
Can I deploy in SharePoint two Web Parts with the same DLL, but two .webpart files, at the same time

Hello: Is it possible to have two Web Parts with the same DLL, but two .webpart files, deployed in Sharepoint at the same time? Background : I am developing an application that will generate a ".cab" file containing a Web Part (ASP.NET 2.0 Web Part). After that, the user should be able to deploy this ".cab" file in a in a SharePoint se...

Create Excel document from a ContentType in SharePoint

Is it possible to create an Excel document using VSTO, using a SharePoint contenttype? Creating a document in VSTO based on a template is easy. Workbook newWorkbook = this.Application.Workbooks.Add(@"C:\temp\TestTemplate.xltx"); But the "template" that's assigned to a content type in SharePoint has xlsx as an extension. ...

Crawler do not create custom crawled properties

Hi, These days i have faced with very strange problem. I have development environment with MOSS 2007 SP 2 and WS 2008, i have search configured and everything works great. I have started to configuring staging environment (MOSS 2007 SP2 with June CU) and create new farm and new SSP. I have deployed my changes with package (wsp) and manua...

can i Programatically Change Sharepoint OOB document approval workflow

I have document library where I am using the Out-Of-the box document approval workflow. I need to allow users to delegate their tasks to another person during a certain period. This delegation is on workflow level not on item level. something that can be used for example where someone will be out of the office for a long period and need...

Using Sharepoint web-services with Coldfusion

I'm running CF8 and trying to use the web-services of Sharepoint WSS 3.0. I have not been able to authenticate due to the use of NTLM of the Sharepoint side. I read that if you save the WSDL on the CF server you can work around the authentication while still generating a stub, but I have been unsuccessful with that as well. Does any on...

Embedded Resources and ASPX pages

Hi, Is it possible to embed an aspx page (self contained, no seperate codebehind file) into an assembly, in this case a SharePoint web part, and have it still act as an aspx file when called via the resource url? Regards Moo ...

Test SharePoint Sites

I have started working on sharepoint. Other than playing around with the development sites in office I would also like to learn from home. I dont have MOSS 2007 server or Windows 2003 box to install MOSS.Are there are any public sharepoint sites (free or registered) where I can create and test out sites? ...

Sharepoint 2007 : How to change a custom webpart webservice URL?

I have a MOSS 2007 Webpart that displays data obtained from an external webservice (not originating from sharepoint). It's created using VS2009, the webpart project includes a WebReference to my WebService and it uses the following code to make a connection (the url is configured in the WebReference): //get xml sitemap from webser...

How do I expose Excel 2003 Spreadsheets to PerformancePoint 2007?

I am working on a PerformancePoint 2007 project. I have a bunch of Excel spreadsheets, and I need to get at the data. The users need to continue to enter data, they have Excel 2003, and I won't be here forever. If the users had Excel 2007 I could just use Excel Web Services in MOSS 2007, but that's a no go. What are your recommendati...

Sort "My SharePoint Sites" list in "My Links"

Anyone know of any way to get the "My SharePoint Sites" list that is generated and shown in the users's "My Links" to be sorted alphabetically? They seem to display in a random order by default. ...

Change template html in sharepoint discussion reply box

I have a wss 3.0 install which needs an "anonymous" discussion board. I can modify the view so no usernames are displayed, however when I click on "reply", the message I'm replying to shows up in the rich text box with the username of the previous poster. Is there a way to remove that username? or Remove the previous posted text altog...

MOSS features leave old leaf nodes in Database after retracting Solution

We have noticed that when after retracting a MOSS solution package, we are still left with incorrect leaf entries in the alldocs MOSS database table. This is an issue if for example we rename a feature that deploys the same artifacts - MOSS will then not let us deploy the solution as it thinks these items already exist. Would be interes...

Expression Builder requires SPContext to run

I am having a problem with visual studio 2008 websites and SharePoint/MOSS 2007. We previously had 2 web application projects housed underneath our SharePoint structure, but due to the nature of project files and source control, it was creating problems in our team development environment. I have decided to switch to from web application...

Can not debug the SharePoint

Hi all My OS is 64bit Server 2008, 64bit SharePoint2007 SP2, Visual Studio 2008 SP1. I write a web part and deploy it to the server, it works fine, but I still want to debug it. I find the w3wp.exe's process ID(port 80), then I attach it to the Visual Studio as I do on the server 2003, but it seems do not work. But I make some breakpoi...

ows_PermMask in SharePoint WebServices

Lists.GetListItems form the Lists Web Service returns a ows_PermMask attribute (16 character hexadecimal) for each list item. Anyone know how this attribute maps to the user's permissions or where the meaning of this attribute is documented? ...

MOSS Web Parts or .aspx pages/controls

When developing in MOSS I would be interested to hear peoples views on whether they choose to wrap functionality in web parts or to create .aspx pages and deploy those to MOSS and how best to make that decision. ...

Infopath XmlFormView permission issue over sharepoint

I have this complicated problem with infopath XmlFormView control : I have a web form hosting a XmlFormView to show infopath forms from a sharepoint server.Whenever I open a new form everything is working fine and I can work with the form then I don't submit the form , instead I get the form xml data and I save it to a database to open t...

Is it possible to manage the top navigation bar using SharePoint web services?

I am trying to remotely add links to the site top navigation bar. It is necessary for me to use SharePoint web services. I was able to create a sub site using the websvcMeetings, but there are no links in the top navigation bar. It should inherit parent's top nav bar and the parent's top nav bar should have the link to that newly created...

How do SharePoint search statistics get generated?

Hi, We have a heavily customised SharePoint publishing (WCM) site that uses no web parts in order to meet with XHTML and (AA) accessibilty guidelines. The trouble is that the search functionality is not generating any usage statistics (Usage reports within Search Administration in the SSP). We know this is down to our customisations bec...

How to create Site Directory in MOSS 2007

Can anyone please let me know how we can create a Site Directory? Also please let me know the Scope of a Site Directory? Also what does a Master Site Directory mean? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. ...