sample MVC + NoSQL Database(Cassandra)

Is there any good/simple mvc application that uses NoSQL database(cassandra)... Any suggestion... ...

Sample Silverlight 4 projects

Hi, I am looking to get my hands wet with Silverlight 4. I was wondering if someone can recommend a sample silverlight 4 project that I can do (home project) to get my confidence level up. Thanks in advance. ...

My First app. from Tab Layout does not start

I tried my first Android app following the "Tab Layout" sample from I followed it perfectly (I think), but I changed some names only. It will not start. Just says "...stopped unexpectantly". Tried debugging with DDMS, but dont get anything from the log. Please help. Here is my error log: 08-12 15:06:16.932: DEBUG/...

Controlling volume of a Clip when using Java Sound (javax,sound.sampled)

I'm using Java sound to play back a number of sound samples with the Clip.start() method. Given this, what is the best way to control the playback volume? In particular, I'm very keen that the solution will work reliably across platforms. ...

how in python to generate a random list of fixed length of values from given range?

How to generate a random (but unique and sorted) list of a fixed given length out of numbers of a given range in python? Something like that: >>>> list_length = 4 >>>> values_range = [1,30] >>>> random_list(list_length,values_range) [1,6,17,29] >>>> random_list(list_length,values_range) [5,6,22,24] >>>> random_list(3,[0,11]) [0,7,...

Junior Software Engineer (C++) Interview - Sample Program

Hey SO, I recently had two phone interviews for a Junior C++ Engineer position; the first was a general screening interview, the second a more technical one. So far the company has made it clear that while they do want you to be familiar with OOP, specifically knowing a ton of C++ is not required, for example if you mainly did Java, that...

Looking for big Ipad example with all features

Hi, I want to develop an Ipad app from scratch and i am looking for a big project that I can use as an example. I already have some samples but they are all really small projects. Does someone know where to find a big sample with all the features of the ipad included in it? I am more looking for an app that works with the sqllite db an...

Help locate C sample code to read lua command line arguments

I am looking for sample code in C which reads Lua command line arguments. Any help? ...

A question on sampling on Yahoo! Answers

Hello there. I wonder what is the best way to sample,say, 1000 questions,completely randomly from Yahoo! Answer. I want to achieve this complete randomness in which I will totally ignore the categories or date of posting etc. Doing this manually may result in bias,so could anyone give some suggestions here,like using Yahoo! Answer API or...

Need sample Applications to develop my own site and application in using c#

I am developing a small and simple web application for a hotel in using C#. It is a web site which gives hotels information and we can order items from that site. I want a reference source code to develop this application. Before a year there were sample application on such as myWebPageStarterKit. But now there are ...

How to redirect the input of ironruby to a textbox (WinForms & Silverlight 4)

Hi, I'm building an IronRuby Console in silverlight 4 and WinForms (net4). I can redirect the output without problems: MyRuntime = Ruby.CreateRuntime(); msOutput = new MemoryStream(); MyRuntime.IO.SetOutput(msOutput, Encoding.UTF8); MyEngine = MyRuntime.GetEngine("rb"); MySource = MyEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromString("a='123'\nputs a...

Opensource simple card game/solitaire engine example needed.

I am looking forward to write a card solitaire game, including AI (if this simple can be called so) playing algorithm. No multiplayer facilities needed. I suppose there are some wheels I need not to invent myself in this project (as deck/cards/table object model, deck shuffling algorithms, etc, and, especially, cards visualisation stuff)...

Converting a sample rate of audio file iPhone

I'd like to change the pitch of an audio file by changing the sample rate programmatically. I am recording the file using AVAudioRecorder. I have noticed a settings parameter within AVAudioPlayer, however, it is read only. Can anyone lend a helping hand? :) ...

simple C++ project samples

Hi there Im trying to learn OOP but I need to see some real case scenarios of using C++. For me, as a beginner in programming internet is too big and the book is too few examples. All I find on the source repositories are large projects or too few details. Can you give me a link to some c++ projects which are good for beginners? It wil...

How can I remove the Android Sample Soft Keyboard?

I have run the sample soft keyboard provided in the Android SDK on a real device. I now would like to remove it from the list of available keyboards in settings. I have searched the web without any hits. It also shows up on one of my emulators too. I'm sure it's probably an obvious answer, but I just can't figure it out. Any help wo...

NServiceBus FullDuplex Sample Unit Test Fails (VS2010)

When I try to run the NUnit unit test for the FullDuplex sample I get the following exception. I am using the NServiceBus version for .NET Framework 4. I have not changed anything in the sample (other than to convert to VS2010 and change the .NET Framework version to 4.0 so it can use the .NET 4 binaries), and I am new to probably all of...