
How to display "ContentType" name in search results?

I have a MOSS site where I have created custom content types and activated those on a document library. Now I want to use a custom XSL stylesheet with search results to pull back those documents and display the name of the custom content type assigned for each one. I know how to create managed properties and map those, etc... but can n...

How to avoid hard-coded credentials in Sharepoint webpart?

I am building a Sharepoint web part that will be used by all users, but can only be modified by admins. The web part connects to a web service which needs credentials. I hard coded credentials in the web part's code. query.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password", "domain"); query is an instance of the we...

Two FullTextSqlQueries?

There are two FullTextSqlQueries, one in the namespace Microsoft.SharePoint.Search.Query , and the other in Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query. What's the difference between these two? Which one should I use? ...

Active directory won't replicate permissions in sharepoint wss 3.0

I have WSS 3, AD is setup with users, those users are added to the WSS 3 site, I can login with any of the AD users, but if they have a permission level lower than "system administrator" they can't access a folder or item in that folder. How do I get lower permissions to replicate? ...

how many event receivers we can use for one SharePoint Document Library?

hi all, i want to know how many event receivers can we use for one SharePoint List or Document Library? ...

SharePoint 2010 Search Query

Hi, I had written a custom search query for MOSS 2007 to get data where contenttype is post. However the same query is not returning any results in SharePoint 2010. Any inputs will be appreciated. Please note that SharePoint search box is returning (parameter k in query string and also contenttype:post) appropriate results. Thanks, ...

Showing fields as readonly in Edit Form of List Item in SharePoint

I have a list which has 5 columns in it. Some of these fields help the user fill in the data but I don't want the user to modify these fields. I have tried changing the field to readonly but that ends up hiding the field completely from the form. Is there a way to get the field to render out to the form as just text? Maybe I need to u...

Sharepoint re-parenting

Is it possible to re-parent a subsite in Sharepoint from 1 site collection to another? ...

Sharepoint Collaboration Portal initial size

Around how much space does a Sharepoint Collaboration Portal use up by default (when newly created)? Just asking because I had one created but I'm thinking of using a Team Site site template--if the client won't be utilizing the default "features" of a Collaboration Portal. ...

sharepoit performance counter instance name with [ACL]

Select a Sharepoint performance counter object, there are two instances for each of my web site. For example, for the ssp site, the two instance are named as portnumber_ssp_admin portnumber_ssp_admin[ACL] What is the difference between the two instances? What is the meaning of [ACL]? ...

Problem with crawling Oracle portal with SharePoint Server 2007 Search

We got "No Index Attribute" error when we try to indexing Oracle Portal from SharePoint Server 2007 Search crawler. The content source is added successfully. The error messages appear in the crawler log. ...

Sharepoint Active directory forms authentication

Hi, I am devloping a sharepoint website in Forms authentication mode. I am trying to authenticate myself/ my company users against company's active directory. The ldap path I received from my technical team is LDAP:// OU=Infotech,DC=inf,DC=com I got this piece of code from microsoft site. <membership defaul...

How do I get CAML for a custom content type

I am trying to get the CAML for a custom content type that I am creating. What I am really doing is creating the content type in Visual Studio 2010 via CAML and then deploying that content type to my sandbox using the new deploy features in VS 2010. At that point, I am modifying the content type using the SharePoint interface (i.e changi...

What exactly can "Full Control" with SharePoint Designer accomplish?

I've been brought in as an intern to develop a SharePoint site. My team won't authorize the budget for Visual Studio and I don't have physical or remote access to the SharePoint server (running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 a.k.a. WSS) on the back-end. So what exactly can I do? I'm a pretty decent programmer when it comes to web t...

Value does not fall within the expected range while access sharepoint list item.

Recently we moved prod to dev environment. I am able to add item in the list like discussion board. after that , If I click item for view or edit or approve/reject or etc.. I am getting below error. How to resolve this.? [ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.] Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItemCollection.GetIt...

Assigning Group's Permission to Document libraries

Here is the scenario.. ===== scanario 1 ===== 1. Document Library "Gatorate Classic" 2. I have four groups. Group Alpha - Role - Read Group Beta - Role - Edit Group Epselon - Role - Edit Group Gamma - Role - Edit ===== scanario 2 ===== 1. Document Library "Gatorate G2" 2. I have four groups. Group Alpha - Role - Edit ...

Sharepoint: Integrity of lookup fields after a list import

Hi there I got a question about the behavior of lookup fields when importing data. I wonder how the lookup fields behave when the list they point to is being replaced/imported. To explain the issue, I will provide a quick example below: As example, assume we have these two sharepoint lists: Product Types ------------- + Type Name + Co...

Adobe AIR - SharePoint Authentication using Kerberos

Hello StackOverflow Community, Can Adobe AIR use Integrated Windows Authentication (Kerberos) to authenticate from a user’s work station to SharePoint? Thanks, Mauricio ...

How to customize form web part to include multiple columns in search??

Hi, I have edited my form web part to look like this. I am a newbie to moss. As i understand, form web part allows only 1 column to be mapped to my list at a time. I need to configure to it have multiple columns mapped to my list view. Do I need to change any javascript function or use sharepoint designer. I have spent a week trying ...

SharePoint use for web application

Hi - we are looking at developing a web application that allows users (some subscribed (authenticated) and some not (browsing)). We would like some basic document management, a wiki, a blog etc. and do not expect the app to be heavily used (DB size not an issue at this stage). I require the GUI to be customised to our corporate style a...