
iPhone SDK: ReverseGeocoder updates too late?

I am using reverseGeocoder in a few places in my app. This particular instance, I am using it to update details about my annotation. I have created a property (MKPlacemark) which stores the new placemark each time the didFindPlacemark method runs. The problem is, it always seems to be behind by one update. Meaning, when my custom met...

Storable Geocoding/reverse Geocoding services

Im currently looking into an easy way to query and store Latitude/Longitude for a given address. There are a plentitude of services out there, but none actually allows me to store the data I retieve (i.e. Google Maps API TOS, Yahoo! Maps API TOS). As I wan't to use them for a distance search I can't really query the data on the fly. Ar...

Reverse geocode street name and city as text

Hello, I have been having some trouble finding a good way to output just the street name and city as text (Infinite Loop, Cupertino shown here) that can be displayed in my iPhone app. This needs to be able to dynamically change as you change streets and city. I don't have the slightest idea of how to do this, I hope someone can help. I h...

Most Useful services/methods for Geocoding in Augmented Reality app for iPhone?

I'm building an Augmented Reality application in the fashion of Yelp, and need to access the geodata of various buildings in as accurate a fashion as possible. What is the most accurate Geocoding service available? Price is also an factor, but less so than the accuracy of the data. ...

Determine iPhone user's country

I need to determine at startup what country a user is in, for an iPhone application. Presumably I will have to turn on location services and do some sort of reverse geocoding. I don't really want to use a third party web service if possible, are there any other suggestions for determining country from what location services provides? In...

Reverse geocode using MKReverseGeocoder

Google Terms says I can only use reverse geocoding in conjunction with a google map. Is it ok if you first see the address in a uitableviewcell and then on a click see the location in a map (is this "in conjunction") ? Tried two other free services but they don't find all locations as it seems. Edit I see in an answer that I need to c...

How do I finding multiple Intersection results via ReverseGeoCoding in ArcObjects?

The project I'm working on requires me to find intersections near a point (searching a street centerline layer). For 90+% of my searches, I seem to be getting the appropriate results, however in certain instances I'm getting intersections that are technically intersections as far as ArcObjects is concerned, but not as far as what I need...

Geocode an IP address?

Does anyone know of any open RESTful API that I can call to geocode a user's IP to the latitude and longitude? Ideally, it would be something like: and it would return the latitude and longtitude. ...

Use MKReversegeoCoder with native application

Hi, I have used MKReverseGeocoder from iPhone sdk for my application without using mapview of iphone sdk,but my application has map view which i am getting from google api passing Address. But in order to get address i am doing as follows : Current location(Latitude/Longitude) with CLLocation library MKReversegeocoder API of iphone s...

off-line reverse geocoding solution

I have a database of places with lat/lng and I have incoming requests with lat/lng. I'd like to find the closest lat/lng in the database to the incoming request. Is there any existing library or algorithm for doing this? Searching online keeps pointing me to Google's reverse geocoding library which isn't quite what I had in mind. As ...

Best Way to log API Calls, per minute / per hour

We are using reverse-geocoding in a rails webservice, and have run into quota problems when using the Google reverse geocoder through geokit. We are also implementing the simple-geo service, and I want to be able to track how many requests per minute/hour we are making. Any suggestions for tracking our reverse-geocoding calls? Our code...

IPhone Get HTTP Response or Bad_Access after reload my View with Geocoding

Hi all, i have a class for my geocoding (locationManager and reverseGeocoder). After the first load i see my location in my lable without any problems. after leave the view and load the view again i see in my lable http response-codes ("User_Agent" Accepted....) or get a bad_access and my app freeze. here is my code for this class: #i...

Algorithm to find the closest segment to a point among many segments (Reverse Geocoding)

Hey guys!! I have a set of segments defined by two points. Given a point how can I discover the closest segment to such point? I have already written an algorithm that computes the distance between a point and a segment. Anyway calculating such distance for each segment and then choose the segment with the lowest distance is not really...

get city name by parsing in iphone sdk

From this url: I want is city name that is mumbai can somebody help me? ...

How to reverse geocode without Google?

Are there any web services (paid or free) out there besides the Google Maps API which allow you to reverse geocode? My particular application will have access to a latitude and longitude and I need to be able to get the US Zip Code or State. The reason I can't use Google is that the Terms of Service seems to indicate that if you use Go...

Country name for GPS coordinates

Is there an easy way to get the name of the country on whose territory a given point is located? I don't care too much about accuracy nor about ambiguities given by political disputes. Just need a good enough approximation. ...

How to get addresses if we give latitude and longitude using location API in Android.

I have an application where I try to get address of a location based on the latitude,longitude coordinates.When I try to print all the address of particular coordinates , I am getting only single address. IS there any way to get the list of all addresses for the coordinates supplied . My code snippet is as below: Where locationLatitude,...

Geocode Area Names of a City to get Lat and Long

I have a list of areas names in my City and i need the Lat and Long of the same. Is there any service which i can use the get the Data ? i dont wanna use any map. i would like to make simple api calls and get the lat long via jSon or xml. ...

can I get the pincode/zipcode by using reverse geocoding ?

Hi, I need to get the zipcode/pincode for a location by using the latitudes and longitudes. I able to get the city, country. But I am not able to get the zipcode/pincode. I have gone through a form and it stated that, No: the geocoder's data differs from country to country, depending on the data which Google was able to collect or...

How to make a Google Maps address - like lookup

You've probably all seen the address lookup. Start typing into the text box and your address auto completes in the list before you've finished. It also bolds the matching sections of the text that link to what you are typing. I've used both the javascript api of maps and the http api. The geocoding seems to do someth...