
How can I add a scrollbar to an iphone site?

I created a mini-version of a site that's been optimized for the iPhone, but on one of the pages, I have a scrollbar in a container, and it shows up when looking at it on the computer, but not at all on the iphone... Is there some kind of special magic that I need or something? The css is simple: #container { overflow-x: hidden; o...

MouseWheel event doesn't fire when using any control with scrolbars (in C# Windows Forms)

MouseWheel event doesn't fire when I' am using any control (ListBox, Panel, TextBox) with scrollbars. To reproduce problem: public class Form1 : Form { private readonly Button button1; private readonly TextBox textBox1; private void button1_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { ToString(); // doesn't fire when unc...

Scrollbar event handling, how to keep number grabbed static

As the title suggests I have a program with a scrollbar interface. The problem is that the program uses the same three scrollbars for four sets of different numbers, once the change has been made to another set of numbers the scrollbar remains on the same values from the previous set of numbers float RedAmount1 = lightDimmer1.g...

Jquery Dialog Scrollbar solution

I have a result-set in my dialog box that I would like to scroll (if the results span larger than the actual dialog height. I am doing this via the following method: $("#'||the_result_set_id||'").css({overflow:"scroll"}); This doesn't seem to be consistent with IE versus Mozilla. Is there a better solution for this, where I can get scr...

Can I set to ScrollBar a floating Step?

Hello. I have a panel in witch I represent a timeline - 24 hours(24 x 60 min = 1 440 min). I need to set my scroll bar's step to a minute. It's evident that minimum size of such a panel should be 1440 pixels. Let's say the screen resolution on the client screen (width) is 1280, so say panel container max size is 1280. Now, if I want...

How to put image "placemarkers" inside a scrollbar in WPF?

I have a long Scroll Viewer and I want to mark important spots with small images on the scroll bar. If the the image is clicked the scroll bar will jump to the corresponding content. I've seen this functionality in a few applications such as Eclipse and Chrome and was wondering how to reproduce it with WPF. ...

python Qt: main widget scroll bar

Hello Everybody, We are trying to put scrollbar on the main widget, so if the user resizes the main window, the scrollbar appears, and let he move up and down to see child widgets that is outside the smaller window widget, allowing it to move right and left. Here is the code for the main widget with the scroll-bar.. def centralWDG(sel...

Submenu does not move with scrollbar

I have an Infragistics UltraWebMenu control. When the browser's vertical scrollbar is at the top, the submenu items appear nicely. However, if I do the following steps: Move the vertical scrollbar down. Click one of menu item, so that the submenu comes. Move vertical scrollbar up. Then the submenu still stay there, not moving along...

HTML. Set the scrolling bar in a determinated position

I would like to set the position of the scrolling bar in a determinated position. In my case I have in a <div> all the hours of the day by hh:00 hh:30 so 48 rows and I would like to set the position in the current time of the day or aprox. Is there any way to do that? Update I'm talking about a div element. I forgot to put the escape ...

Removing arrows from scrollbar in Qt

I'm using a small black and white screen and need the scrollbar to just be a black slider in a black outer frame. I got what I wanted using style sheets but including them in the configuration when installing takes up too much space so I can't use them. Is it possible to remove the arrows by inheriting from QStyle or something? thanks ...

UltraWebMenu gap between main menu and submenus.

Hi, I have an UltraWebMenu, which has main menus...and submenus for each main menu. when the vertical scrollbar of browser(IE) at the top..the submenus comes directly under the main menu,. But, If i moved the vertical scroll bar down...and click main menu (to see the submenu), i am able to see huge gap between main menu and submen...

ExtJS GridPanel Scrollbar does not appear in IE7 but it does in Firefox, etc

Setup I have an accordion layout containing a "properties" panel that nests two inner panels. The first inner panel holds a Ext.DataView, while the second panel is the Ext.grid.GridPanel in question. In the screenshot below, the white space containing the folder icon is the dataview, and below that is the gridpanel. Problem In Fir...

Growing an Iframe depending on the source inside it (which is another Server)

I use javascript to expand an Iframe to the size of the document it loads to remove any vertical scrollbar, like so: function resizeIframes() { $('iframe').load(function() { = (this.contentWindow.document.body.offsetHeight + 40) + 'px'; } ); } Which works well enough for my uses. B...

How do I give a scrolling div focus on pageload with JS/jQuery?

See this page: When you load this page, and try hitting space bar, page up/down or use the scroll wheel on your mouse, it doesnt scroll at all. This is because the page is wrapped inside a secondary "viewport" in order to place the facebook bar in the bottom of the page. When you click...

Scroll bar issue.

I'm using a panel to display a document. I want to know when the vertical scroll bar has reached the either of the sides( the top-most position - where you cannot scroll up any more. and the bottom-most position - where you cannot scroll down any more) ...

Calculate scrollbar height according to amount of hidden contents

I'm creating a graphical scrollbar so I need to calculate the scrollbar height manually. You know how in most applications the scrollbar height changes based on how much there is to scroll? What is the formula for calculating the scrollbar height based on the amount of hidden contents? Is it logarithimic or exponential or just plainly b...

CSS overflow IE vs FF

I'm trying to have a single row of numbers, and if the row is wider than let's say 100 pixels, I want a horizontal (x) scrollbar to appear. This is easy to achieve in FireFox, but IE keeps folding the list and giving me a vertical (y) scrollbar as well, and items that I want to the right are appearing below. anyone know how to do this?...

Detect when window vertical scrollbar appears

Is there a simple and reliable solution for detecting window vertical scrollbar appears/disappears? window.onresize isn't triggered when after JavaScript DOM manipulation page becomes high enough for appearing scrollbar. In this very similar post Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar described solution how to detect whether scrollb...

Replicate space bar browser behaviour using jQuery

Hi, I'm using a bit hacky solution to bottom positon a "facebook chat bar" on my page, requiring the entire page to be inside a "viewport div" with overflow hidden and scrolling. So the entire webpage is inside this div. The problem is that this disables the spacebar - until you click inside it. I gave up my attempt on giving the #view...

Scrollbar hidden in IE6 (css issue)

I'm not a CSS guru and I'm seeking your help. The following site does not work properly in IE6. You cannot scroll down the page and it gets cut off. The web designer who worked on the html/css cannot fix and has been wasting my time for the past couple of months. style sheet for default page: ~/styles/jomea.css style s...