
what are wss and moss libraries available in .net framework

In .net framework. what are libraries available for working in sharepoint and their uses Thanks in advance ...

Accessing Resource File using Javascript in a user control

Hello All, I am developing a user control for SharePoint in Visual Studio 2005. I make core usage of javascript in my ascx. Also, I have an aspx page in my project which defines the settings for the user control. I want to access all the text from resx file using Javascript in the ascx and also in the aspx page. I am trying to place a ...

How to hook up a mock proxy server?

My sharepoint webpart is throwing an error on my client's environment when calling HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream (and he's using a proxy server). The error is "unable to connect to the remote server." What's the best way to reproduce this scenario (hooking up a mock proxy) on my end so that my requests go out through the proxy server...

User Control on a WebPart, PostBack / ViewState Problem

Hi, I'm using a Sharepoint WebPart to load a UserControl which has a button that does some processing on PostBack. I got a problem: when I click the button for the first time, the data loaded on ! IsPosback gets lost, but this does not occur when I click the button again. I think my problem is explained here: Sharepoint Lifecycle, but I...

Text to HTML in SharePoint using Javascript

I have a summary single-line text column in SharePoint 2007 that is a truncation of a multi-line text column. Going through the complicated process to get there, it turns into text which then needs to be converted back to HTML, so that the tags like <div> don't show. The following code works if the multi-line column is rich text, but n...

Open report link URL in new window in SSRS does not work

I am running SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services in SharePoint 2010 integrated mode. I am trying to set the action (navigation) for a text box to go to a URL and open an new window and ultimately pass a parameter to it. However, I am not even able to open a simple URL in a new window. This is what I have been trying for the expression:...

How to track the Http Protocol on the Server

We do have many client specific tools (i.e. Httpwatch, Wfetch...) to track the Http Protocol however I want to track http protocol (headers) on the server end. Please let me know if we have any tool to do this on the server end. ...

SharePoint MySite while creating results in "File not Found" error

I am trying to create mysite in our environment for a user and when the user is clicking on mysite to create the mysite for the first time, it results in file not found error page of SharePoint. I have tried removing the url from the user properties but still I am seeing this error. Also, I can see the _layouts page for e.g _layouts/se...

how to enable explorer view in sharepoint 2010 and moss 2007 for document libraries?

I have already enabled webclient service but i think I m missing something tht has to be done... ...

How to open a stored in SharePoint from Team System task screen?

Hello, Someone put a hyperlink to a document stored in SharePoint, in the All Links tab of a TFS task. When I double click it, it opens up in a new browser tab in VS2010, then asks whether to download it ("Open/Save" dialog). The result is that the file is downloaded and then opened as a local copy. What I want to do is to open the do...

Dynamics AX Enterprise Portal Expense Management Screen Manipulation

I'm trying to maninpulate the Expense Management page. See the screenshot below. Click on the down arrows will expand that section to see data regarding the entry. What I want to have is by default when the screen loads to have all the expanded sections open by default. I have tried to mess with with Javascript/jQuery to accomplish t...

Provide HTML-attribute LANG in multilanguage sharepoint site

I have to create a master page for Sharepoint and include the correct HTML-attribute lang (html lang="en" e.g.). What is the best way to do this? Is there a resource like <%$Resources:wss, multipages_direction_dir_value %> used for html:dir? I don't want to create custom code for this. ...

Need sharepoint data related answer

Hi All, How list/library data stored in sharepoint How/Where Document are saved in sharepoint Where configurations are saved in sharepoint ...

Summary Link Web Part and absolute URL

I'm trying to create a link in a "Link Summary Web Part" that points to a different hostname of the same web application which uses different authentication. Unfortunately, the absolute link is being truncated to a relative link due to the alternate access mapping. Is there a way to trick this web part to store my absolute URL? ...

The solution contains no Web application scoped resource,

Hi I need little help regarding sharepoint solution set up in sharepoint. I created wspbuilder project(12 hive structure including controltemplates folder) I have created project for user controls(like login logout etc) and when I build them the .ascx files are being added to 12\controltemplates folder(I wrote postbuild event to add ....

Infopath form error from one computer (.xsn?SaveLocation...)

I have a SharePoint site with about 7 InfoPath form templates on it. Clients create new forms from that template and save it onto the site. They then create a workflow for other users to approve. I started noticing some of Forms were not loading correctly, and no one would approve them. I was able to narrow it down to a single issue in ...

WSS 3.0 site -where to store images and CSS files?

Hi -I am creating a WSS 3.0 site and am not sure where to store images and CSS files. I am thinking of creating a document library and adding 2 subfolders for images and CSS files. Would that be a good practice? Or should I create 2 document libraries for the images and CSS files (instead of subfolders)? Thank you for your help. ...

Web-based form designer and workflow tool

I need a web-based tool which support for easy designing forms, role-based users for completing the forms and an embedded report and chart generator for analyzing data (if charts support drill-down its more useful). If the tool supports workflows It's good but lack of it doesn't matter. 1) What's the name for these kind of tools ? 2) Wha...

Limiting SharePoint Search Engine to a specific subsite

I have a site that has several subsites . Let's say company's main intranet site with finance, information technology , HR etc as subsites.I need to limit users to have search only within the specific site . Lets say when a person searches from the finance department the results should come only from that department. But i want them to h...

How to get user information from sharepoint site to my webpart.

Hello , I want to developed a webpart that get all users information with user images from sharepoint 2007 site. Please suggest me how can achive this. Is there any webservices that can i use in my custome webpart? Please suggest solution for the same. Thank you. ...