
Sharepoint DateTimeControl: set it to null

Hi, how can I set the selected value of a Sharepoint DateTimeControl to null? When you first load it into a page, there's no value selected (even if the returned value is not properly null but one can check it with IsDateEmpty). How can i programmatically set it back to the initial, empty value? Thanks ...

What are some recommendations for books, when talking strictly about programming against the Object Model API for SharePoint 2007?

I've read quite few books regarding programming for SharePoint 2007, but in reading these books*, and referencing the online MSDN documentation there still seem to be large gaps/flaws/errors in what is documented, and how the API works. Is there any book about the SharePoint 2007 API that delves deeply into everything? I would think tha...

Querying SharePoint farm for all lists of certain type

I've created a list definition feature and in the elements.xml I've set its Type="111333". I've installed this list feature on several webs in my farm and created many lists from it. Is there an efficient way, maybe in CAML, to query my farm and retrieve only lists of this type (ServerTemplate = 111333) back? Thanks SF. ...

How to flush object cache in sharepoint; programmatically

In sharepoint we can clear object cache from Site Collection Administration - Site collection object cache Is there a way to do the same programmatically ? ...

NTLM Authentication fails when behind Proxy server

Hi All, I've seen a number of post about consuming Web Services from behind a proxy server, but none that seams to address this problem. I'm building a desktop application, using Java, JAX-WS in NetBeans. I have a working prototype, that can query the server for authentication mode, successfully authenticate and retrieve a list of web ...

Problem opening context SPSite from SPItemEventProperties

In the following code, // class overrides SPItemEventreceiver public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties) { using (var site = new SPSite(properties.SiteId)) //SiteId is GUID <<corrected { ... } } The following exception is thrown: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The Web application at http:...

Debugging feature activation in SharePoint 2007

I have a SharePoint feature that is activated under 'Site Collection Features' that is having some issues being activated. I've activated it through the stsadm as well as the SharePoint UI, both unsuccessful. The feature toggles from deactivated to activated, but the result that should be there is not. The result is some pages that shoul...

Access denied when using RunWithElevatedPrivileges?

I want regular user can access the "User Information List" in Mysite root site. I am using "RunWithElevatedPrivileges" method. Still throwing access denied error. per example my root site collection for mysite is "". the user want assess userinformation list this site collection. How can he access that? SPSecuri...

Programatically creating a Site Workflow in SharePoint 2010?

I'm trying to create a new Site Workflow, but not through SP Designer or Visual Studio. Instead, I would need to create it entirely through code (The logic is customizable and dynamic - Initiation Forms or Conditionals won't help much). Do I have to build the .xoml and .rules files by hand? Or is there an API for designing workflows? ...

Syntax error in SharePoint calculated column formula

Is it possible to debug SharePoint calculated column formulas? I am trying with a really simple SharePoint calculated formula =IF([YTD]<[Budget], "OK", "Not OK"). This being a Danish installations of SharePoint I believe the fomula should look like this: =HVIS([YTD]<=[Budget]; "OK"; "Not OK") But this just leaves with the same syntax...

Delphi Prism 2011 and Sharepoint

Hi, can i create webparts controls for Sharepoint 2007 in Delphi Prism? If yes, how? Thank you. ...

How to trigger a SharePoint workflow on clicking a link item in the list

Guys, I have a sharepoint list and user will click 'start now' link in that list, then, I have to start a workflow. How this can be achieved. Please advice! Thanking you. ...

How to use kyewordsearch query in c#

How to use kyewordsearch query in c# to implement the Search object. What settings need through Central administration to enable kyewordsearch query ? Also please send me Syntax for KeywordQuery.QueryText. means how to write query ? ...

Can someone tell me breifly how sharepoint works?!

I have been trying to find a simple answer for a while now but I can't seem to get a direct answer?! Can someone please put it into simple terms? Thanks it would be much appreciated ...

WSS 3.0: Email notification/alert on download

Is there a way in WSS 3.0 to send an email notification when a list attachment is downloaded or when a document in a document library is downloaded? Thx ...

How do I use an enum with custom values for a Sharepoint Web part?

I'm trying to design a Web Part that has a drop-down list for the user to choose from. Eventually, these values will be automatically generated based on some kind of outside data source, so they're going to have somewhat arbitrary numeric values associated with them. This is the code I have now: public enum filterChoice { Al...

SharePoint authentication via a proxy server

A client has trouble logging into our webpart (SP 2007). Apparently, his internet connection is via a proxy server. He has no problem logging in to our main website. Authentication from both the webpart and the website is through the same API. Any suggestions? Thanks. ...

SharePoint web part not displaying for site readers

Hello - I've built a custom SharePoint 2010 web part and deployed it to the home page of a publishing site. It's a very simple web part that just displays items from a SP list in a drop down list. The web part works fine if I'm logged in as a site owner or a member but not if I'm just a reader. The web part doesn't render at all to read...

When to use which search technique in Sharepoint development?

When I have to use KeywordSearchQuery, when should I use FullTextSearchQuery and when should I use Query in developing the search part in Visual Studio for a Sharepoint site? I want to search information from Contact list. If any keyword is put in the search box, I wan related information in our own specified format. Which technique sho...

Is there any free BDC generator?

Hi. I'm looking for BDC generator, I found great one: MOSS BDC Design Studio but is there any free BDC generator? ...