
How to Create a new Version Progrmatically in Sharepoint List

Hi, I have a choice field called stage lets assume it has following values used as a dropdown stage1 stage2 stage3 on change of stage I would like to record TimeStamp and Who updated the item information How can I do it on my List without creating any other list, I think using Versioning I can add a new version whenever before and ...

is there any way to programatically download data list from sharepoint into excel

we have some data (list) stored in sharepoint. i can manually click "Actions"-> "Export to Spreadsheet" and then run a bunch of code on the Excel output. I now want to do this on a daily basis from a C# application. Is there anyway to programatically automated that download steps that i am doing now. (the site DOES require authenticat...

Building workflow forms with just Windows Sharepoint Services (WSS 3.0)

We are happy with WSS 3.0 and the only thing that we can't do is that building a workflow form. We are thinking to use custom ASP.NET coding as in separate stand-alone page or maybe as a webpart. We heard about InfoPath but this is not available unless upgrading to MOSS. I am just wondering what other people have done in regards to th...

Display Sharepoint Webpart as a PopUp

Hi, I need to display SharePoint WebPart in a PopUp. Is there a way to do it? ...

Sharepoint People Picker

I want People Picker to display users from certain sharepoint groups only. I am currently using peopleditor.sharepointgroup which lets me filter users based on one sharepoint group. I want to give multiple sharepoint groups. Can anyone please help me. Thanks in advance. ...

xsl server variable returns null

xsl server variable URL returns null. I tried all the other server variable and they all returns nulls. Is there anything I need to do (like in IIS or web.config) in order for xsl to show server variables? (i am working on webpart in sharepoint). <ParameterBinding Name="URL" Location="ServerVariable(URL)" DefaultValue=""/> <xsl:param ...

How can I write a SPQuery to filter items based on a LinkFieldValue?

I need to select a single value from a SharePoint list based on a field value. The type of the field is LinkFieldValue. How should I write the CAML query? When I select the items with an empty query, I receive all the items in the list as expected. When I add constraints to the query, it returns an empty result. I have tried constructi...

Format Fields From SharePoint List in SSRS

I've connected to a SharePoint list using SSRS with this query. <Query> <SoapAction>;/SoapAction&gt; <Method Namespace="" Name="GetListItems"> <Parameters> <Parameter Name="listName"> <DefaultValue>{4...

A way to display an excel 2010 document in an web application

Hi, I am wanting to display an excel 2010 document in an web application. This document uses the new slicer functionality which I want to be available to the user. I know that excel 2010 docs can be used within sharepoint by inserting a web part which uses exceservices. But can it be achieved without sharepoint? Or can it be a...

does anyone have a C# solution to retrieve data from the Sharepoint List Data Retrieval Service

i am trying to download data from a sharepoint list from a C# application. I see there is a webservice to connect to here: http://&lt;server-url&gt;/_vti_bin/dspsts.asmx which is the List Data Retrieval Service. But i can't find any example code on basics like: how do i specify the list and page i want to download from basic logg...

Using WinDbg with SOS extension to troubleshoot WSPBuilder: Unable to load one or more of the requested types.

I am currently getting an "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information" error when trying to build a wsp from within visual studio 2010 to be deployed to sharepoint. There is an article here that references this issue with an interesting answer by miko: http://stackover...

SharePoint Data View Web Part ParameterBinding and Filtering...WSS vs. MOSS

I have a DataViewWebPart that is filtered based on a text box which contains the a string. When run under WSS, the first time the page loads, it filters the data fine. When run on a MOSS machine, the first time the page loads, no data is appearing. The text box has the correct value in it to filter. I also have a drop down list in a...

is there any easy wasy to convert the XML output from sharepoint GetListItems() to a DataTable

i am able to retrieve data from sharepoint com.sharepoint2.Lists lists = new Lists(); lists.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("user", "pwd", "domain"); lists.Url = ""; XmlNode ndQuery = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Query", ""); XmlNode ndViewField...

Integrating Sharepoint and MVC

We currently have a product that uses Sharepoint and a number different Web Part libraries to display realtime data to customers. The way this has been set up is that each customer has a custom login (Active Directory), a custom site with their specific data hooked up in the web parts. That means for every customer we have a completely s...

I've got a sharepoint solution, what next

I'm new to sharepoint. I have a C# solution, that has masterpages and user-controls to be used in a sharepoint site. I have setup my sharepoint dev VM and i can browse the default sharepoint stuff. How do I add the master pages to Sharepoint? Where do I go from here? ...

Sharepoint 2007: granting edit permissions to "Assigned To" user in a task list

Hi, I've recently begun developing for sharepoint. I've just written an event receiver for a task list in order to grant edit permissions for the item to the user who is entered in the assigned to field. Unfortunately my code doesn't work, and I think, I've also found the reason. The list grants by default contribute rights to all use...

How to integrate a feature in SharePoint 2010 site template?

I have created a site in SharePoint 2010 and saved it as a site template. Next, I have created a custom workflow in Visual Studio 2010. The final product of the site template creation is the .wsp file (a package), and the final product of the workflow coding is another .wsp file. What I need to do now, is to extract my workflow feature ...

Sharepoint 2007 search slowdown (using custom scopes)

Is there really a slowdown issue when using custom scopes in searching for contents in Sharepoint 2007? How do you resolve this? I experience the slowdown every after 3 or 4 tries (so the first tries work just fine). I'm using a custom masterpage but the same issue is encountered in OOB portals (using default masterpage). ...

Fully Qualified Type Resolution in .NET

Simple question (comes up in SharePoint 2010, but that's not really relevant). How does: <add name="LdapMembershipProvider" type="Microsoft.Office.Server.Security.LdapMembershipProvider, Microsoft.Office.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" ...resolve when the actual type (LdapMembershipProvide...

Timer Job Scheduling on DataSheet Entry in SharePoint

I have a list on which I have an ItemUpdated handler. When I edit using the datasheet view and modify every item, the ItemUpdated event will obviously run for every single item. In my ItemUpdated event, I want it to check if there is a Timer Job scheduled to run. If there is, then extend the SPOneTimeSchedule schedule of this job to ...