
How to filter text in a ListView properly?

Hello! I've tried to filter my ListView from my EditText box, but currently, it's not working. I have a ListView that get data properly and they are added to my own ListView using a ArrayAdapter class and my own ArrayList class. When I for example, typing in "table" I want it to sort from the loaded titles in my ListView and than it sho...

jqGrid - determine whether find or reset clicked in search window?

We are using jqGrid searching.. how can you determine if a user has clicked Search, Reset, or has closed the search window? There is an onClose event but it doesn't seem to have any parameters that indicate the action. ?? ...

Reviewing history of object recognition/reconstruction. Any one has list with dates?

What I'd love to see is dates! recognition/reconstruction by Single image for me is priority. When appeared first object recognition algorithm, When first programme that was capable of object recognition appeared? What are most interesting dates? ( for ex publishing of most valuable papers) ...

Search filesystem for filepath using VBA

I am looking for a way to search a specific folder for a subfolder containing a certain string. Below I have listed a function I typed off the top of my head to see if it would work. Well, it does work but when I am talking about searching through 6,000 folders on a network drive it just isn't fast enough. I'm sure that there is a bette...

jqGrid - how to reset search options?

Using jqGrid multiple searching how can you programatically "clear" the search options? The "clear" should ensure no filters are being sent to the server and that the GUI search box does not contain any search criteria.. We are currently calling trigger("reloadGrid"). We'd like to call a clearSearchCrieria() type method before reloadG...

jqGrid - use combo box options for search criteria

We are using jqGrid search - for a given field, how can you specify a combo box with specific search values instead of a text box? ...

Dealing with asterisks in Sphinx results

I'm using Sphinx to search MySQL. One of the results Sphinx returns for a search is M*A*S*H, as in the hit television show. The problem I'm facing is that M*A*S*H is returned for nearly any query made with Sphinx. I'm guessing this is due to the asterisks. If not, then what could the problem be? If the asterisks are causing my probl...

How do you order by a search phrase found in the beginning of a word and only afterwards the middle using SQL.

Let's say I have table [users] with the field [Name] and I've written a query in my application to search by name. The names in the database are: Lala Ally My SQL query is: SELECT * FROM users WHERE [Name] LIKE '%al%' where 'al' is my search term. How would I sort the results by search term found in the beginning i.e. '%al' and o...

django gui for statistical analysis of data

Im trying to setup situation where users of application can do statistical analysis of data. There are 3 tables, users, exams, polls I should have gui to build custom queries, like these: users born between 1930 and 1940, that have 3 exams taken; show name, surname, group by age of person count of users born 1945 that have not taken...

How do I add an element that shows what was searched in Searchlogic?

I am using the gem Searchlogic for Rails. Everything is working great. The only question I have left is how to have an element display, after the query, that says something like: Search Results for "whatever" I can't find anything in the docs. Anyone have suggestions? Here is my code: /posts/index.html.erb <% form_for @search do |f...

Problems with preg_replace and ? (question mark) - what to do?

Hello! I have made this line of code to make the words, that is searced for, enhanced. $tekst = preg_replace("/($searchstr)/i", '<span style="color: 8fb842; font-weight: bold;">$1</span>', $tekst); But my problem is, that when I make $searchstr = '?'; it is setting between every letter in the $tekst string. The whole script is: //...

How to use the OR statement in MySQL while using the LIKE search statement

Hi, I am trying to create a good little search statement that searches muitple fields using the with different search terms depending on what is returned. I am basiclly setting an order in which I want to search if one search term is not found try the next one. However I am using a WHERE clause to seperate search only one type of data....

Approaches to do keyword search in FAQ

My site (ASP.NET + C#) has FAQ data pull from another site's web service in XML format. The data size is pretty small (just about 50 faqs). I want to implement a keyword search for the FAQ and highlight the search keyword. What could be a fast and easy approach to do this? My first thought is just using a C# string search or any XML sea...

Can Sphinx be configured to give more weight to certain fields?

Hey, so I'm wondering if it's possible for Sphinx to weight certain fields of document over others in its results. For example, if I did a search for 'the rock show', is it possible to configure sphinx to give much higher precedence to a song named 'the rock show' over a song which has 'the rock show' in its lyrics? ...

Improve the speed of locating a row (integer columns)

I have a 15 integer column with 5,000,000 rows in a table. Given a input record containing 15 integers I need to compare the input record with the 5,000,000 record table and obtain all matching rows. Note1: All integers within a row are unique Note2: the order of columns matching and the input record is not important. for example: 1, 1...

How to make search engines index search results on my website?

I have a classifieds website. It has an index.html, which consists of a form. This form is the one users use to search for classifieds. The results of the search are displayed in an iframe in index.html, so the page wont reload or anything. However, the action of the form is a php-page, which does the work of fetching the classifieds et...

Magento: programmatic search depending on store

Hi, I'm using the catalogsearch module of Magento. I have 2 stores. When searching "test" on the first one, I get 5 results. When searching "test" on the second one, I get 3 results. I'd like to add the results of the second store (just the number of results) when I search in the first one. I added a block and a template, all I need i...

I have an iframe which content I need Google to index. Is this possible?

I have a classifieds website. The index.html has a form: <form action="php_page" target="iframe" etc...> The iframe displays the results, and the php_page builds the results for the iframe. Basically the php_page builds a table containing the results from a mysql db, and outputs it. My problem is that this doesn't get indexed b...

How are efficient consecutive word searches implemented?

Search engines and databases allow you to use consecutive string search (such as "this is a test"), which matches this is a test that will match, but won't match test this is a. I know that some databases have built-in features that allow you to use the same functionality without writing a single line of code (e.g. MySQL's full text sea...

passing hash object values as search parameter

I have a table "Email" with field "contents" where the data are stored as hash object. I want to do search in this table with parameter "email => [email protected]" where :email is key and "[email protected]" is value of a hash object. Thanks in advance ...