and Debug. When I select Run it just shows me the results of the single test. However I noticed that the te...

Navigate to Next Error (in project) and Realtime Error Count in Intellij IDEA

Hey guys, Using Resharper in Visual Studio, I have a visual display of the current amount of errors in my project in the bottom right corner (when real time code analysis is turned on). I can cycle through these errors using Alt-f12. I've starting using Intellij recently, and although most of the hotkeys are the same. I can't seem to ...