
ReSharper Keyboard Map

Hi guys: I have been using ReSharper from before Visual Studio added Refactor. Then, it was inevitable to use ReSharper. Now that Visual Studio includes a few Refactor functions, I get to do projects where the client can do without paying for the ReSharper licence. My problem is that I am so used to the ReSharper keymap that switching...

How good are the resharper 5.0 nightly builds?

They have pretty low stars.... is it at least equivilent of 4.5? or is it just a pain to use? ...

Why ReSharper offers a variable name with a "class" suffix?

Hi guys, I was wondering why R# offers a variable name with a "class" suffix? When I am creating an instance of a class, why would I put a class suffix of my instance? Can there be any reason to have a such thing: BusinessClass myBusinessClass = new BusinessClass(); Thanks. ...

Is it possible using Resharper to remove an object initializer?

Resharper 4.5 has the ability to turn the contstuction of an object followed by the setting of properties on that object into the object initializer format. My question is can it go the other way and remove the user of an object initializer? ...

Can I change the way ReSharper generates properties?

Is it possible to change the way that Resharper formats properties? I don't like: public string Foo { get { return bar; } set { bar = value; } } I like: public string Foo { get { return bar; } set { bar = value; } } ...

Which ReSharper command causes the Context Action List to pop up?

I've turned off ReSharper intellisense but still want a keyboard shortcut for opening the context action list (the one that pops up on the left when you point at a piece of code). Unfortunately, I cannot find the ReSharper command for this to bind it to a keyboard key. Can you help? ...

How to change shortcut keys for a given command in ReSharper?

Hi, I need to change shortcut for finding member (ALT + ) in ReSharper because of my native keyboard which brings me problem to press wrong key each time. Where can I re-set a new key combination for shortcuts in ReSharper? Thanks, burak ozdogan ...

Can you run Resharper 4.5 and 5.0 Beta side-by-side?

i see they have a version of resharper for vs 2010 can i install this for my vs 2010 development and keep 4.5 for my vs 2008 development of will these conflict? ...

How do I get Visual Studio to add a open source license at the top of each file

How do I get Resharper to add a open source license at the top of each file? ...

having resharper give errors for all unused parameters except on events

we want to have resharper complain and show errors every time we have a unused parameter to make sure the developers keep code clean and remove stuff that is not being used the one area where this falls over is events, because we have a lot of case where you are not using the sender object in the basic pattern. (object sender, EventArg...

ReSharper Warning - Access to Modified Closure

I have the following code: string acctStatus = account.AccountStatus.ToString(); if (!SettableStatuses().Any(status => status == acctStatus)) acctStatus = ACCOUNTSTATUS.Pending.ToString(); Note that account.AccountStatus is an enum of type ACCOUNTSTATUS. On the second line, ReSharper is giving me the warning "Access to Modified C...

Resharper Autocomplete Issue

Hi All, I've been using resharper with the resharper automplete off (just find VS better for my purposes currently), but despite trying every setting I've tried, whenever I use a resharper template (such as tab-completing an if -> if block), the resharper autocomplete dialog comes up in addition to the visual studio dialog (thus if they...

Delete and backspace not working in ReSharper

I accidentally mashed a couple of keys together at the same time and now delete and backspace no longer work inside code blocks on aspx pages. ReSharper functionality such as autocomplete (Alt+Enter) is still working just fine. I've tried devenv /resetuserdata but with no luck. With ReSharper disabled everything works just fine but I ...

Shortcut to turn on Resharper

Usually I start VS2008 without Resharper because it makes VS startup way too slow and I just need to fix a bug. But sometimes, I do want to turn on Resharper. Is there a way to setup a keyboard shortcut that enables Resharper? ...

Cannot debug unit tests with resharper testrunner

I'm trying to debug a unit test with the resharper testrunner but it's not working. Before my breakpoint is hit Visual Studio pops up a message box "There is no source code available for the current location." If I press OK it says LoadFromContextException. Ideas anyone? ...

How to repair Resharper?

I have problem with Resharper - all it's menu options are greyed, no shortcuts working... I've tried run installer with repair option - no success Also tried uninstall / install back - same.. :( ReSharperSetup.4.5.1288.2.msi Can someone advice how to make it working back? ...

StyleCop for ReSharper

I like stylecop and we use it to enforce coding standards. I dont like the fact that there is no way to automatically fix problems. So was thinking of making a plugin. Once I realised that 2010 is better for doing this I backtracked. I've been looking for an existing tool to help automate this process and have come across stylecop for ...

Resharper Suggestion Color Issue

I have a strange bug in resharper 4.5 in VS 2005. Instead of doing the usual underline for a suggestion -- IE: telling me that a using statement is unnecessary, it is setting the background to red in the same manner as a breakpoint. Here is a screenshot. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times, including an install of resharp...

Resharper Auto Complete Statement

I know it's probably something easy but I just couldn't figure it out say I have the following code string name; name.LastIndexOf("aaa"); After I type the single quote reshaper will added another for me so I got name.LastIndexOf("") After I type aaa I got name.LastIndexOf("aaa|") but now my caret | is sitting inside the double quo...

Path to Test Data Files for Unit Testing

I am currently using the standard Microsoft Unit Test suite in VS 2008. ReSharper 4.5 is also installed. My unit tests rely on an TestInitialize method which pre-loads a data file. The path to this test data file will differ depending on if I run the unit test from within VS 2008 using the standard Ctrl-R + Ctrl-T command versus the R...