
Is it reasonable to consider a future Retina / HD iPad when starting a new project?

A few days ago a client asked me if the transition to the iPhone 4s retina display was a difficult one, development-wise. This made me ask myself whether I should have considered iPhones with high resolution dispays even before the iPhone 4 had been announced - creating artwork with higher resolution, preparing codepaths... (while, of c...

Problem with a Retina Display Image

Hi all, I have a TabBarController app where the first tabBarItem is a NavigationController... I assign programmatically an image background to the navController with this code:self.navigationController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"OverviewBg.png"]]; The "OverviewBg.png" image is the exact si...

Is there any other way than @2x to let iOS know that the graphic is Retina Display ready?

I have a web service producing two versions of graphics; one for Normal Display and another for Retina Display. Unfortunately I can't add the @2x to the filename since I don't have access to that code. Is there any way to let the iPhone know that what's loading from the web is a @2x graphic? ...

How to make sure the UIView -drawRect: is drawing with contentScaleFactor of 1.0f?

I've implemented -drawRect: to draw something, and I don't want that this drawing happens on a larger bitmap on the retina display. How can I make sure that this bitmap is always exactly the same across all devices? I tried to set self.contentScaleFactor = 1.0f; in the initialzier but that didn't help. The system seems to change this ba...

app icon for retina device

My app's icon is named: appicon57x57.png This works great on simulator and device. I don't have a retina device to test on. But if I make a 114x114 version of my app icon and call it: [email protected] and put in in the same place as the other icon, will it show on the retina devices? ...

iPhone image resource - 1024 maximum, 2048 pixels @2x?

The restriction of 1024x1024 as the largest image for an iPhone is a problem with iPhone 4. However if an @2x image is used with maximum dimensions of 2048x2048 everything looks equally good on the 4 as it does on a 3 - tried and tested in simulator and device. Question is, does the image dimension restriction relate to the UIImage or th...

Retina compatibility question: Can I add @2x to my own images for retina compatibility?

If I append the @2x suffix to my own images, will iOS 4 automatically replace my images with the Retina compatible ones, or does that only apply to Apple defined images? (Icons, for example.) ...

How to implement HD "Retina Display" graphics in Cocos2D

Hello, I am not quite sure how use HD images for sprites in cocos2d. I looked through the documentation, and downloaded the newest beta which supports points instead of pixels, but I don't understand the whole -hd suffix idea. In other word I need help and have no idea how to use retina quality graphics in my cocos2d game. I feel tha...

is it possible to test Retina Display on simulator?

if yes, how ? thank you. ...

Using Retina images in a local UIWebView

For some reason, I cannot get a UIWebView to "play nice" with my new Retina images. The issue, step-by-step: I am loading a series of HTML help files out of the bundle. My code loads different HTML files if it's an iPhone 4 (LWERetinaUtils below is a util class I have written). I have read in this question that it is not possible for...