
Handle window's scroll bar's mouse move (WinAPI)

I have a window that has scroll bar styles so it has its own scrollbars. I want something to happen when the mouse hovers over the scroll bars, but handling the window's mouse move doesn't do the trick. How can I handle the scrollbars' mousemove event? Thanks ...

How do I add a border to a div that has the style='overflow:auto' only when the scrollbar is activated?

So I have a div that gets content dynamically, and when the content size exceeds a specified height, the overflow:auto kicks in and I get a scroll bar, but not before the content passes that height boundary. Now I am supposed to add a 1px border around the whole div only when the height is exceeded, and the scrollbar shows up...does an...

c++ scrollbar to window

hey, here im creating a window: _hWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, //dwExStyle (LPCWSTR) _wndClass, //lpClassName L"", //lpWindowName WS_CHILD | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL , //dwStyle CW_USEDEFAULT, //X CW_USEDEFAULT, //Y 200, //nWidth 150, //nHeight hWndParent, //hWndParent NULL, //hMenu hInstance, //hInstance...

CSS + FireFox: hiding scrollbar on iframe with scrolling=yes

I have an iframe with scrolling=yes. Is it possible to fully hide scrollbar using CSS for the Mozilla FireFox browser? For instance, on the Internet Explorer I'm using this: Overflow-x: hidden; Overflow-y: hidden; - and it hides scrollbars, but FireFox ignores this CSS. Here is screenshot from IE: Here is screenshot from FireFox: ...

Scroll Position on web with google map and ajax rating

my website is composed of google map and ajax rating component. everytime I vote any sections, the page will be refreshed and start at the top of the website without maintainig the current scroll position that I click 'vote'. What should I do ? I tried remove the tag which make scroll position effective. However, my website should ha...

.NET Vertical Scrollbar not Respecting Maximum Property

I have a form and have dropped a vertical scrollbar on it. Whatever I set the "Maximum" property to, the scrollbar will only scroll up to that value minus 9. Why is that? I'm using C# in Visual Studio 2008. (WinForms) ...

jQuery Accordion lengthy content

What is the behavior supposed to be when a jQuery accordion section's content is lengthy -- more than will fit on the page? ...

How Can I Move the Web Browsers Scrollbar and Style It (CSS)?

Upon visiting the site that I'm currently working on you would immediately notice the fact that a bar placed at the top of your browser follows you down as you scroll through the blogs posts. I was wondering if there was any method which I could use to both shift the scrollbar below the bar rather than beside it and then style the bar to...

Mini Scrollbar with thumbnails on iphone

Hello. I was wondering, what would be the best way, to implement an 'extra' scrollbar, showing thumbnail versions of the pages, you are currently viewing. In my case, I would like to have maybe around 20 images, which I would animate with Cover Flow Layers and while I 'scroll' up an down to view them, a scrollbar appears at the side, s...

Wordpress slideshow plugin with scrollbar, autoplay and lightbox

I have been asked to build a portfolio website for a photographer. The main page contains a slideshow of the photographer's best work, I have used an autoplaying NextGEN SmoothGallery with Lytebox. After some customization of the plugin, this works. However, the client has requested a category selection above the main slideshow and a sc...

Is there a workaround to the disappearing Perl/Tk text widget scrollbar for right justified content?

I've come across a bug I believe in Perl/Tk 804.027 Text Widget (using Scrollable('ROText')). When I add a tag that selects all and apply the configuration change to justify to the right, the scrollbars do not show up. If I comment out the tagConfigure where I justify to the right, the scrollbars come back. Does anyone have a workaround...

Customize scrollbar in Page Action for Google Chrome extension

How do I customize the scrollbar (eg. make it black and thinner) for the Page Action popup for a Google Chrome extension? For reference, here is what a Page Action is: ...

Want to have vertical scroll bar if content is more than expected in popwindow

Want to have vertical scroll bar if content is more than expected in popwindow... I have a snippet to display the popwindow on click of a button which is given below:,'popupWindow','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no,width=650,height=500,screenX=150,scre...

changing the color of scroll bar?

Hi In a div I gave overflow auto to have a scroll bar to display the content that exceeds the limit My scroll bar appears in blue color that doesn't suit my layout how can i change the color div#navigation{background:#efe9b9; overflow:auto} This is the css i am using ... I want brown colored scrll bar How to get it ...

CSS Problem in scrollbar coloring.

.body_c { scrollbar-face-color:#408bc4; scrollbar-shadow-color:#afefff; scrollbar-highlight-color:#afefff; scrollbar-3dlight-color:#000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#006399; scrollbar-track-color:#bfd3e6; scrollbar-arrow-color:#FFFFFF; margin-top:0; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; } I am using this class for coloring scrollb...

Adding scrollbar to sizer

Hi there, I'm using wxPython 2.8 and i'm trying to add scrollbar capabilities on the right side of a wx.Frame. This "right side" is a sizer; i have tried to use wx.ScrolledWindow but it seems to work only on wx.Frame. Do i have to add a wx.Panel on the client of the scrollbar ? How ? Is there an example ? This is the piece of code in wh...

Wpf binding to a function

I've a created a simple scrollviewer (pnlDayScroller) and want to have a separate horizontal scrollbar (associated scroller) to do the horizontal scrolling. All works with the below code accept I need to bind the visibility of the associated scroller. I can't simply bind this to the visibility property of the horizontal template part...

Help needed Using The UIscrollbar in flash cs4 pro with AS3.0

hi there every one... i'm using the UIscrollbar component in a project i'm doing in flash cs4 pro using as3.0 i finally get it to work with my text area without using any AS codes, but the problem is no matter what the size of my text area is it only scrolls a specific amount. and there's no where where i can find any AS written in the c...

Flash AS3: How to Make scroll bar react to dynamic textfield movement?

I've been looking for a tutorial and answer to this for a while but can't find what I'm looking for. I am loading html text into a dynamic textfield, and I have a scrollbar controlling the scroll using the code below. What I want to do is also add scroll up/down buttons and have the scroll bar move in relation to the text scroll. I was j...

Dynamically resizing CFWINDOW to fit content

Hi all, Am currently working on a site that uses a lot of cfwindow objects and I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to dynamically resize the window so that all the content fits in without the need for scroll bars. I have tried using the overflow=visible configuration but it doesnt seem to make a difference. Thanks in advance for ...