
iPhone App Data Access

Is it possible to access the data belonging to the apps that ship with the iPhone? I know we can access the contacts information, but I am interested in being able to read/write/delete to the Notes App documents that a user makes or read/write/delete bookmarks from safari. What applications have data that we can access? Can we access da...

How do I develop an addon for Safari?

I want some personally developed JavaScript code to execute whenever I load a page in Safari. Seems like addblock for Safari does this. Anyone know how to do this? Safari is not extensible. There's no addon framework for it. But yet there's adblock and verious other addons available for it, although Apple's Webkit and Safari developers ...

iphone offline cached apps dissapear after closed in safari?

hey all, We're developing an html5 offline webapp for the ipod touch/iphone. We have the manifests and everything working correctly, but we can't figure out why our app will not reopen after the 'tab' in iphone safari is closed. For example's sake, here's what works: 1) open the url to the offline-enabled html file in safari on the i...

URL loads correctly when accessed directly, but not within an iframe in IE8 and Safari

I am attempting to mimic a pretty simple feature of Facebook. When you click on a link someone has shared, you're taken to a page that has a Facebook toolbar at the top and the actual page loaded below it within an iframe. The url I'm using has parameters that are being passed, so it ends up being: <iframe src="

How do I detect when the iPhone goes into landscape mode via JavaScript? Is there an event for this?

I’m writing a web site targeted at the iPhone. I’d like to set a class on the <body> element when the iPhone’s orientation changes (i.e. when the user turns the phone into landscape and/or portait mode). Can I detect this change via JavaScript? Is there an event for this? ...

Workaround for drawing bug when Overlaying a <div> over an <iframe> in Safari?

I'm getting a very weird drawing bug in Safari, and i would like to see if there's any workaround I could take... I'm currently displaying a <div> (absolutely positioned, high z-index) on top of an IFrame that displays contents from other sites. Just for context, the <div> is a toolbar we show over other sites. This works well in all b...

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame warning in Safari

I'm using Facebook Connect in my app. I have it working pretty well, but in the Safari Error console, I'm seeing errors like this: Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL http://...#... from frame with URL;extern=2&amp;channel=http...xd_receiver.htm. Domain...

Java detection failing in Safari on Windows

I need to detect java version in browser, I have used deployJava.js file to detect java. I think there is definitely a problem , the way deloyJava.js ( java detection and deployment helper file from Sun) works with Safari on Windows. You can see the problem in action if you go to official java verification page (

Get/Set caret position of iFrame in Safari & Chrome

I'm using the jQuery plugin lwrte ( I've implemented a custom drop down in the panel of the wysiwyg that, when select, outputs a value at the cursor position. This jQuery plugin uses an iFrame to accomplish the wysiwyg functionality. The above works in IE and in FF, but is broken in Chrome and Safari. Th...

Tell me if this iphone app will work

I'm looking at adding iphone support to an application in the simplest way possible. I don't have any experience writing code for the iphone, so I'm trying to keep it very simple. Here's my current concept of what the application will do: 1) Copy some data from the PC to the iphone - this would probably be sent by an application running...

Ajax (or JSONP) on unload with Safari/Chrome

If you try to send an Ajax request, a JSONP request, or even a request on unload, Safari and Chrome run the code, but the server never sees the request. My theory is the thread of execution never allows the script tag to run before it changes the page. Here is a test page with the JSONP test. This code (and Ajax and window...

jQuery .load() call doesn't execute javascript in loaded html file

This seems to be a problem related to Safari only. I've tried 4 on mac and 3 on windows and am still having no luck. What I'm trying to do is load an external html file and have the Javascript that is embedded execute. The code I'm trying to use is this: $("#myBtn").click(function() { $("#myDiv").load("trackingCode.html"); }); ...

RoR: AuthenticatedSystem not properly redirecting back on Safari

I've been banging my head against this one for a couple days now: I've got a RoR app using AuthenticatedSystem to require authentication for some of the resources. A before_filter checks to see if the user has logged in. If not, it grabs the request.request_uri and puts it in a session variable (session[:return_to]), then sends the user...

TinyMCE + Safari 3 - Table insertion does not work

Has anyone else had this issue and found a working solution? I've enabled the Safari compatibility plugin, but it still behaves incorrectly for me. ...

Erase Safari cookies from Terminal

I am making an application that involves controlling Safari from Applescript. Is there a way in the Terminal (preferred) or Applescript to erase Safari's cookies. Basically I want to the "Reset Safari" item from the menu using the Terminal. Is there a method that can do this? ...

how to use Firefox but pretend that I am using iPhone (to use Firebug to examine the page design)

Is there a way to use Firefox and Firebug but pretend it is iPhone's Safari by faking the User Agent string? I want to use Firefox to examine the Amazon or Gmail sites and see how the page is laid out for iPhone... just for fun and for experiment. Is there a way? thanks? ...

How can the selection of a textarea be determined/manipulated in Safari from JavaScript?

I have some JavaScript code that does two things: retrieves the selected text from a text area adds a prefix and suffix to that selected text The code currently uses the selectionStart and selectionEnd properties of the textarea to figure out where the selection starts/end, extracts the selection text and processes it, and then re-wr...

CSS Menu Displays Incorrectly in Safari

I have written a CSS menu for a site I am helping develop, and it displays correctly in both IE 7 and Firefox 3 (on Windows XP). The intended effect is that the drop down menus should be as wide as the widest element in them (but not wider). In Safari, however, they appear to be roughly twice as wide as they should be. I have no clue as...

Helvetica Neue baseline rendering problem with Firefox/Mac

Consider this HTML: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""&gt; <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <style type="text/css"> body { font...

How am I going to reproduce Javascript bugs if I don't have a Mac & Safari?

Simple question... How am I going to reproduce Javascript bugs if I don't have a Mac & Safari? Is it possible to run a legit copy of Mac OS on VMWare, or even Safari in Windows? ...