
Bespoke Development or Leverage SharePoint With Web Parts etc?

Hi all, We are currently in the process of drawing up a solution for an existing client, creating a number of eServices. The client currently have MOSS 2007. The proposed solution is to use MOSS as the launching pad for the eServices… The requirement involves drawing up several online forms which provide registration facilities as well...

How to create XML webparts using sharepoint web services?

I have an XML to be rendered in sharepoint using a XSL file. I now the how to do this using object model of sharepoint but don't how to do this using sharepoint web services. i.e. I want to create XML web parts using sharepoint web services. Is it possible to do create XML web parts using sharepoint web services? If yes, how? ...

Access external xml using xslt document function return 401

On MOSS2007, I have a webpart that display the content of a xml feed. I use a xslt with parameters for transforamtions. There is a situation when I receive a 401 Authorisation exception. I realize that this happen when a document() function from my xslt try to open an external xml. If I try to open this xml in browser all work ok. I prov...

How to add the document library column named "Type (icon linked to document)" into list view?

I am working with a list view. I want a column to have look similar to the document library column named "Type (icon linked to document)" column. I should also be able to set the path this hyperlinked icon should open. I tried a lot with existing site columns but could still not figure out how to do this. Has anyone implemented this earl...

Sharepoint SPGridView Filtering with Lookup fields

Hi all I have a SPGridView that displays items from a list with filtering. the list has some lookupfields. in my SPGridview the filter values of a lookupfield appear in this format: {id};#{Value} which makes the filter not work because it is expecting the value only without the {id};# is there a way to display the filter values wit...

Dynamic WCF base addresses in SharePoint

I'm attempting to host a WCF service in SharePoint. I have configured the service to be compatible with ASP.NET to allow me access to HttpContext and session information [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)] public class MISDataService : IMISDataService { ... } And my confi...

Site Actions menu in SharePoint is WSS-like, whereas I have installed MOSS

I had WSS installed on my VM and then uninstalled in order to install MOSS Enterprise I can see a lot of the MOSS stuff in the Central Administration pages but when I create a new web application and site collection, my Site Actions dropdown is showing the WSS version, i.e. Create, Edit Page and Site Settings as opposed to the MOSS men...

SharePoint WSS 3.0 - Fastest approach to build data-bound forms?

Pardon the vague question, but I've just inherited a project to build a couple dozen forms pulling data from a SQL 2005 database. The forms are mostly standard database lookups with just a couple updates so the data layer is very simple -- I'm the DBA -- but we just recently started using SharePoint WSS 3.0 for a departmental web site an...

SharePoint People editor control - UpdatePanel postback issue

Hi I've a people editor control inside an update panel. During postback, I need to update the value of people editor control based on some selection. Though the value is getting updated, it is not being persisted on postback. I can see the value being updated when I debug. All other controls inside the update panel are working fine and ...

Installing document sets site collection feature not available

I have setup SharePoint 2010 on my local developer machine (Windows 7) so that I can use Visual Studio to make solutions. However, when I go into the "Site collection features", I do not see Document Sets as an option. Is there someplace that I need to go to enable/install this capability? ...

Pop Up to enter credentials

When I open my SharePoint site collection everytime I am getting the pop up to enter the credential. How I can get rid off this. I checked in the alternate access mapping but I couldnt figure out anything difference,as the internal URL and external URL s are same. Can anyone help me regarding this?? ...

Connecting WCF from Webpart

I am consuming a WCF Service from a webpart in Sharepoint 2007. But its giving me the following error: There was no endpoint listening at http://locathost:2929/BusinessObjectService that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details. -...

moss 2007 workflows

Hi, I'm new to MOSS 2007. I need to create a workflow that looks at a document's review date (a select list predefined to values of 3 , 6 or 12 months) then send an email if the review date has passed. So the workflow needs to get the documents review date then convert this to date time add to the created date if greater than current d...

Hiding a deprecated sharepoint web

Hi all: I want to hide a Sharepoint web that has been deprecated (via custom means) due to the release of a newer version, whether it would be making it invisible in the sites and workspaces, or via some special archiving function provided by Sharepoint. Basically I do not wish the users to be able to see the deprecated site. I was wo...

Customizing Document library web part

Hi, I am developing a website in Sharepoint 2007. I came across a bit tricky problem. I have a document library web part in a web part page. I am using the summary toolbar view. I dont want users to add new documents on first screeen where it shows folders. I want them to open the folders and add documents there. I cannot do a No toolba...

SharePoint 2010 HttpModule problem

I'm trying to write an HttpModule to run on our SharePoint farm - essentially it will check whether the user is authenticated and if they are it will validate some info against another database and potentially redirect the user to sign a variety of usage agreements. Whenever I enable the module in the web.config I'm finding that SharePo...

Sharepoint GetListItems using rowLimit parameter is not limiting the results returned

In SharePoint I am using the default view of a list. When I use GetListItems method I can pass into it the following: public XmlNode GetListItems ( string listName, string viewName, XmlNode query, XmlNode viewFields, string rowLimit, XmlNode queryOptions, string webID ) I am passing in "" for the viewName a...

how to keep the document status as Checked out when it is uplaoding to sharepoint site?

how to keep the document status as Checked out when it is uplaoding to sharepoint site? Means , I want that , when i will insert any document to specific document library of sharepoint site , then how shold i can keep its status as Checked out rather than checked by default ...

How to get Content types

Hi, I'm developing a windows application, that talks to SharePoint via its built in web services, and i want to get all content types available on a SharePoint site, I'm trying to use Web.Webs WebsService = new Web.Webs(); WebsService.Credentials=credentials; WebsService.Url="url of the web service"; XmlNode listOfContentTypes = Webs...

how to store list values to database

How to store list values to Sql server database? Anybodies have any idea about this? ...