
Sharepoint 2007 : How to disable TextBox

Hello, I am new to sharepoint 2007. I have a following requirement. 1) I would to create a custom list for employee where they can select the item and fill-out the form and submit. Example : List --> Hard Disk --> Click --> Create new list --> List has following fields 1) EmpID 2) Customer name (Text) , 3) Order Date, 4) Qty 5...

InfoPath Form Auto generate Name

Hello All, Here is the requirement: Anonymous Users need to enter some info into InfoPath on line form. They should not see the Save as and the file name prompted after they hit the Save. Should I find a way to auto generate name for InfoPath / write some code for this? I also need to create a workflow when a new form is created [se...

Updating the url of a navigation node in moss programatically

Can anyone see why this should not work: SPSite topNavigationSite = new SPSite("http://moss"); SPWeb topNavigationWeb = topNavigationSite.OpenWeb(); SPNavigationNodeCollection topNavigationBarNodes = topNavigationWeb.Navigation.TopNavigationBar; SPNavigationNode updateNode = topNavigationBarNodes.Navigation.GetNodeByUrl("/about"); updat...

SPWeb disposing himself and causing exception

Hello. When trying to use SPWeb.GetSiteData(SPSiteDataQuery) (Trying to bind some data to SPGridView), it throws me an TargetInvocationException with a following stacktrace: Exception at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTyp...

Unexplained delay when assigning a string to an SPListItem field

Hi, I am using the SharePoint Object Model via a console app on the same server as the SharePoint installation, and using the following code: SPSite MySite = new SPSite("http://server/"); SPWeb MyWeb = MySite.OpenWeb(); MyWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true; SPList MyList = MyWeb.Lists["Test"]; const string EmptyQuery = "0"; SPQuery q = new...

Disable Word/Sharepoint Integration

I have a requirement to disable the integration between Sharepoint and Word in a project that I am working on. This requirement comes from the request that the user is able to edit the properties of the document but not edit the document itself. The request has also been made to disable the Shared Workspace toolbar that appears when a d...

Get Item Level Security using SharePoint WebServices

I am able to get the Permissions associated with a List or a Site using Permissions.GetPermissionCollection(ObjectName, ObjectType). The ObjectType parameter will accept either a Site or a List. Is there any way with the out-of-the-box webservices to get the Permissions associated with a ListItem? I mean if I have NOT inherited the Lis...

Accessing a List on demand using SharePoint WebService

I am able to access a Site then Lists inside the Site and then List Items inside all the Lists. This works fine when I want to crawl/access all the Items in a Site. I am keen to know if there is a way through which we can directly access a List in a Site. To elaborate on this :: If I have 1000 sites and 1000 documents then I would have...

Exporting List Template from the CUstom List created using a Feature

I have created a Custom List Template and wrote the Schema.xml,feature to deploy it,Installed to the server created a List based on that. Everything is fine. Now I wanted to Save this List as template and Deploy it to a different machine (Different SharePoint Server). But that feature is not visible in the Template List, when we try to c...

SharePoint 2007: How to Restrict Access at the Field Level?

Is it possible in a SharePoint 2007 list (MOSS, though I don't think that this is Enterprise Edition) to allow users in one SharePoint group to edit values in some fields and users in another group to edit values in the other fields? From all the searching I've done, this does not appear to be possible, so as a fallback I'll accept answ...

Comparing date fields to "Today" using SharePoint search SQL?

I am converting some of the queries I have from CAML to SharePoint search SQL and ran across an issue when trying to compare my Date metadata fields to "Today." Specifically, I have the following part of a CAML query that uses : <Leq><FieldRef Name="Article_x0020_Publish_x0020_Date"/><Value Type="DateTime"><Today /></Value></Leq> Whe...

Moss Sub sites navigation elements

My site structure looks like this: - top-level site --sub-site ---page ---page --sub-site ---page I want to disable the link on the tab of each sub-site that currently links to default.aspx so that it acts as a heading to the pages only and not a url that can be clicked. When users navigate over the sub-site tab, the pages drop down m...

SharePoint template option missing

I believe I have read this somewhere, but I can't find it nomatter how I search. I need to create a site collection using the "Publishing Site with Workflow" template. Unfortunately, that template is not available as an option. The SharePoint installation is an Enterprise license and all enterprise features are enabled. Any idea what I'm...

proper model for side storage in SharePoint?

We'd like to build a custom type - or simply add custom columns to an existing type - that can be displayed in regular lists (or document library) without requiring a special page or grid view. This column retrieves complex/structured data from an external service and exposes it as the column's "value". I realize that this will prevent...

Can I BCC an email through SharePoint Designer workflow?

The standard SharePoint 'Send Email' workflow activity does not support a BCC field, however I need to send an email BCC'd to a SharePoint group. I am prepared to write a custom workflow in VS 2008 to deliver this, however I thought I would ask the question here in case there is a quicker method to deliver this type of functonality. Th...

Update SharePoint file field that is of type choice muliple selection

I am using UpdateListItems method (Lists.asmx web service) to update fields of an uploaded document in one SharePoint document library. In my case, I have a document library called Schedules. In it, there's a field called 'Day of the Week' which is a Choice multiple selection, with the allowed values Monday to Sunday. Here's the query th...

SharePoint, List.Items and List.GetItems(Query) and Linq

Following on from suggestions, I am trying to use List.GetItems(Query) to retrieve my initial data subset rather than the entire list contents via List.Items. However, whereas List.Items.Cast() results in a usable IEnumerable for Linq, List.GetItems(Query).Cast() does not. Working Code: IEnumerable<SPListItem> results = SPContext.Curr...

Debugging, Building and Deploying in moss

I would be interested to hear how people develop for moss. We currently use virtual environments, with wspbuilder and nant scripts to build and deploy. We are finding the debugging and deployment process slow for our devs. Can anyone suggest ways to speed everything up? ...

Custom Render template in custom Toolbar..! Problem..!

I have custom rendering template in ascx file in CONTROLTEMPLATES folder I want to render that custom rendering template as toolbar in custom list view forms... I have changed toolbartemplate property of view in schema.xml but it reads id from defaulttemplates.ascx while it does not read from customdefaulttemplates.ascx How to give ref...

Deploy aspx page in /Lists folder programmatically.

Hello. I have a need to deploy ASP.NET application page from assembly to /Lists/ (http://server/Lists) folder. How can I get "physical" page object from page that is made in assembly? How can I deploy this page as module or by FeatureReceiver? "Physycally" folder Lists does not exist. Thank you for assistance. Edit: I want to ...