
Generating an atom or rss feed as part of an msbuild process

I'm thinking it would be convenient to alert interested parties to the completion of the build process via an Atom or RSS feed. I'm guessing someone somewhere has taken the time to do this, but...maybe your google-fu is better than mine, but this turns out to be a hard thing to search for. ...

Collecting RSS Feeds Online?

I'd like to be able to collect RSS feeds online as an alternative to collecting them on a desktop machine using a regularly running process. Ideally, it would either collect all feeds and simply email them to a single address as soon as it finds a new one (or even without checking for new feeds) or aggregates all the smaller feeds and s...

How to create an active link in RSS?

In RSS, for example if I wanna add a link for the channel: Part of the RSS code: <link> <a href=""/&gt; </link> And now here is the XSL code: <span> <xsl:value-of select="channel/link"/></span> The problem here is that when I preview the code, the l...

Does anyone know how sites are generating the Apple App Store updated apps feeds?

A lot of sites have rss feeds for updated and new apps on the Apple iPhone App Store. However, Apple's rss feed generator only shows feeds for the top 100 free/paid apps. So how can I generate my own database of new/updated apps in the same fashion as all these folks are? What magic feed are they accessing? ...

Django RSS Feed Wrong Domain

I have an RSS feed that I'm setting up on my new site using Django. Currently I have an RSS feed being served per user, rather than just one big nasty, global RSS feed. The only problem is that the links that are returned by the RSS feed have the completely wrong domain name in the links. The end path is perfectly correct, and the get_ab...

Make an ASP.NET Web service output an RSS Feed

I have been writing some Web services to be used by a few different client apps and i was trying to write a web service method that simply outputs an RSS XML Feed. I can create the XML using an XmlTextWriter Object Then i have tryed outputing to the Response (like i have done in the past when its an aspx page) but this only works it th...

How can I set permissions on an RSS file?

I want to create an in-house RSS feed (I work for 3 Mobile, Australia) for consumption on an INQ1 mobile phone, or any other RSS reader for that matter. However, testing it out on the phone's built-in RSS reader, I realize that without the ability to password protect the feed, or otherwise restrict access to it, I stand little chance of ...

What is the best Java-based Mailing List application allowing opt-in/opt-out

I'm looking for a java-based (preferable) mailing list application that allows users to opt-in/opt-out of mailing lists. Open-source is preferable but not mandatory. This product would be used to send email notifications to subscribed people when certain events happen in another application - i.e. when a new record is saved and approv...

Testing RSS feeds

I am looking to test an RSS Feed I have created and I am looking for some good RSS Feed applications to test with. ...

I have some problems with jfeed

I'm trying to use Jfeed to parse an rss feed. This line of code inside the jfeed file does not work = jQuery(channel).find('link:first').text(); however this other line works this.title = jQuery(channel).find('title:first').text(); I noticed that every line of code which tries to retrieve a link or description f...

Obtain Date from an RSS Feed in Ruby

I'm following instructions on to parse a feed from Everything seems to run fine, but when I can't get any dates from the parsed object: irb(main):010:0> NoMethodError: undefined method `date' for #<RSS::RDF:0x2c412b8> from (irb):10 irb...

How to fill RSS feeds in datagrid ?

Hello Friends, I am using .net c# and i want to fill datagrid with rss feed. Problem is When i return rss feed in to dataset then i got multiple table wich storing diffrent data. Means i want to fill grid with "Title" and "Picture" here is my code example protected void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { XmlTextR...

iPhone: random "image of the day" type service?

The iPhone makes it really simple to snarf down an image from the web; you can turn a URL into a UIImage in one line of code. So I'd like to enable my app (an educational puzzle game... my first!) to download some random images to make it more interesting and dynamic. I thought about using Kodak's image of the day RSS feed, but I'm hav...

Time delay an external RSS feed

I subscribe to a number of RSS feeds, mostly from within my own timezone (UK: currently GMT+1, a.k.a BST). However I'm also interested in news from New Zealand (currently GMT+12). My problem is caused by my addiction to needing to keep my unread count at, or near, zero. When I load up my RSS reader in the mornings it has gathered all th...

GMAIL rss don't see tag description.How to see Request headers of my iis 5 website

Hi i create my rss feed server If i add to webclip (gmail) rss it works fine (See up of the inbox there are rss feed) But my own rss feed don't see description tag. 1.I want copy request header (that send gmail to my iis server) HTTP 101. etc content-type 2.Than...

Updating RSS <link> URL with Javascript?

Is it possible to update the URL of an rss <link> tag dynamically, so that when the RSS icon in the location bar is clicked, the browser will direct the user to the updated URL? For example, using Jquery: <link id="feed_url" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="/feed" /> <script type="text/javascript"> $("#feed_...

Dynamic loading of items in Google Reader

I've been using Google Reader and want to implement a similar technique to the way they "seem" to late load the content of each post. When you click on one of your subscriptions, you see a series of posts with a snippet and other information. When you click on a post, it expands to reveal the full body. I thought they were simply togglin...

Inconsistent Loading Times for GeoRSS Overlay Between Firefox and IE

I have a very simple page built to display a map and overlay a line based on points in a GeoRSS XML file. Here is the publicly accessible file. Firefox is loading in about 5 secs, which is expected because there are a lot of points to map, but IE (6 & 7) is taking upwards of 45 secs to a minute. W...

Is there anything in the Django / Python world equivalent to SimplePie Plugin for Wordpress?

I know that SimplePie itself is derived from UFP, but the features I'm wondering about are the post-processing features that are available in SimplePie for WordPress plugin: Can I find something similar to this for my Django application? Can this be ...

Problem with rss reading

Hello Everyone, I have a problem with reading an rss feed in my site. When i add an feed to my site I cache it in the database by serializing it and when I do a refresh I unserialize it again from the database if it is within a certain time limit. Else I read again the feed from the remote site. I think the problem has to do with th...