
How to activate @2x high res graphics for retina display?

I have an old app and created @2x high res images for it. Now I've incorporated all these into my project, but when I build and run the app on the retina display test device I do not see the high res images. To be sure, I made some of them with strange colors so I know exactly if @2x is used or not. I also tried to clean my build and al...

Is there something special I must know when drawing images in core graphics?

Before the retina display came to iOS, I've developed some controls which are drawn using stretchable images and lots of core graphics code. Now I tested it on a retina display device, and the graphics are misplaced and distorted. Everything else that's loaded with @2x suffix and UIImage imageNamed works fine. I assume there must be so...

Must I multiply the scale with the point values for retina display, in this case?

Since the retina display, suddenly this piece of drawing code seems to not work anymore. The drawn image is slightly offset than it was before and appears somewhat stretched. I am drawing something in the -drawRect: method of an UIControl subclass. I figured out that the current scale inside that UIControl indeed is 2.0. This code obtai...

How does the retina display affect the size of the underlying bitmap of an UIView?

With the retina display, does a UIView with a frame of 100/100 points actually have a bitmap of 200/200 pixels? ...

Can I set the scaleFactor of an UIView when I want my drawing code in -drawRect to not waste too much memory?

I am drawing something into -drawRect of an UIView, and in this case I really want a certain amount of pixels. With the retina display, my view has a scaleFactor of 2.0 and when I draw something that is supposed to be 10 pixels heigh, it's actually 20 heigh. Is it okay to set the scale factor back to 1.0 to get a 1:1 mapping between poin...

retina display graphics on the iPad not showing up - why?

I've installed my iPhone app on an iPad. When I tap this "2x" button, the app gets scaled up, but it doesn't use my retina display graphics. Isn't that somewhat stupid? I am sure I did something wrong! What must I set in the info.plist or elsewhere that the iPad will use my retina display graphics when the app is watched in 2x mode? ...

Is there any other way than @2x to let iOS know that the graphic is Retina Display ready?

I have a web service producing two versions of graphics; one for Normal Display and another for Retina Display. Unfortunately I can't add the @2x to the filename since I don't have access to that code. Is there any way to let the iPhone know that what's loading from the web is a @2x graphic? ...

why would [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] return 0?

I thought I was doing something relatively simple, but I guess not. Running: NSLog(@"%f",[[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]; returns 0.000000 The problem is that I am trying to check for a retina display and the: if([UIScreen respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)] && [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] == 2.0) { // does not get called on...

objective-c custom UITabBarItem @2x

is it possible to assign a highres custom uitabbaritem image? UIImage *img; img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"[email protected]"]; self.tabBarItem = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"more" image:img tag:5]; this doesnt work. is there a workaround, or even better an officel link / solution for this usecase? thanks alex ...