
Is it possible to hide the uiwebview keyboard toolbar?

Is it possible to hide the uiwebview keyboard toolbar?(previous/next/done bar) or make the uiwebview use a keyboard that does not have it? ...

Weird onstorage triggering in Safari

Hello, everybody, i've encountered the following issue in the Safari 5.0 (not in all WebKit-based browsers), this code: <html> <script> var on...

Unable to highlight/copy text in iPhone Safari on mobile site

I have a mobile site which I'm testing on the iPhone, and unlike most other sites, I'm not able to hold my finger on the screen to get the 'copy' menu to appear (with the draggable handles to select an area to copy). Nothing happens at all on my site. I've tried adding the following to my style sheet but it hasn't made any difference: ...

Apple IOS & Lack of HTML5 WebSockets Support

Why won't Apple support websockets on IOS Safari? This is really annoying for me... I'm now looking at having to implement a Comet/Bayeaux fallback for browsers that don't support HTML WebSockets ;( ...

Image doesn't appear in Safari, but shows when you point to in in the server.

I have a problem - I have an image in my nav bar. It doesn't show on the page, but when you go to it on the server (open image in new window), you can see that it is there. This only occurs in Safari. That makes no sense. What am I missing? Thanks for the help. ...

Returning to app after sending to mail client

Hi there The jamie oliver application and the nigella quick collection apps both return the user to the application after they've sent a feedback email. My question is, how do I return a user to the app after sending them to the email client. Plus, is there any way to do this with the safari app too? After sending them to a URL? Thank...

Rails not working with Safari

Hi, I'm trying to learn some basics of Ruby on Rails and encountered a problem : my Rails project seems to work fine with Firefox but nothing is shown with Safari? I also tried this with a new project : rails emptytest cd emptytest script/server Producing output: => Booting Mongrel => Rails 2.3.5 application starting on http://0....

Flip a div back to front with webkit transform CSS3

I know it sounds a bit weird but can you flip a div back to front with -webkit-trasnform? For example imagine a show window with writing on but you are looking at it from the inside so the writing is back to front. ...

Cross domain cookie using CORS in Safari

I followed the example: from this page: The example work in Firefox, but not Safari, anyone have tried in implementing CORS cross domain cookie handling, and being success in Safari? Thanks. ...

jQuery UI: Show transition on Safari

Hey, I'm using jQuery UI to make transitions between pages on my website. It works great on Firefox, but on Safari this function slides the div to the extreme right, then it goes back to the center of the screen. Note that it's not like a bounce effect. Does anyone know a good solution for that? Thanks! ...

Safari browser - Mac vs Windows vs iOS

Hi, Can anyone let me know what is the difference between testing a Safari 5 in Windows vs Mac? Are there significant changes in how the page is rendered between windows vs Mac for the same version of Safari? If I test a page in Windows Safari, can I expect the page works exactly same in Mac Safari as long as Safari version matches? Tha...

Inline heading with background color using @font-face - not working on Mac in either Safari or FF

I have an inline heading (h1) with a background-color on the heading, but on Mac OS in both safari and Firefox it does not seem to stretch around the font. With a websafe font it works fine. Line height is set according to the font-size. Any suggestions? See visual expamle: @font-f...

CSS z-index issue: works in Firefox, but not Safari?

I am trying to show a specific table row on top of an overlay. It's working in Firefox, but not Safari. I don't understand how that can be possible since Firefox and Safari usually render these types of things the same. <body> <style> .overlay { position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%;...

Javascript not work in Safarie but work in Firefox?

Hello all. i have a script this one. /* Load new scripts for system */ function includeJS( jsPath ) { var js = document.createElement("script"); js.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); js.setAttribute("src", jsPath); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(js); } /* All system will be include here. */ ...

Problems with <form> in Safari - only first click will POST to _blank target

I am using PHP to generate 10 forms on a page which attach an image as the button and POST hidden values to a _blank target. This works ok in Firefox, all 10 buttons submit and post to a new window. In Safari however only the first button i click will work (whichever one I choose) after that none of the buttons (forms) submit and POST to...

UIApplication OpenUrl double-escaping my URLs

Basically, i'm trying to program a "tweet this" button from inside my application. Depending on their spot in the application, they can click the tweet button and it'll shoot them out to Safari with a tweet message that changes depending on where they are. In order to create URLs, I have to escape the query string that I want to put in...

Safari Extension HTML editing...

Hi! I am working on a safari extension that will need to edit the HTML of the webpage currently being viewed. How do I edit the HTML of the currently viewed webpage within the safari extension workspace?? Thanks! --G P.S: Random question -- I just noticed a "Community wiki" checkbox. What does it do? ...

Can't figure out why Chrome/Safari can't get the ScrollHeight right here

I just asked a question about why a certain js code won't work in Chrome and Safari 100%, but after more troubleshooting I think I have found out that this is the question I should be posting. I have a page which has a form in it. This form's target is an iframe on the same page. The iframe is dynamic, and php based. This is the bottom...

jQuery keyup and 'enter' in Safari

I am using jQuery and want to make it possible for the user to hit enter after entering data into a search field to start the search. I'm using the following code: $('#textSearch').keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == '13') { doSearch(); } return false; }); ...

Safari and Chrome CSS positioning z-index issue (works in Firefox)

I have an issue that only seems to affect Safari and Chrome (aka WebKit). I have an overlay that fills the whole screen, and two table rows that I would like to appear on top of the overlay. Everything else on the page should be displayed below the overlay. The problem is that Safari only displays one of the table rows on top. Firefox c...