
Accessing Sharepoint tasks via web services?

I've looked at a lot of the previous questions asked about sharepoint and accessing objects via web-services, and I am pretty convinced that tasks can be accessed through the Lists interface. Can anybody please verify this for me? Also, if anyone has any examples of this I would be very grateful. I'm not a Sharepoint guy but I need to...

Sharepoint: Office Documents can only be uploaded; not opened and saved

I had two clients with a save issue in SharePoint. When they try to save they would get a a very generic error: "Document Could not be saved" The only way they could get them into SharePoint was by: Saving to local File System Using the Upload option from the SharePoint menu Configurations Client 1: Vista and Office 2007 Client 2...

What is the code for a number sign in sharepoint?

I've created a link in Sharepoint using the Content Editor Web Part. My link uses html to open up an email with the fields to, cc, subject, and body filled out. However, in the cc section I need a number sign (#) for a mailbox. When I use the html code & #35;(minus the space) my entire code crumbles. Everything starting at the "&" di...

ASP.NET validations not showing up after AJAX calls are made (SharePoint 2007)

I have an AJAX form on SharePoint 2007. If I don't call AJAX on the page, the validations all work fine and the css for the validations shows up. Once I make an AJAX call (say, Create Customer), all the validations still work, but the css for the validations does not show up. Any ideas? ...

migrating moss 2007 to moss 2010

since we are having our MOSS 2007 on 32bit machine it is not possible to upgrade it to 2010 so i think to only way is to install fresh moss 2010 and then migrate the sites and webs from 2007 to 2010, what is the best way to do this? ...

sharepoint (moss 2010) and smart parts

having our moss 2007 all our developments and customizations were based on smartparts everything in our sharepoint are smartparts (some smartparts using jquery) but i couldn't find the smart part plugin for moss 2010, is it possible to use our existing smart parts in moss 2007 in a new installation of moss 2010 ...

Sharepoint Custom Field default template

Hi all I want to develop a custom lookup field for sharepoint. I created a class as the following public class CustomLookupControl:BaseFieldControl and overided this method protected override string DefaultTemplateName { get { return base.DefaultTemplateName; ...

stsadm -o import error

I am trying to import a sharepoint site and have got the following error. Error: Unable to update the information in the Microsoft Office document (doc name with relative url) This is a MOSS 2007 site collection. Exported from one server farm and trying to import to an "identical" but different server farm. The exact cmd I am running i...

solution for RPC_E_ATTEMPTED_MULTITHREAD error caused by SPRequestContext caching SPSites?

Hi, I'm developing a solution for SharePoint 2007, and I'm using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges a lot, passing in UserToken of the SystemAccount. After reading I finally began to understand why I get these System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ...

Remotely terminate a Sharepoint workflow

Has anyone had experience canceling a workflow via webservices? Is it possible? ...

How to create custom rss feed generator (sharepoint 2010)?

I need to create RSS, that include all sharepoint lists and pages. Sharepoint gives "http://localhost/_layouts/listfeed.aspx?List={0251B48D-9D09-4C94-8D33-8A4589C57EC8}&Source=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FPages%2FForms%2FAllItems.aspx" "http://localhost/_layouts/feed.aspx?xsl=1&web=%2F&page=122705e9-4542-4e65-b001-81ea8699c5bd...

How to become sharepoint developer from ASP.NET/Silverlight developer?

Hello friends, I heard from my peers that knowledge of sharepoint is going to be good for career. We do not use sharepoint at our office. So dont know how to get started. These are my sharepoint newbie questions Is learning sharepoint worth the effort? Where are the resources to learn sharepoint? Is there any reference project I should...

What is a proper way to store site-level global variables in a SharePoint site?

One thing that has driven me nuts about SharePoint2007 is the apparent inability to have defineable settings that apply specifically to a site or site collection itself, and not the content. I mean, you have some pre-defined settings like the Site Logo, the Site Name, and various other things, but there doesn't appear to be anywhere to a...

Sharepoint Web performance optimization

We are running on SSL on following server topology: 1 ISA (SSL Terminate/cache/proxy+AD authentication) 1 Sharepoint 1 IBM DB2 Database as enterprise/corporate DB 1 MS SQL Server as local DB We have recently optimized the caching, compression, minification, and other best practices such as viewstate and cookie siz...

SharePoint Designer 2007 - Send Email: The whitespace inside a hyperlink tag changes to plus (+)

I am using SharePoint Designer 2007 to send custom task notification. The lookup values retail their whitespaces if they are not part of the quotations in the html hyperlink tag. However, if a lookup value is part of the tag (example link), the whitespaces inside the quotations are changed into plus (+) sign. Any ideas on this? Thanks...

Sharepoint 2007 - Content query webpart formmode

I have got a simple question, but the answer is hard to find. I want to put a contentquery webpart with a custom xslt on my page, but it has to render extra links if the page is opened in edit-mode. So, if (SPContext.Current.FormContext.FormMode == SPControlMode.Display) : show some extra links near the items in the xslt. How can I achi...

How do you change the Subject/Title of a Sharepoint list RSS feed?

The default RSS feed of my list is working but the problem is, it uses the name of the Page itself as the Subject of each item. How do I change this to show the actual Title of my article? e.g., instead of "AnArticleAboutMountains" (page name with the ".aspx") it should be "An Article About Mountains" (Article Title) Thanks! :) ...

Access is denied

Hi, I got this code for my sharepoint, but I get a Access is Denied, can anyone help me out here ? <!-- Load and display list - iframe version --> <!-- Questions and comments: [email protected] --> <DIV id="ListPlaceholder"><IMG src="/_layouts/images/GEARS_AN.GIF"></DIV> <!-- Paste the URL of the source list below: --> ...

Sending Email Asynchronously inside a SharePoint workflow

I'm getting a weird threading issue inside a SharePoint workflow that I'd like to learn more about. I'm trying to send an email using SPUtility.SendEmail asynchronously by firing up a new thread to do it. This successfully works at the end of a workflow for a summary email. I tried doing the same to replace a task notification email but ...

Custom Control Same Assembly - Visual Web Part

Hi, I am working on a Visual Web Part which requires creating a custom control. I am trying to add custom control to the same assembly as Visual Web Part and registering control as: <%@ Register TagPrefix="cus" Namespace="SomeCustomControlNameSpace" %> When I am trying to access this its throwing runtime error : Unknown server tag ...