
Uninstall of CodeRush and ReSharper - Intellisense Not Working

Install order: Visual Studio 2008 ReSharper Uninstall ReSharper CodeRush with Refactor Pro Uninstall CodeRush with Refactor Pro Now my intellisense doesn't work. Any settings I should look at before I try a uninstall / reinstall? I'm sure there must be something buried in the Options that these plug-ins hook into or override. ...

Resharper Power toy Zen Coding

I have tried Resharper Power toy Zen Coding and found it can only generate code in one line, can it generate formatted code. for example i type in ul>li*3 it generate: <ul><li></li><li></li><li></li></ul> i want it format to: <ul> <li></li> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> ...

ReSharper-like addon for NetBeans

Hello, is there any ReSharper-like addon for NetBeans (preferably 6.8)? I'm using NetBeans for PHP. I need following features: add some kind of code analysis add some intelligent refactoring interface enhance current code completion system add more options to code highlighting Currently I'm using multiple external tools, which aren...

Why does ReSharper's "Rename" only sometimes display a prompt?

When I rename a variable using ReSharper 4.5 (VS2008), the rename is performed inline (I specify the new variable name in the editor itself) or via a prompt (a popup window where I specify the new variable name). I'm hoping someone can tell me what determines which approach is used? ...

Resharper says I need to reference a dll, which is already referenced. code compiles ok.

I have a strange problem with resharper. I have a project file which is modified so that references are made by using an environment variable like so: <Reference Include="$(DllLocation)My.Companies.dll"> <Private>false</Private> </Reference> The project references another project, which also has the reference to the same dll in the...

Does resharper make you lazy?

I've been looking at using resharper and from the reviews I've seen, people who start using it never go back. I'm wondering if using resharper helps you pick up errors when looking at code without resharper, or does it decrease this ability becaues you get use to relying on resharper to identify problems? ...

Run mbunit 3.1 tests in resharper 4.5

I have earlier used mbunit 2 and with this plugin I could get my tests to run in the resharper test dialog. Now with mbunit 3.1, I read that I didn't need any external plugin. So I donwloaded Gallio and got the new MbUnit.dll. Added a reference to it in my test-project. Now it looks correct in visual studio. I've got the green/yellow c...

Refactoring duplicate code into methods

I am using Resharper for refactoring. What is this type of feature called when you have the same code in around 5 different events being called but you want to replace them with a method call? And place that code in that method. All done automatically. Thanks ...

If my class implements an interface, can't ReSharper figure that out and link the 2?

If I have a interface IUser and a class that implements IUser: public class User : IUSer and both files are in different folders, can't ReSharper figure this out and link the two if I need to push down a method to the interface and vice versa? ...

Moq: Invalid setup on a non-overridable member: x => x.GetByTitle("asdf")

Not sure how I can fix this, trying to do a unit test on the method "GetByTitle" Here are my definitions: public class ArticleDAO : GenericNHibernateDAO(IArticle, int>, IArticleDAO { public IArticle GetByTitle(string title) { IQuery query = Session.CreateQuery("...") return qu...

How to prevent ReSharper from shortening namespaces when adding using directives?

When I use ReSharper to add a using directive (using Alt+Enter) it removes "unnecessary" parts of the namespace. I prefer using the full namespace which is also the behavior of Visual Studio. Example: namespace MyCompany.MyTool.Data { // This is what ReSharper gives me: using Core; // This is what I want: using MyComp...

ILMerged Classes Not Visible To Resharper

I have ILMerged some assemblies. For example: Foo.Bar Bar.Foo Foo.Baz Into one assembly. For example: FooBarBaz.Merged And it works. That is, when I reference FooBarBaz.Merged and use something like Foo.Bar.MyClass in code it compiles just fine. However Resharper (v5) does not work. Usages of any type from the merged assembl...

How can I create NUnit tests with ReSharper?

Hi, I'm trying to get into unit testing with C#. Various people told me to go with NUnit since it's better than MSTest (apparently, I have no idea) and it also has very good support in ReSharper which I'm using. Now I've never written a unit test before in my life (bear with me, I'm a university student). ReSharper has this nice Create...

C# Is this initialiser really redundant?

I have the following line of code: var dmrReceived = new DownloadMessagesReport(); StyleCop and ReSharper are suggesting I remove the redundant initializer. However if I replace it with DownloadMessagesReport dmrReceived; surely this will generate an object reference not set to an instance of an object? I am using .NET 3.5. Do you...

Resharper installed, now no automatic code prompts in immediate window

I've become accustomed to using ReSharper, so uninstalling it is not an option. However 1 little thing that I would like to try fix is the immediate window, I used to get automatic intellisense prompts when for example typing myObject. That seems to no longer be working (and only in immediate window while debugging) since I installed ...

Is there a way to keep ReSharper from formatting a region of code

I use ReSharper's code cleanup all the time, but sometimes I have code formatted in a way that makes it easier to read than ReSharper's formatter makes it. Is there a way to mark part of your file with comments or something to make it skip formatting that portion. (I'm not talking about inspections, I know how to have ReSharper ignore r...

Filter Visual Studio (or ReSharper) Intellisense by type

Is there a way to filter the Visual Studio Intellisense by type? Example: when I'm using a control such as Infragistics' XamDataGrid there are a seemingly endless number of fields, properties, events and methods. I'd like to be able to filter the intellisense by type, i.e., show me only events. I've found these suggestions on the JetB...

How to get Resharper to show a Refactoring that it already has.

Whenever Resharper encounters code like this: (treeListNode.Tag as GridLine).AdvertiserSeparation = 5; it presents you with a possible fix (since treeListNode.Tag as GridLine might be null). It says: 'Replace with Direct Cast', which turns the code into the following: ((GridLine) treeListNode.Tag).AdvertiserSeparation = 5; This is...

Cleaning ReSharper's TestResults files?

I'm using ReSharper 4.5 to execute my MSTest unit tests in VS2008. With each test run, it's creating files in this path: testProjectFolder\bin\Debug\TestResults How can I clean/delete those files from within Visual Studio? If I can't delete them from within Visual Studio, when can I expect them to be removed? EDIT: I see Visual Stu...

Unable to see resharper pop-ups for Ctrl-N and other similar commands

Hello Folks, I'm not able to see the resharper pop-ups for Ctrl-N, Ctrl-Shift-N and other similar commands but other resharper shortcuts work fine - rename, stack explorer, run unit tests etc... Using Resharper 5.0 beta. Tried uninstalling and re-installing as well, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! Edit: Forgot to add that I ca...