
Is there anyway for VS or ReSharper to make my methods "inherit" '///' documentation from the super class?

I really don't want to have to copy the XML method documentation tags from my interfaces or base classes to the hundreds of inheriting types. Can VS or Resharper do this for me? ...

TestDriven.Net nunit.framework error

I am running TestDriven.Net version 2.23, NBehave version, and nunit version Unit I am also running the latest version of Resharper. Here is a snipet of test code: var address = new Address { ActiveYN = true, Address...

Resharper Clean-up Code - how to affect sorting of methods?

Hi all, I've got a customized clean-up and it's almost 'there'. However, R# appears to want to sort the member methods, but at least it does not appear to be alphabetically. Is there a way to force that sorting? Thanks, Anders, Denmark. ...

Using Resharper -- is it really a "personal decision"?

My team lead recommends that all the developers user ReSharper but he does not "enforce" this recommendation. As a result, whenever I open some code it immediately jumps out to me whether the developer who wrote it used ReSharper or not. Tell-tale signs are unnecessary nesting, use of redundant type declarations and generic parameters,...

Should I use Resharper to tidy up other peoples code?

I use Resharper at work. Some of my colleagues do not. When I open some code that has been written someone who doesn't, it is immediately obvious by the amount of orange on my screen. What I am unsure of is to what extent I should feel free to tidy up the messes the have unknowingly left. With most of what I am looking at, it is slop...

Could you ever go back to not using resharper?

Hello I am curious to see if anyone is of the same mind as me... I have being using Resharper (for c#) at work for about 2 years now. I have just sat down at home to try some new stuff out but I am REALLY missing re-sharper!!! I might have to buy a licence for use at home! Jason ...

StyleCop vs ReSharper and general coding-style questions

Just found StyleCop, looks like something worth using for my projects. Then I found out you could use it with ReSharper (a tool I've also never used). So I downloaded ReSharper, as well as StyleCop for ReSharper. I'm just a bit confused about it, though: With just StyleCop installed (no ReSharper), I get yelled at for referring directl...

Resharper: Is it possible to force an update of an Interface?

Hi there, In resharper is it possible to force an update of an interface? basically i have a class that inherits from an interface but this class is constantly changing so i need to reflect the changes in the Interface otherwise VS complains that i am not implementing something as the signature of the method has changed. I was wonderi...

Is there a way to find all unused code in a .NET project using ReSharper?

I've just done a major, major overhaul on a colleagues project and throughout the process almost everything got rewritten. There was far too much code beforehand. Now, I am left with the prospect that in amongst my project somewhere are old pre-refactoring methods that are no longer needed. Is there a way to search the whole project fo...

ReSharper doesn't see my Machine.Specification tests

I'm having a problem getting ReSharper to see the Machine.Specification "tests" I've written. The specs run in the ConsoleRunner from mSpec. When I try to "Run Unit Tests" in ReSharper, I get a message: "No tests found in file." The specs don't show the test markers. I created a folder in the ReSharper /bin/ folder and put the proper ....

how to automatically create an interface member from within a class using Resharper?

I have already created an interface, and I am in the class that binds to the interface. If I create a new method in the concret class, is there a shortcut to create the method declaration in the interface? ...

Why does Resharper 4.5 testrunner sometimes take forever to start my mstests?

I just copied a Visual Studio solution over from another computer. I haven't done any changes, but the Resharper testrunner takes forever to start up my mstests. When the tests are finally running, they run fast. There's a JetBrains.ReSharper.TaskRunner.exe which consumes 48% of my total cpu on my dual core. Visual Studio's internal te...

Is there a "Resharper-like" addin for MonoDevelop?

I've googled and not come up with much. Has anyone run across something like Resharper for Mono? ...

Why does resharper suggest readonly fields

Why is ReSharper suggesting readonly field for 'settings' in my example below? If I understand correctly, you should use readonly modifier if you change this field only in constructor, but in my example I change it also in another method in the same class. What am I missing? public partial class OptionsForm : Form { private Settings se...

Does Resharper Code clean up support this

Hi all, I have a project with a bunch of classes with methods that look like this: public class Person { private string _name; ... public void setName(string name) { this._name = name; } public string getName() { return this._name; } .... } Is there a way to get reSharpers Code cleanup...

How to prevent auto-closing of curly braces in ReSharper?

A simple question. I'm trying out ReSharper and it closes my curly braces for me as soon as I open them. I really dislike this "feature" and I've had about three long looks through the settings window and I can't seem to figure out how to disable it! Am I missing an obvious check-box somewhere? Edit: The unchecking of "Auto close pare...

Visual Studio "Run a method" vs "Utility tests"

I use XUnit and Resharper to run my tests. In a given project I usually have a few utility tests which are not really tests but exist purely so I can execute a bit of code easily. For example, I have a test which outputs my NHibernate mappings (I use Fluent NHibernate) to a temporary directory. I don't really like having these as tests, ...

Is it possible to "go to next highlight in solution"?

With ReSharper, I can "go to next error in solution", but it seems that "go to next highlight" is limited to the currently open file only. Is this correct, or is it possible to "go to next highlight in solution"? ...

Resharper Alt Enter not working

Help, I can't function without resharper. All of a sudden my Alt Enter shortcut (to bring up the action list) has stopped working. Anybody experienced this or know how to fix? ...

can i use resharper 4.5 with visual studio 2010 beta

should this work or do i need to wait for a new resharper release? ...