I am using a Richfaces' picklist and I want to populate the right-side panel with a list of SelectItems from my backing bean.
Populating the left-side is not a problem from the backing bean, however, the right hand side is problematic.
This is what I currently have
<h:outputText value="Roles" />
<rich:pickList showButtonsLabel="fals...
Here's the situation:
In a rich:dataTable in an a4j:form, i create a a4j:commandLink to select the values and pass it to the bean with the jboss el action syntax
This works without problem.
But If I re-render the form to filter the datatable with an ajax call, when I select the value, it gives...
I've developed a web application using MyFaces 1.2.6 and Richfaces 3.3.1GA (just upgrated).
Despite the ease of use, I found out that Richfaces components are very slow.
I also found out that they didn't really take advantage of the browser caching mechanism, they keep sending some lousy JS file every request and other things.
I really ...
When using the rich faces suggestionBox how can you pass more than one id or value from the page with the text input to the suggestionBox backing bean. ie: to show a list of suggested cities within a selected state? Here is my autoComplete method.
public List< Suburb > autocomplete(Object suggest)
String pref = (String) suggest;...
How can I change the style of a particular row based on a condition? I can use JSF EL in rich:column style class attribute, but I have to write for each column. I want to change the entire row.
Has anyone used RichFaces on a secure site? I'm using the following:
Tomcat 6 RichFaces 3.3.1 (also tried 3.1.4.GA) intermediate certificate
My application is using the Rich panel bar. When using HTTPS, only the panel labels are rendered and I get the following JavaScript error:
'RichFaces' is undefined
This is the JavaScript creat...
I am currently using the JBoss RichFaces JSF component library for the project I am working on. It works quite well in general, especially the AJAX support provided by ajax4jsf (A4J), but I find the usually very inflexible table-markup used for almost every component and all this "skin" stuff of richfaces quite annoying. It would be nice...
I'm making a website Using JSF and richfaces, but I need to do some background images on the drop down menu labels. I saw you can use the style attribute by doing
.rich-ddmenu-label {
background-image: url("images/the_image.gif");
But that doesn't seem to even try and put a image anywhere.
I can use an image using
I have such code:
<h:inputText id="input" value="#{bean.input}">
<f:convertNumber />
<rich:ajaxValidator event="onblur" />
I want that if validation was successful data from "input" was stored in my backing bean. And all this must be on "onblur" event.
And I'm usin...
I'm new to JaveServerFaces and played a little bit with ICEFaces and i would try richfaces.
So the Basic Question is :
Can i use these two addons together or does it get me into troubles?
Can someone recommend me some other packages ? (specially for netbeans)
I'm using hibernate validators with JSF.
How can i set my conversation error messages. I'am trying such way, but it didn't work:
<h:inputText id="input" value="#{myBean.number}" converterMessage="#{msgs.convertError}">
<f:convertNumber />
Hi there,
I am using jsf reach faces in one application. I am using rich:modalPanel for popup reading some details and submitting tha panel using a4j command button after response from server I want to hide the modalPanel but don't know how to,
I am still trying for the solution, Any help Please
The code of rich modalPanel is someth...
There is some way to pass action in . I want to write simple popup with "Yes" and "No" button, and I want to reuse this popup in different pages, that's why I need that different action was invoked when "Yes" button pressed. There is a way to pass some value in with : `
<rich:componentControl for=“popup”
operation=“show” ...
I have a rich:tabPanel with several tabs in it. I want to use jquery to record changes on each tab so that when a change is made within a tab I change the background image of the tab.
It looks like this:
<h:form id="form">
<rich:jQuery selector="#tab1_lbl" query="addClass('testClass')" timing="onload"/>
Hello, I'm having some problem using multiple selectBooleanCheckBox in multiple DataTables in ui:repeat.
Something like this
<ui:repeat var="f" value="#{mybean.values}">
<rich:dataTable value="#{f.values}" var="v">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{mybean.selected[v.id]}"/>
Hoping someone can help me with a slight hurdle I've come up against in regards to re-rendering of RichFaces components after an a4j link/button has performed it's action. A simplified version of my problem is as follows:
I have 2 output components displaying a text value which are rendered based on some value in my manager class:
I have a Java based web-application using Java Server Faces and Facelets.
I am inputting a date range using the richfaces calendar.
Here is the code on the web-page.
<legend>Date Submitted</legend>
<rich:calendar value="#{SearchBean.start_dateSubmitted}" />
<rich:calendar value="#{...
Hi there,
does anyone know how to properly enable sorting on a rich:dataTable with columns generated on the fly using rich:columns tag?
Setting sortBy with an expression like #{row[column]} doesn't work for me.
I'm using RichFaces 3.3.1GA.
Here's the example:
<rich:dataTable id="table" value="#{localeHandler.locales}" var="row">
I am trying to implement a search page with 2 tabs: Basic Search Options and Advanced Search Options. The Search button is outside the tab at the bottom of the page.
I am trying to figure out which switchType to use on the rich:tab component. richfaces offers 3 switch types:
I don't understand when someone who u...
Hi there,
can anyone provide me with an example of how to use th rich:orderingList control? I've gotten to the point where I'm able to display the data as I wanted but now I'd actually like to have the modified order propagated to server. I can't find anything on that subject.
<rich:orderingList value="#{countryHandler.data}" var="coun...