
Batch script: Search if a folder contains any files

Hi, I am trying to get a batch script to check whether a folder contains any files in it. So far this is how far I have got: IF EXIST %FILEPATH%\%%i\FromGlobus\%FILE% ( %WINZIP% %FILEPATH%\GlobusEOD\ExtraFiles\%ZIPFILE% -m %FILE% IF errorlevel 1 goto subBADEND ) where %FILE% is *.* but what happens is it tries to zip up files even ...

Help fix my KMP search algorithm.

Hello I am trying to write a C# version of KMP search from Algorithms in C book. Having trouble finding the flaw in my algorithm. Would someone help? static int KMP(string p, string str) { int m = p.Length; int n = str.Length; int i; int j; int[] next = new int[m]; next[0] = -1; for (i = 0, j = -1; i < m; i...

Linq search result by closest match

I have an ObservableCollection, which holds a Person object. I have a search feature in my application, and would like to display the most relevant results at the top. What would be the most efficient way of doing this? My current search method simply calls the contains method: var results = (from s in userList where s.N...

Big data sort and search

Hi, I have two files of data, 100 char lines each. File A: 10^8 lines, file B: 10^6 lines. And I need to find all the strings from file B that are not in file A. At first I was thinking feeding both files to mysql, but it looks like it won't ever finish creating an unique key on 10^8 records. I'm waiting for your suggestions on this. ...

Search in IMAPv4

Is there a way to tell the IMAP server that it only has to find the first 20 responses that fit a given search criteria. So, for example, I am sending to the server the command (SEARCH SINCE 1-Feb-2010) and it will wait to return all messages since 1-Feb-2010. Is there a way to tell the server that it only has to return the first 20? ...

Twitter API: search people by email

I'm trying to find people via Twitter API. I use urls like this:[email protected] But there's a problem. For example, when I search by email "[email protected]", twitter responds to me with all account than have "" in their email. So I can't find even myself. How can I tell twitt...

Solr Merging Results of 2 Cores Into Only Those Results That Have A Matching Field

I am trying to figure out if how I can accomplish the following and none of the answers I have found so far seem to fit: I have a fairly static and large set of resources I need to have indexed and searchable. Solr seems to be a perfect fit for that. In addition I need to have the ability for my users to add resources from the main data...

Windows Search - IFilter search term highlighting

My development team are having a problem having snippets of text shown for search results in windows 7 for our own custom files (note we are NOT talking about the preview pane that uses the IPreviewHandler interface). An example of what I mean for .txt files is shown below: The text snippet shown here with the highlighted result is no...

AIR - Search Entire Computer For File?

how can i accomplish fast file searching in AIR for the entire computer? i simply want to supply a string, which would be a file name like MyTextFile.txt and have AIR search and return that file's path if it exists. ...

How to install a Google search box with suggest on MediaWiki?

I have found several extensions for MediaWiki which allow you put a Google search box for searching the web on your MediaWiki site. However, none of them seem to have an option to enable suggest, which populates a drop down menu of possible search terms based on what the user has typed in so far. How can I do this? I posted this to Stac...

How to search || and or on StackOverflow?

One of my questions was closed, because of being a duplicate. My question is how can I search for duplicates for my original question. The keywords in my mind are: || or ruby rails Putting the four in the Stackoverflow search box didn't return anything meaningful. Thanks! ...

bash command: search for class in file system of jars

I'm wanting to recursively search my maven repository (an n folder deep heirachy of jars) for a specific class inside an unknown jar. jar -tvf myJar.jar | grep ClassIWant.class works great for a known jar but I'm having problems piping/chaining bash commands to achieve a recursive search. Any hints much appreciated. Related: http://st...

Not authorized for search.asmx web-service ?

How can I get authorized to use ..._vti_bin/search.asmx ? I manage to set up a service reference to the above web service. Anonymous access is disabled on the Sharepoint port 80 site. Here is my code in VS 2010: DocSystemApplication.QueryWebServiceProxy.QueryServiceSoapClient client = new DocSystemApplication.QueryWebServiceProxy.Qu...

Making specific word in string uppercase C

Hey all, I'm trying very hard to figure out a way to parse a string and "highlight" the search term in the result by making it uppercase. I've tried using strstr and moving a pointer along and "toupper"ing the characters, to no avail. char * highlight( char *str, char *searchstr ) { char *pnt=str; int i; pnt=strstr(str,searchstr...

Custom searches in WordPress

I need to create multiple search fields that each search different content in WordPress. I know about Search Everything, which is helpful with specifying what is searched, but doesn't allow multiple, unique instances with their own search parameters. Any help is appreciated! ...

How to Loop my searches in iPhone dev?

My goals is search bar on top my table that searches the track_tiles in Dictionary. This table was built by Parsed data into an NSDictionary. My Dictionary for the table looks like... tracksDict: { "Cold Calling" = ( "<Track: 0x5f39bc0>", "<Track: 0x5f3a3e0>", "<Track: 0x5f3a990>", "<Track: 0x5f3...

Any way to NOT index certain keywords on page?

If I have a page that I want to be indexed, and searchable. But I have a certain keyword(s) on my page that I do not want indexed. Is there a way to do that? So that people searching for keywords on my page that I think are assocated with me, will find me. But if people are searching for keywords that happen to be on my page, that are ...

Implementing most popular web searches

Does anyone know a way to retrieve most searched Google (or other search engine) topics onto a site? For example list most searched topics. (without using third-party pre-made widgets or iframes) ...

How do I find common elements from n arrays.

I am thinking of sorting and then doing binary search. Is that the best way? ...

Case-Insensitive List Search

I have a list testList that contains a bunch of strings. I would like to add a new string into the testList only if it doesn't already exist in the list. Therefore, I need to do a case-insensitive search of the list and make it efficient. I can't use Contains because that doesn't take into account the casing. I also don't want to use ToU...