
How to automatically accept all warnings/suggestions changes with resharper

I am very new to Resharper and trying to implement all the suggestion it gives. Can I do it automatically? I have tried code cleanup. but that wont do all of them. Also I need to remove all commented code. How can I do it? Also I am running it with a silverlight application. Is there any chance of breaking something if I auto accept the ...

How to (visual studio 2008 / Resharper) refactor / automate mixin pattern

Hi, I have Visual Studio 2008 with Resharper, does anyone know if there is any refactorings available that let you say create a class and use a member variable as a mixin? As a basic example, alot of the time you might want to implement a particular interface and use 95% of the underlying code of an already existing object (such as a ...

Resharper Insanity

Using the latest version of Resharper (4.5.x) with VS2008. Every now and then (pretty often actually), I lose intellisense. I then have to go into Tools/Options/Text Editor/C# and turn on 'Auto List Members' and 'Parameter Information'. That turns it back on. If I work without Resharper, this problem does not occur. I am not sure ...

Using Visual Studio or Resharper, can I jump to the .aspx page while in the code behind?

Using Visual Studio or Resharper, can I jump to the .aspx page while in the code behind? ...

Resharper: 'contains' mode searching

Is it a way to set up Resharper to search inside names (instead from beginning) ? Eg assume when pressing Alt + \ in dialog's results I can see JohnSmith JonnyBalboa MariaSmith I'm looking for all members contain 'Smith' substring - so I'm forced to use asterisk: *Smith But I want just enter 'Smith' without anything more (like in D...

Resharper Unit Test Runner significantly slower than NUnit console

Resharper Unit Test Runner runs significantly slower than nunit-console or nunit gui. For example, 3800 tests take just over 60 seconds via nunit-console, but those same tests take over 5 minutes to run in Resharper Unit Test runner. Why such a significant difference? Since our test code base has grown significantly, this is really ...

How can I have a different resharper naming convention for explicit interface methods?

I love resharper. However, I have the following problem: My naming convention for private methods is camel. So for so good. However, when I implement an interface method explicitely as in void IMyInterface.MyMethod (...) resharper treats it as a private method and wants to change it to IMyInterface.myMethod. Is there a way to igno...

How to reorder type members with Resharper?

Typical scenario: a class that a lot of people have worked on. I'd like to sort methods, properties, etc... in alphabetical order. I'd like to be able to do this within the region or globally in the class. I see the feature in Resharper to do it, but it does not seem to do anything. ...

VS2008 or ReSharper shortcut to delete line

Which shortcut deletes the whole line where cursor is? ...

Is Resharper's recommendation to make my private method static a good recommendation?

I've recently noticed that when I create private methods that set a few fields in the objects passed to them that Resharper puts up a hint stating that the method can be made static. Here's a greatly simplified example of the sort of method I might have. private void MakeStatusTheSame(MyClass mc, MySecondClass msc) { mc.Status = ms...

How to autocorrect xml documentation of methods

In the below code in xml documentations there is mismatch between the names of parameters in method's arguments and name of parameters in xml documentation. Is there any way to auto correct the xml documentation signature or any feature provided in resharper to auto correct the xml documentation. #region Get Images /// <summary> /// G...

Resharper code cleanup and blank lines

Is it possible to do something like this: namespace MyNamespace { <-- blank line public class MyClass { <-- blank line public void MyMethod1() { //something } <-- blank line public void MyMethod2() { //something } } } When using Code Cleanup option? Currently it's doing l...

Is there a shortcut to stop outlining in Visual Studio?

Is there a shortcut to stop outlining in Visual Studio? Do I need to use resharper to accomplish this? ...

Resharper: how to see only particular group of members

I'm using shortcut alt+\ to list all members in file. Is it a way to list only specified type of members (properties, methods, fields ...) Sometime this is very useful Eg DPack can do that by alt-p (props), alt-m (methods) ...

Resharper: enum suggestions not fired automatically

VS2008 has nice enum suggestions eg if you press space after "=" and enum value is expected it automatically suggest all enums. Noticed it gone after installing R# Do you know how make it working back ??? Lack of this is really pain... ...

Resharper or CodeRush - change flag from negative to positive

I have a class that has negative flag ("DoNot{Action}"). I would like to change this flag to positive "Do" and change all checks in the code, basically negating them. Is there such refactoring? Here is an example. If I change the flage DoNotFilter to DoFilter all code that looks at this flag should change accordingly. public bool DoNot...

Disable Resharper naming suggestions in markup files?

Is it possible to disable Resharper 4.5 naming suggestions in markup files such as aspx and ascx? It gets annoying when every single server control is underlined and displays a message like "Name 'ddlDefect' does not match rule 'Fields (not private). Suggested name is 'Defect'. <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlDefect" runat="server" /> I kno...

ReSharper Unit Test Runner - TestCase

I like using the ReSharper unit test runner, but it doesn't support the TestCase attribute that was added in NUnit 2.5. Is there any hack to get round this? I can obviously use another test runner, but I like the ReSharper one. ...

R# How to keep TABs when autoformatting

I'm formatting my code using TABs. I like Resharper autoformatting option but I wish like R# to keep my TABs in each lines. I've tried find some cfg option but with no success Any idea how to achieve that? If this is not the part of standard maybe you how to write some R# extension to do that? ...

resharper "cleanup code" vs. 'var' keyword

I have an odd behavior with code clean up for c# in visual studio 2008 Team Developer Edition. Whenever I clean up my code using "Full Cleanup" it replaces all var declaration with explicit type declarations. But I have set the appropriate settings under "Inspection Severity" "Use var keyword when initializer explictly declares type" and...