
What's your favourite ReSharper's plugins, what is still missing in?

I'm new in ReSharper - I found it very useful but also noticed some gaps I'd like to fill. I wonder to know 1) what ReSharper's plugins you use. 2) what missing functionalities you are extremely interested to have in inside? From my side: PLUGINS: A) spell check my XML comments (have to use Agent Smith) LACK OF FUNCTIONALITIES a) nu...

ReSharper is trying to rename "private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;"

I don't have a problem with ReSharper but some where in my study I read that using "_" is not recomended. ReSharper is trying to rename From private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1; To private System.Windows.Forms.Button _button1; EDIT: Note that I don't want to change it, I am asking if the _xxx is the standard. Why is visual...

ReSharper conflict with Visual C#

This happen after I installed the ReSharper. It's a problem that if I fix for one the other is going to alert and vice-versa. private readonly System.ComponentModel.IContainer _components; R# tries to add readonly if it does VC# gives this warnning(not error) Warning 1 Field 'MFA.Visa.Form1._components' is never assigned to,...

Resharper quick-fix templates

Is there a way to change the code generated by a quick-fix in Resharper? It doesn't seem to be in the live templates. I'd like the 'Create Property' quickfix for an unrecognized symbol to generate public int MyProperty { get; set; } Instead of: protected int MyProperty { get { throw new NotImplementedException(); } set { ...

How do I turn off the "Convert Extension Method to Plain Static" automatic refactoring in resharper?

When using Resharper, for some reason, when I call an extension method, it automatically converts it into a static method call. This is the so called Convert Extension Method to Plain Static refactoring. foo.Bar() becomes MyStaticExtensions.Bar(foo); Ironically, it then flags this as a code smell. How do I turn this off? ...

Confusing code highlighting in Resharper

After certain R#-recommended edits R# colors the background of blocks of code in a light royal blue and also places a mark next to the scroll bar with the same color. It is not an error or even a suggestion. It seems to be a temporary flag that clears if you close and reopen a file. Steps to recreate: Write a line of code like: string...

Resharper - How to change 'local variable _ is never used' to be a suggestion.

I need to change this to be a suggestion and not a warning, but I cannot find the setting to do so. Where is it? This is the code that needs to pass (not a compilier warning). It is saying that transaction is a local variable that is not used, but this is valid. using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope()) { // .....

Resharper "The condition (project != null) is false"

I recently reinstalled resharper 4.5 for vs2008 and I'm getting the "The condition (project != null) is false" exception as it's checking the assemblies. Prior to uninstalling resharper, it was working fine. I've tried, uninstalling/reinstalling resharper again. Uninstalling/re-installing vs2008. Neither of which worked. Any help...

Resharper changing fields to readonly

I am trying out Resharper and i notice that it is recommending to set instance level fields to readonly. For example: private readonly IConnection _connection; public RetrieveCommand(IConnection connection) { _connection = connection; } What is the benefit of marking fields like this readonly? ...

Any experience of using PostSharp with ReSharper

Has anyone used PostSharp with ReSharper, if so what problems should I expect? ...

C#: Resharper suggests parameter can be of type 'BaseType'

Hi lads, what are the benefits of using base types in method parameters? Here's one sample: private void Foo(List<int> numbers) //R# laments: parameter can be IEnumerable. { foreach (var i in numbers) { Console.WriteLine(i); } } And here's another one public class Foo : ICloneable { public object Clone() { ...

Telerik RadControls + JetBrains Resharper = VERY SLOW, Can anyone help?

Anyone know of a way to speed up the Visual Studio IDE when you have Telerik RadControls (either windows or web) and JetBrains ReSharper installed? If I disable ReSharper it runs rocking fast, but I love ReSharper a bit too much to drop it. I know it would perform better without the RadControls. Anyone know a way to speed it up? ...

Why does Resharper not recognise my web references?

I've just installed Resharper to do an evaluation on it. I have a solution with 28 projects in it and it seems to help with the coding and has pointed out several potential issues. However... I've created several webservices (with in this solution) using the standard Visual Studio projects. I reference these webservices in other web pro...

Resharper (R#) 4.5 and MVC (1.0) solutions cause Visual Studio 2008 SP1 to crash on solution load

Does anyone have the issue with Resharper where opening a solution with MVC projects causes Visual studio to close/crash? No Errors, no warning, just close. To fix the problem, I have to delete the bin and obj folders from the MVC project directory which allows the solution to be opened again. When the solution is loaded, sometimes ope...

Disable Remote Desktop Client Keyboard Shortcut

I use Remote Desktop occasionally for some programming tasks but the ALT+INSERT keyboard shortcut (cycle through windows) in the client intercepts the default ReSharper generate code shortcut. Does anyone know if it's possible to remap (or disable) that Remote Desktop keyboard shortcut? I would prefer not to have to remap the ReSharper s...

can resharper navigate to a method?

I know how to navigate to a file or a class, but can I navigate to a class's method? Oh and say I am viewing a different class's file ...

How can Resharper be made aware of the framework version?

I am coding in VS2008 with Resharper 4.5.1, but the projects are set to target .NET Framework 2.0. Still, Resharper is making suggestions that are relevant to the .NET 3.5 framework. For instance, it tells me that I should be using collection initializers, etc... I've looked through the settings and can't seem to find the checkbox to t...

Resharper warnings window

I'm using ReSharper for my solution (that contains 10 projects) and I'd like to see the hints/suggestions/warnings/errors (listed in a window) for a chosen project. How can I do that? Note: the solution analyzer window shows only errors. ...

Resharper problem with unit tests

I'm having a little annoying problem with resharper trying to run my unit tests, using mstest. I can select an individual unit test and run/debug it fine but when I select the parent node to run a bunch of tests, the tests don't run; it just displays pending for a few seconds and then the test goes grey. If I set breakpoints in the tests...

Resharper or CodeRush - global rename

Is there a way to rename all methods, properties etc. suggested by R#. I have code that I converted from java and all methods and properties are in the format like this "onBeforeInsertExpression" and I want them to follow camel casing that is common in .NET. This question is also for CodeRush. ...