
Good learner book for a 12 year old?

Hey Guys, My 12 year old brother has recently expressed an interest in learning to program. I of course think this is a great idea, why not start him early? I'm wondering what you guys think with regards a book? I was thinking I should start him off on Java but I'm unsure what book would be best? Any suggestions with regards a book or e...

What is the best way to practice?

Possible Duplicate: What is the single most effective thing you did to improve your programming skills? I want to become a professional programmer. I remember reading on this website that you must practice, practice, practice, as opposed to just reading books and attending lectures. As the old saying goes: "Perfect practice ma...

Looking for beginner Python project ideas to learn the language.

I've read through "Python for Dummies" and I'm ready to take the next step. I hear that practicing coding with the goal of creating something is the best way to learn. I'm a beginner in Python, and I'm looking for project ideas that I should attempt. I'm looking to learn web app programming, so any project that would teach me this area ...

Is this the best way to learn how to program (in python)?

Possible Duplicates: Fastest way to learn Python? How to Learn Python I want to learn python and become a relatively decent programmer. I feel as though the following classes (first three) and the last item (a book) will help get me there. However, I am missing the class that involves actually building software. I found o...

Which to learn: ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET

Possible Duplicate: Traditional ASP .NET vs MVC I am new to .net world coming from java , I know some jsp and jsf, I want to start learn web development in .net, so now I want to chose what to learn ASP.NET MVC (open source) or ASP.NET. Please help me to chose one of them and why? ...

Books or Frameworks for C++ Game Programming

Hey guys, I'm looking to get a career started in game programming, (like every other recent college graduate with a CS degree) and I see a lot of places require C/C++ fluency. I'm very comfortable with C, but my C++ is rusty at best and I've never used either for any kind of game programming. Can anyone recommend some good reading or ...

Assembly language - More than one type?

I start university in a few weeks (software engineering degree) and know that one of the modules I'll be studying in the first year is 'fundamentals of architecture' or something similar; basically it's learning to program in 'assembly'. I'm wanting to do some background learning so I'm prepared for it (I've done the same on some other ...

IS OOP possible in Javascript?

I recently found out that Javascript function can have classes, so I was wondering if OOP is also possible through javascript. Is It? If yes, Could you please point out some tutorials or site, where I can start with? ...

Mathematics and programming

I read a lot of blogs and forum posts about mathematics in programming and made a conclusion for myself that basic mathematics is needed in programming. I'm not a good mathematician. But is it somehow possible to improve my logical and algorithmical thinking without going deep into math science? Are there any excercises or some books tha...

Which language should I learn next? I want to expand my knowledgebase to become a better programmer

At the moment I know of Python, C and Java. I'd say my knowledge of Python is intermediate, I have written a web-bot that functions reasonably well (my old 'large' program to date) and I've been using the language for about 2 months. I have solved the first 20 or so project euler problems using Python aswell. The only thing I'm not comfo...

Book recommendation to learn Java for a Perl programmer

I've been programming with Perl for a few years and consider myself proficient. I'm now trying to learn Java and am wondering what would be the best route / resource? Any recommendations on website and/or books would be appreciated. thx. ...

How to write a web framework as a learning experience

I would like to write my own (toy?) web framework as a learning experience. I want to go through the whole process from scratch. I'd like it to be served through Apache on Linux. I'm looking for the best route to understanding every step of what is happening when using a web framework. I'd like to use whatever language best facilitates t...

Python Web Programming Steps to that and this and yeah and oh?

Hi guys, I'm really interested in being a good programmer. So far what I've been doing is just reading a whole bunch of my friend's dad's programming books. I've been just kind of stumbling through and no help can be gotten from my friend's dad because he's kind of gone... for a long time. haha. Anyway, I think I'm getting nowhere jus...

Help in choosing a programming language

I am a student of std.7 and learning GW-BASIC in school. BASIC doesn't suit my needs and other languages will start from std.9 I can't wait that long (I'm sick of BASIC). I am trying to choose some other good programming languages. (I know this question is silly) Desktop Application Programming and Web app design are my main goals. I d...

Uses of Jython while programming

I recently started learning Python and came accross the term Jython. From the Google search results, I thereby concluded that it is indeed a very important term. What is the experience programming/coding using Jython? ...

Should I learn ASP.NET AJAX, jQuery or both?

I'm .NET developer. Most of my career I worked on web based intranet applications (ASP.NET WebForms) but always as a server side developer. Client side development was done by my colleagues more skilled in JavaScript and different JS frameworks. At the moment I have some JavaScript skills and very elementary understanding of both ASP.NET...

how to start with windows API in .net

I want to work on windows API. I have an interest in creating network application that can communicate with web as well. I haven't thought any application yet. But before doing all this . I want to know where to start with. What all I need to start reading. I have created lot of database interactive applications with window forms. But w...

assemble full Computer Science graduation course

I found a Computer Science II: Programming Abstractions course by Stanford at Academic Earth. With a I from one place, a II (the above one) from an other place and a III from yet an other place, can you assemble a full Computer Science graduation course for me and maybe others too? The Computer Science knowledge from university... it's...

How to arrange the time proportion to improve skills?

To improve programming skills as a programmer, he can read books, read other's code, coding at work, coding at spare time. How to allocate the time to do such things reasonably? Writing much code , or reading books? ...

How does a programmer employ deliberate practice?

How does a career developer sharpen and expand their skill set to reach the level of expert at their craft. A lot of scientific evidence points at the fact that experts become experts through many hours of deliberate practice. When we look at any kind of cognitively complex field — for example, playing chess, writing fiction...