
Public facing complex business apps on Sharepoint 2010 (or 2007)

I would like to see some public-facing sites or complex business applications built on top of SHarepoint 2010 (or at least 2007). They can either use Sharepoint's look'n'feel or have a completely custom one. If they're using Silverlight in heavy doses even better. ...

Sharepoint 2010 - Create Site from Code using Custom Site Template

I am creating a NEW sharepoint site from a silverlight webpart. I am using the ClientContext Model and it is working great for a team site template (STS#0). I need to create a NEW site from a CUSTOM site template that I have created, but I do not know how to reference this template being to specify a web template it is by name and only a...

getting access to the SharePoint List that kicked off a workflow

I've been told that I need to reference the SPWorkflow ParentItem. I'm not sure on the syntax though. Can anyone help? ...

Sharepoint 2007 Webpart shared property not persisting

If I change the height of my webpart in the shared Webpart properties, the setting does not persist. This happens only to my webpart, not to other webparts. Any idea why? ...

GetPublishingPage stops responding, just hangs and doesn't throw an exception

I'm running some code to get a publishing page at a certain url. In some cases the page will exist and in most it won't. Sometimes when the page doesn't exist, the following line of code just sits there being executed: PublishingPage pubPage = pubWeb.GetPublishingPage("http://some/long/url.aspx"); There is no exception being thrown ...

Why does <ViewFields> criteria get ignored by the SharePoint List Service's GetListItems Method

Although I specify a ViewFields element in my sharepoint list service's GetListItems query, all fields are returned. The following code builds the request: XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); XmlNode query = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Query", ""); XmlNode viewFields = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "V...

SharePoint Expiration Policy does not fire ItemDeleting Event Receiver

We have attached an ItemDeleting event receiver to a list that requires certain maintenance to be performed in other lists whenever an item is deleted. It works fine when an item is manually deleted by a user. However, if an item is deleted as a result of the Information Management Policy we have defined to delete expired items, the It...

jQuery POST. Can't get Request parameters using custom httphandler

I have a jQuery post method with JSON data included. In my httphandler, in the processRequest method, Request["Operation"] is null and none of my data is posted. I am in a SharePoint 2010 environment. public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { try { string operation = context.Request["Operation"]...

MOSS 2007: What is the source of "Directories"?

Hello all, I'm trying to generate a new SharePoint list item directly using SQL server. What's stopping me is damn tp_DirName column. I have no ideas how to create this value. Just for instance, I have selected all tasks from AllUserData, and there are possible values for the column: 'MySite/Lists/Task', 'Lists/Task' and even 'MySite/L...

Does SPFolder.Files return the latest version of files?

Within SharePoint users can update files. Does SPFolder.Files return the latest version of the files like the SharePoint UI would, or version 1.0 of each file? SPSite oSiteCollection = SPContext.Current.Site; SPWebCollection collWebsites = oSiteCollection.AllWebs; foreach (SPWeb oWebsite in collWebsites) { SPFolderCollection collFo...

Connecting to an external SQL Database from within SharePoint code

I have some event handlers which are tracking list items in my SharePoint lists. I would like to Audit the use of these in an external database (SQL 2005) outside of SharePoint. What is the best practice for doing something like this? I can't find many examples of this being done but it seems like it would be something that is done freq...

.NET SharePoint development, what do I need ?

Question: I'm an ASP.NET developer since about a bit more than a year now. I'm thinking about changing the employer sometime in the future, and I've seen familiarity with SharePoint development as a requirement on many good job offerings. Unfortunately I'm not (yet) familiar with SharePoint, so I wanted to know the following things: 1...

Deploy ASP.NET application in the same web site as Sharepoint

Hello, I am trying to deploy the Bugtracker.NET tool (, which is a normal ASP.NET 2.0 application, into the default web site of an IIS which already has Sharepoint installed in it. The OS is Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 and Sharepoint Services 3.0. The question is that when I execute the appli...

SharePoint Feature activating for new sites (Stapling ???)

Hi All, I am developing a sharepoint feature which takes a backup of the site at sitecollection level and at site level whenevar a user tries to delete the site. The feature is working fine without issues for the existing sitecollection and sites when the feature is activated. To give more picture, i am taking backup through code in ev...

Converting Sharepoint 2007 solution to 2010

Has anyone converted a Sharepoint 2007 solution to 2010 ? I have a highly customized 2007 solution and need to upgrade it, i've seen some info on this, e.g. here but my solution is more complex than a single web part. I'm concerned about e.g. the following topics and hopefully someone can shed some light on it: Schema.xml, does it n...

How to decide if you should develop an application within SharePoint.

We currently have a fully developed web forms application, basically its like WordPress using .net for multiple users to publish content. It does more than that but thats the simplest way to describe it. Our "webmasters" (I work in the gov) want everything put inside of SharePoint. We currently have SharePoint 2007. I have no experience ...

SharePoint In 2 Locations - any way of making fast for both?

Our company has offices in the US and the UK. We have a MOSS 2007 SharePoint installation which is located in the US but both UK and US use and share the same content. As a result, our UK office finds the speed at which SharePoint runs really slow and so that gives a bad user experience. Is there anything that can be done to make it ...

Using Sharepoint Server Object Model for Testing a Sharepoint Solution

Hey all, I need to test a sharepoint solution my business has created. I have created a simple exe to be run on the actual sharepoint server. I am trying to figure out how to use the Sharepoint Server OM to do my tests. At this point all I am trying to do is simply add an item to the library. My first solution did something like this...

Filling in a multi-choice field in a Sharepoint Doc-Lib using SetDocsMetaInfo Frontpage Server Extentions RPC method

I've been given a big chunk of code which eventually calls upon the SetDocsMetaInfo method from Frontpage Server Extension RPC. This is easy enough for most document uploading and property updating, except when dealing with multichoice fields. I've been scouring through MSDN and I can't find anything on how to fill in multiple values f...

Unable to make web request through proxy server

My sharepoint webpart is throwing an error when calling HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream when the request is made through a proxy server. The error is "unable to connect to the remote server." The client's machine (where this is failing) is set to use a specific proxy server (Use proxy server for your LAN) on IE settings. Do I need to ...