
SharePoint login page doesn't seem to load styles from /_layouts, throws error "value cannot be null"


Route sharepoint approval workflow to recipient email address field in infopath form

Hi, I have used the out of the box approval workflow in SharePoint. I would like the approver to be someone (an email address field) provided in the infopath form. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this? ...

How to capture SharePoint events from the UI?

Hi! I would need to capture events that users do on a SharePoint site (or at least Central Administration) - kind of "click on Site Settings" -> " click on Master pages gallery" etc... I guess that's quite easy as a Sharepoint site is in the end a simple web site - but what would be the best approach? Thank you! ...

How to set up an workflow in SharePoint to only work when a specific field is changed and not everytime the item is edited?

The issue is that everytime an item is edited/changed all the users who are set up to receive updates are notified. I need the workflow to run only when a specific field is changed disregarding the others. For example if my item contains these values (Customer Name; Acc#; Contact Person; Address;) - I need the workflow to work only when ...

Sharepoint "Unknown Error" debugging - but can't turn on CallStack... ??

On one dev machine, the standard method for enabling SharePoint debugging is not working. From c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\web.config: <SharePoint> <SafeMode MaxControls="200" CallStack="true" DirectFileDependencies="10" TotalFileDependencies="50" AllowPageLevelTrace="false">...</SafeMode> ... </Sharepoint> <syste...

Retrieving a sharepoint list in Infopath only shows first 100 records

I am retrieving a list of values from a sharepoint list, which works well but my problem is that it only retrieves the first 100 records. there are currently 500 records that should be available. Scenario: I have two comboboxes on an infopath form: A List of Locations A list of areas within the locations the list of locations will ...

Which stsadm command do and don't recycled the application pool?

I'm trying to figure out if deploying/upgrading solutions and activating features recycles the app pool or interrupts/slows the user's actions in any way. I need to know if these steps can be performed while there is load on the server, or it is best to do an after-hours deployment. The specific commands I'm using upgradesolution or di...

Distinct department names-Sharepoint search

I need to get distinct department values where scope is people. I tried with Sharepoint full text query but this does not seem to return distinct values. Therefore, the only thing i can do is to get distinct values from the datatable. But this approach slows down the application when there are huge number of people belonging to a specifi...

Add Custom Meta Data to a Team Site Programmatically

Hi, I have been asked to write a custom webpage in a web application integrated into a MOSS 2007 solution to allow users to create a teamsite using a custom template. No problem. However, the user must have the ability to assign custom meta tags to the created team site to allow for specific searches, i.e. to assign country ("USA")...

Shortening jQuery Function

I've written the following functions to remove non-breaking spaces from the html code in a SharePoint site (SharePoint designer litters whatever code you write with non-breaking spaces whenever you open the masterpage or page layouts! You end up spending all your time going back and deleting them). In any case, it seems overly long, I'm...

SharePoint MOSS BDC for reading in opml feeds

We currently have some c# code that runs and imports data from a number of opml feeds and stores it in several sql server tables. We are working in a moss environment and I am thinking the Business Data Catalog may be able to be utilised to make this process more robust/efficient. Can anyone suggest if it can? ...

How to use the GetChanges method of SiteData WebService

Hi there, Can anyone elaborate on the parameter values to be supplied for GetChanges method of SiteData Web Service? Basically I am not able to understand what value should we supply for startChangeID and EndChangeID and from where can we get these values? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ...

Paid access subscription to a website.

We have a SharePoint site and we now want to only allow users that have registered and paid to have access to the site by yearly subscription. We would like to automate the process of managing the subscriptions and creating the users as much as possible. I understand we will not get a turnkey solution. However, does the SO Community ha...

Persisting User Input for Dynamic Control in SharePoint Web Part

Edit at bottom with solution I've seen a similar question to this posted before and have tried the suggestions, but I must be missing something. My basic problem is this: I have a select box where the user can select a filter which may or may not have constraints built into it (requires the user to input further data so the filter know...

Proper way to hide place holders in a SharePoint 2007 Master Page?

I am working on a specialized instance of MOSS for a client where What I am wanting to do is hide elements on the master page. In particular, I want to hide the main top navigation bar, the search functionality and the label that shows up in the upper-left-hand corner that tells you the name of the site you are on. So I made a copy of th...

MOSS 2007 Anonymous Posting

Hello, I want to create a method for users to post comments (to a blog?) in Sharepoint anonymously. This would preferably be within an existing - authenticated - site. Any thoughts? ...

Download specific version of a file from SharePoint using web services

Can someone provide a sample for downloading a specific version of a file from SharePoint using web services? Normally I would get the file with the Copy Web Service (.../_vti_bin/copy.asmx). But I don't really know how to specify a version. Regards Anton Kalcik ...

Creating Web Application in SharePoint with multiple Web front ends

How do you go about creating a web application in a Sharepoint server farm that has multiple Web front ends(identical ones for load balancing), especially if you creating it from command line? When you create it on one web server does it get automatically copied to other servers as well? Or do you have to extend the app to other servers?...

Integrating SharePoint document libraries into an ASP.NET page

Is there any way that I can use SharePoint document library and document sharing functionality from an ASP.NET page? ...

I just installed WSS 3.0 -- now what?

I've been doing web (all ASP.NET now) and desktop development for ten years and have written half a dozen intranet CMS websites. Nobody at my shop has any SharePoint experience and I've been asked to investigate WSS 3.0 and answer questions like "Can we replace our current ASP.NET intranet with a WSS-based intranet portal server without ...