
Shrepoint Deployment

I am creating an .STP for a site. But here I have a DLL file in BIN , a XAP file in 12 Hive Folder and few more custom entries in teh Web.Config. How do I include there in the .STP File? When I say IncludeContent when I create a .STP file for the Site , then also the above said things are not getting included. ...

Help with error creating SharePoint list (probably due to privilege issues)

I'm getting an error when trying to activate a webpart. It activates fine in one setup , but fails in a different one. Administrator in both. Seems like it fails because it's not able to create the list. The error is: Message: Value cannot be null. Stack Trace: at Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPRoleAssignment..ctor at ClientRequestHandler.C...

What does this error mean in the contex of import excel data into a Sharepoint list?

After choosing 'Range Type:' Table Range and 'Select Range:' Sheet1!Table1 I get the error pop-up 'Import to Windows SharePoint Services list' 'Cannot connect to the server at this time. Your table cannot be published.' Is there somewhere in my computer I can look at for more information as to what I am doing wrong? ...

SharePoint Change OK button text to Submit in newitem.aspx of lists

Hello, I have a problem with the sharepoint lists. I need to change the OK button to display as Submit. Anyone has any ideas how to do that? Thanks, Jason ...

Logging to TextFile from SharePoint

I'm trying to debug a webpart installed on a client's SharePoint instance. I wanted a quick and easy logging feature, so I thought of writing messages to a text file in the temp directory. SharePoint doesn't seem to like it, so what are my options? ...

Web Parts custom property not showing up

I'm trying to create a custom property for my web part, but can't get it to show up in Sharepoint. Here's my current code : [Serializable] [XmlRoot(Namespace = "MyWebPart")] [DefaultProperty("Text")] public class MyWebPart : WebPart { ... [Category("My Web Parts Properties")] [DefaultValue(defaultPropertyValue)] [WebPart...

Consolidating data in SharePoint from different sites based on variable site naming

Hi, am working on a project where I want to pull data from different lists in SharePoint and have these data imported into a single list. The list has the same attribute everywhere; it is located in different sites. I have a list which contains all the site names and URL to those sites. The idea is to read from this list all the site n...

Accessing previous activity instances in a sequence activity

This has a rather SharePoint spin to it but the problem is straight workflow. I've got a parallel replication activity which contains a sequence activity. The sequence activity contains a CreateTask activity, a CodeActivity, a OnTaskChanged activity and finally a CompleteTask activity. The idea is to create a task for each username pass...

Delete page permenetly

Hi I deleted sharepoint page which is based on page layout through browser by going siteactions-->managing content and structure--> pages--> selected the page--> delete(by right clicking). But when I see in the content database still the page is there. Basically I want to delete the content type which I could nt delete as it is being...

How to access Sharepoint List Items using an ID

I am currently working on a nice table that displays the items in a list of "Tasks" on a dispForm page. Each Task is created and initially given a ProjectID depending on which project the task is for. The ProjectID is the actual ID given to the "project" when it is added to the list, therefore it is not actually a parameter in the list o...

Minimum permission required to access Site Columns page and edit site columns

We've started to adopt SharePoint 2010, and are starting to manually migrate content from SharePoint 2007 sites to new sites we're rebuilding from scratch in SP2010. One of the things we previously had supported was to delegate responsibility for managing some of our site columns to a member of the team. The team member is not familiar...

Sharepoint AD user athenticate to another domain

I have a situation where I have to autheticate SharePoint user to another website that is not part of the sharepoint domain without asking user to login again. I have sharepoint part of domain1. I have users in domain1 that log into sharepoint using NTLM by authenticating to domain1. I don't have any control over this domain and share...

J2EE Centralized URLrepository Sharepoint

Friends I am going through this pain of remembering all urls or adding it to my favorites every time there is a release or search for the urls in mailbox when needed it is confusing all the time. We have around 25 apps which we use regularly in our daily work and its growing. I have this idea to develop little J2EE app or a work flow wh...

CAML OrderBy for SharePoint Recurring Calendar Event

The following is the CAML query from a calendar view for a SharePoint list that I have. I have added an OrderBy statement that references two custom columns within the list. <Query> <Where> <DateRangesOverlap> <FieldRef Name="EventDate"/> <FieldRef Name="EndDate"/> <FieldRef Name="Recurre...

Run powershell commands in C#

RunspaceConfiguration psConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create(); Runspace psRunspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(psConfig); psRunspace.Open(); using (Pipeline psPipeline = psRunspace.CreatePipeline()) { // Define the command to be executed in this pipeline Command command = new Command("Add-spsol...

How do I create relative links for use in a sharepoint site template

We are creating a site template that among other things has a Document library with MANY sub folders and a Link list that contains shortcut links to the depths of the DocLib. While making the Site template we are checking the box to 'Include Content.' We are using Sharepoint 2010. No MOSS. Our problem: Once we make a site from the tem...

Extending visio

I need to extend Visio workflow template for SharePoint 2010 workflow to add my own activity symbols etc. Anyone can direct me to a reference or tutorial? ...

Installing Sharepoint on Windows 7

I have Windows 7 installed on my laptop. I want to know what is the best way to install MOSS 2007 on my laptop? I heard that MOSS 2007 can be directly installed on Windows 7. I want to know if there are ny problems if I do this Or should I install Windows SErver 2008 on VM and then install MOSS 2007 on Windows Server 2008. Is it possib...

Need to have an aspx page with a Feature in SharePoint 2010

I have added a custom button to the server ribbon in SharePoint (I have used a feature with Farm scope, so that the button is visible throughout the various site collections). For the elements of the feature, I have added a CustomUIExtension through which I want to load an aspx page on the click of the button. <CommandUIHandler Com...

Sharepoint UserProfileService

I've got a sharepoint site and a custom aspx portal, both under Windows Authentication. With the same machine, it happens that my sharepoint site returning me my current login, while my custom aspx returning me my domain admin account instead. Is there anyway that I could ensure both logins are the same? Otherwise, is there anyway to co...