
How can you determine when the user scrolls to the bottom of a DataGridView?

I am writing a C# Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2008. I have a DataGridView with a lot of data in it. I would like to initially only populate 10,000 rows and add more only when the user scrolls to the bottom. I am handling the DataGridView's Scroll event, but it never seems to raise with the ScrollEventArgs.Type property set...

Jquery - how to create a sophisticated sidebar that smoothly scrolls down with you

I probably couldn't depict it better in the title (and if it has a term let me know), but just to quell the obscurity, I was referring to something like this. After you wait for the page to load, see how when you scroll down, the social media left bar stays fixed, but then when you scroll just enough that it meets your upper side, it sti...

Scroll resets in a div when the div is hidden

I am using jquery UI tabs and when I switch tabs any scrollable divs that I have inside that tab reset their position to the top of the screen when I tab away from it and back to it. Does anyone know how to prevent this? ...

How to Adjust/Change Scrollbar Width

Is there a way to temporarily change the scrollbar width in FF or IE while I'm testing some layout code? I remember reading something a while back about this being related to resolution, but can't quite remember. I tried changing the resolution of the computer itself, tried increasing browser font size, but both didn't work. Update I'...

AcroPDFLib Scrollbar/Zoom position

I'm trying get and set the "ZoomScroll" of a AcroPDFLib Control. axAcroPDF1.setZoomScroll(150, 300, 300); works but there is no function to get that 3 parameters. Only getting the scrollpos like in a textcontrol doesn't work, too: scrollpos = GetScrollPos(axAcroPDF1.Handle, (int)ScrollBarType.SbVert); ...

CSS Transform Rotate Missing Scrollbar

When i rotate an iframe with css rotate, the scrollbar is not there. Is there any way to add the scrollbar? ...

Is detecting scrollbar presence with jQuery still difficult?

I know that detecting scrollbar presence is supposed to be one of those elusive things that we should all have to suffer through. What I've read so far is that you can't really detect scrollbar presence, only use hints in the DOM to know if they may be present, and it can't be done in less than 30 lines of code. This sounds a little im...

WPF DataGrid does not scoll on drag

I have a strange problem with a WPF DataGrid from WPF Toolkit. The scrollbars appear correctly when the number of rows grows, and the scrolling works when you press up or down arrows on the scrollbar. The problem comes in when I try to drag the scrollbar on the datagrid. My page has a scroll viewer around it. When I click and drag the s...

Hide html horizontal but not vertical scrollbar

I have an html textarea that is of fixed width, but variable height. I would like to set overflow:scroll and be able to show a vertical scrollbar, but not a horizontal one. I am not able to use overflow:auto due to other things specific to my situation. I know there is no way using CSS 2 to show only vertical but not horizontal scrollba...

Adding scrollbars to UserControl

I am trying to add vertical and horizontal scrollbars to my UserControl with the HorizontalScroll and VerticalScroll properties, but I am having extreme issues. My problem arises when I drag or manipulate the scroll box on the bar. When I let it go, it simply jumps back to the start position! I know of the AutoScroll property, but I do ...

N-son tabbed/JsScrollbar, trying to force gif play from click of link using jquery

Hello everyone, Let me start off by stating the obvious; I am new here. That said I hope I am not violating some standard I missed by posting this. xD For several days now I've been trying to update a rather old site of mine, to which I wont link to given that the update is so drastic that the current product on which I seek your help...

GUI Text box scrollbar help

1. JTextArea messages = new JTextArea(5, 30); 2. JScrollPane scrollTextBox = new JScrollPane(messages, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED ); 3. Container window; 4. ... 5. messages.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,100)); 6. messages.setLin...

Increase Autocomplete scrollbar size

Hi All, I am creating a application for touchscreen device. The size of the scrollbar available with autocomplete is so user friendly. How to increase the size of the scrollbar in the autocomplete. JQuery autocomplete Geetha ...

Android ignores scrollbarsize

Hi, I'm trying to modify a ListView scrollbar's width without success <ListView android:id="@+id/android:list" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:choiceMode="singleChoice" android:scrollbars="vertical" android:scrollbarTrackVertical="@drawable/scrollbar_vertical_track"...

Load content while scrolling a div with jquery

I need to load content while scrolling a div, not window. That's my CSS code: #sidebar{ width:30%; float:right; height:455px; } #video_list{ height:100%; overflow:auto; } And this is my html code: <div id="sidebar" > <!-- other --> <div id="video_list"> </div> </div> Video_list is scrollable and the content is loaded by a...

Detecting presence of a scroll bar in a DIV using jQuery?

I want to detect the presence of a scroll bar in a DIV using jQuery. I was thinking to use $('div').scrollTop() but that returns 0 in both cases when the scroll bar is at the top and when there is no scroll bar at all. Any ideas guys? ...

How to differentiate between scrollbar click events and scrollbar drag events?

I need to scroll an EXT-GWT grid by some custom amount instead of the default 1-2 rows. Since I couldn't find any parameter that let me do this, I overrode the event handler to capture scroll or mousewheel events. On any such event, I just programmatically move the scroller further by the required amount in the same direction, keeping a ...

Unnecessary scroll bars appearing in IE8

Hi, In my web app there is a page(ChildPage) which is actually contained in an iframe element of another page(ParentPage). This ChildPage has its contents placed in ContentPlaceHolder of a MasterPage. <div id="DivScroll" runat="server" style="overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: auto; width: 100%; height: 100%;"> <asp:ContentPlaceHol...

Using the standard Flash AS3 scrollbar class

Flash has a scrollbar class, documented here: However, besides listing functions and variables, there's no real explanation of how to hook an instance of this class to a textfield. Everything I've tried either ends up in errors or the scrollbar not showing. The d...

How to include other controls in a scrollbar?

I want to create a scrollview with a zooming control and a button next to the scrollbar. Sort of like the "tile window" button in XCode (top right corner of the editor), it should be in the same box that usually is used by the scrollbar only. Do you have an idea of how to approach this? I was thinking to use an NSScrollView and set the...