
How can I set up Solr to tokenize on whitespace and punctuation?

I have been trying to get my Solr schema (using Solr 1.3.0) to create terms that are tokenized by whitespace and punctuation. Here are some examples on what I would like to see happen: terms given -> terms tokenized foo-bar -> foo,bar one2three4 -> one2three4 multiple words/and some-punctuation -> multiple,words,and,some,punctuation ...

Looking for a basic PHP / MySQL search class.

Noob-ish question: I'm looking for a lightweight but decent php way to search all fields of a MySql table, regardless the structure. I first gave it a try on my own with the default mysql select but that's too basic. I'm looking for something that should at least order results by best match (keyword highlighting would be nice too). I'm ...

defect in ADAM? search using wildcards returns wrong results

Hi Guys, I've tried to Google it out, but i couldn't find any useful information. Problem is as following: My application uses ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode) to store some fancy objects, no big deal. I'm using DirectorySearcher class and wildcards to filter list of those objects - still nothing unusual. Everything works a...

Software alternatives to Google Search Appliance (GSA)

I am interested in software alternatives to the Google Search Appliance (GSA) for use in a (large) university context. Has anyone experiences of migrating from GSA to an alternative solution? If so, what were the reasons for doing this (technical, financial, staff effort, etc) and have the experiences been positive? ...

[Python] Open file into array, search for string and return value

Alright, I've been working on this for a while and cannot get it. I'm making a method that accepts a filename, and a pattern. E.g findPattern(fname, pat) Then the goal is to look for that pattern, say the string "apple" within the text file that is opened, and return it's location by [line, beginning character index] I'm new to python...

File searching in a directory using php

How i can list all the files in a folder and its sub folders using php ...

Searching Database PHP Mysql

Hey, I know most of the time people just do a LIKE '%$search_query%' but see the thing is, in my case someone may be searching for things like that cow is fat now, the thing is in my database i wouldnt be storing it exactly as "the cow is fat" i'd be storing it something like "fat cow" so using LIKE '%$search_query%' wouldn...

Drupal 6: How to sort/filter search results by date

Hello, How to customize standard search behavior in Drupal 6? I need search results to be sorted by date. In example, people want to show items within 2 past weeks or something like that. I've tried a lot things on this reference without luck. Have you ever encountered such problem? Any help will b appreciated. Thanks! ...

Django Sphinx Text Search

I am trying out Sphinx search in my Django project. All setup done & it works but need some clarification from someone who has actually used this setup. In my Sphinx search while indexing, I have used 'name' as the field in my MySQL to be searchable & all other fields in sql_query to be as attributes (according to Sphinx lingo). So wh...

T-SQL Operators LIKE need help

i would like to search in DB input string is "oxoşil" o -> [o-ö] x -> [x-ks] ş -> [s-ş] ş -> [ş-sh] i need to search all of these cominations. Needed finally search criteria is [o-ö][x-ks][o-ö][ş-s-sh][i-ı]l is there any way to to this with t-sql like operator? or in linq? ...

jQuery live counter for SPECIFIC chars in textarea

Googling is driving me mad; all jQuery textarea counters I can find either count words, newlines or characters. I would like to count a specific character as it gets entered in the textarea. More specifically I would like to 'live count' the amount of @ signs that get inserted before the backend processes it. Live is nicer (with the cou...

What banner rotator should I use?

I have some banners I want to rotate on my index.html. What is the usual method for rotating banners? What language (js, html etc)? Any free good rotators? Links please. Thanks ...

How to get the search words location from Sphinx search engine?

I use Sphinx to index HTML pages, giving different weights to title, description, etc. I'm looking for a way to get the search words location in the page from the results that I get from Sphinx. Meaning, if the wordset is "stack overflow program" and I have 5 documents that match, each of them was a match because it contained at l...

Linked In Answers Search API?

Is there an API to search all Linked In Questions and Answers by a keyword? It should be simple enough, but their docs don't show anything to this effect. ...

Could I buy a domain name to increase traffic to my site like this?

Lets say I have a domain already, for example (not mine), with a website fully running and all. The title of my "Website" says: <title>Used cars - buy and sell your used cars here</title> Also, lets say I have fully SEO the website so when people searching for the term buy used cars, I end up on the second or f...

JIRA: Searching issues by issue links

Is there a way to query for all issues with a particular link? For example, let there be a dependency link where an issue can "depends on" another issue. Is there a query to find all issues that depend on some other issue (aka. all issues with the "depends on" link)? I know there is the linkedIssues (key, linkType) function that return...

Is it possible to listen to Search Dialog UI Events?

I would like to be able to detect when a user types a key in the Search Dialog. I plan on using this to hook in to custom suggestion functionality. Note: The built-in Search Manager custom suggestions functionality won't work for me because I need to customize the layout of the suggestions. ...

what do you think about my django search app?

hi, I've got a new pet project: a pure django search app. I know there are some apps for searching (django-solr, solango, django-hackstack) but they all use a backend for high-end searching. I've got a little experience in information retrieval and natural language processing in general so I want to try to write another search app which...

Quickly searching a doubly linked list

Hi, I currently have a simple database program that reads keys in from a text file and stores them in a doubly linked list (values are read later if they are required). Currently, I do a sequential search on the list, but that is clearly rather slow. I was hoping that there is another way to do. I was reading about binary trees (in parti...

how to create an iphone-like search for android

How to create an iphone-like search for android? I could not alter the standard search android. Is it possible? I decided to make a my custom widget. Have any ideas how best to do this? ...