
Using soapenv CAML jQuery to get data from List library

Hi, i'm using soapenv to get data from SharePoint list librarys. There are some things i didn't found answers to .. How should get data from library which is located in other site/subsite ? What is the best way to write this jQuery CAML Querys ? Now, i'm using NotePad :) then copy/paste it to SharePoint site, into Content Edi...

SharePoint Dataview and files in subfolders

My dataview is pointed to a Document Library. I noitced files in folders and subfolders don't list - only the folders themselves. Is there any way to list files in a particular folder or all files in all folders? What I'm trying to do is tie a folder to entries in a custom list. I'd like a folder for every ID in that custom list. When...

Sharepoint: Modifying newform.aspx and attach button does not work

I modified the newform.aspx page in Sharepoint 2007 Designer for an announcment list as demonstrated in the following page I have hidden (<IsVisible>false</IsVisible>) the original form web part. When I try to press the Attach File link...

Default Sharepoint 2010 Tabs

Hello, I've been searching on stackoverflow and google for a solution for my 'problem' and still didn't find anything that worked. I'm developing a solution using Sharepoint 2010 translated to Portuguese, but in some points of the systems, the translation isn't accurate, or, it's a different word that has many other meanings. I really...

Integration between Oracle and SharePoint using Web Services

Hi, I've been trying to create a PLSQL package that will post into SharePoint through its web services. I've tried doing this using C# and it kind of worked, yet with PLSQL It seems like am having problem authenticating to Sharepoint since it uses Kerberos & NTLM. declare soap_request varchar2(30000); soap_respond varchar2(30000); ht...

SharePoint - Dynamically Setting a property on a webpart. Possible with inline C# code block ? or Javascript?

I want to dynamically set the FilterValue1 property of a Content by Query to the querystring IDs value. I tried to do it with an inline embed FilterValue1="<%= Reponse.Write .. but no luck Without having to code my own webpart, any way to change the property value with a small C# code block on the aspx page? How about with javascript?...

Can't identify document objects for Context Menus in SharePoint Lists

I'm trying to use JavaScript to find the context menu items being shown and selected from the lists (such as a document library) in SharePoint. I've tracked down a few different function names within core.js, (such as DispEx() and CMOpt()) but I really am having a hard time following the unhelpful variable name mess. My understanding is...

How to hide a SharePoint tab on 100 sites? (SP2010)

I have 100 team sites in SharePoint 2010. At the last minute, I have been asked to hide a tab on each of these sites. Through the GUI, I could do this by using the Navigation option under Site Settings, but I would have to do it for all 100 sites. Is there a way to do this programmatically? Or globally through the GUI (I doubt this is an...

Cannot crawl complex URL's without setting a site-wide rule to 'crawl as http content'.

I have pages within a site containing a control that uses a query string to provide dynamic data to the user (http://site/pages/example.aspx?id=1). I can get my content source to index these dynamic pages only if I create a rule which sets the root site (http://site/*) to 'include complex urls' and 'crawl sharepoint content as http cont...

SharePoint 2007 to 2010

Possible Duplicate: How to restore a SharePoint 2007 backup on a SharePoint 2010 server I have a backup of site that I created in SharePoint 2007 and I need to restore it in SharePoint 2010, but I already have my SharePoint 2010 instance up and running. Is there a way to do the restore to SharePoint 2010? ...

SharePoint 2010 Reporting Services Integrated-mode Error

I am running SharePoint 2010 and Reporting Services 2008 R2 SharePoint integrated-mode. I am able to browse to the reportserver site : http://DBserver/reportserver which lists my site collections and I am able to get to the document library which holds my reports. However, when I try opening a report I get the following error: Report Se...

Sharepoint - Create new link in Documents and link to page

I have an aspx page (c# application), which i have to link to the new link created under documents. How to create a new link and map it to new seperate aspx page Please guide me ...

SQL connection issue from sharepoint after messing with service accounts

Hi, I had a win7 x64 box with a local Sharepoint 2010 installed on an SQLEXPRESS DB. Last week I also installed an SQL 2008 R2 instance with integration and analysis services next to the existing database. Because I had issues deploying analysis services solutions, I messed around quite some with the SQL Services Accounts. Eventually...

Company wants me to learn Sharepoint 2010 development, should I?

I am a Asp.Net developer, currently working on Webforms in 3.5. I do C# now, used to do VB.Net. I am also a middle tier developer (business layer and data layer) working on refactoring the current code base to use the Service-Repository pattern. My boss asked me if I would like to start doing Sharepoint development (company is curre...

Opening SharePoint 2010 Foundation Site in SharePoint Designer 2010

Hello I am trying to open a SharePoint 2010 Foundation Site (local installed on Windows7 Home Premium) in SharePoint Designer 2010. Nevertheless I get the following error: "The directory name is invalid". I already added the site to trusted zone in IE, but that has no effect. I also can't connect SharePoint to SharePoint Workspace. T...

SharePoint Picture Slideshow for main page.

Any suggestions for programming a Sharepoint 2007 site to use a picture slideshow on the front page? ...

SharePoint Search Results: Filter by Document Library

I have a requirement to perform a search against Search Server Express that will return a list of search results filtered by Document Libraries. That is, I need to be able to identify Document Libraries themselves from within search results. Currently, we are using FullTextSqlQuery to return a DataTable. The query currently looks like ...

Unexpected ArgumentExecption when accesing a Field Value in a SPListItem

I have the following helper method that returns the value from a field. public static string GetValueFrom(SPListItem item, string fieldName) { string value = string.Empty; if (item.Fields.ContainsField(fieldName)) { SPField field = item.Fields.GetField(fieldName); ...

How to get Relevant Documents content in a Custom WebPart Moss 2007

Hi Experts, I have two different site collections say SiteColl-A, SiteColl-B SiteColl-B is a Document Center site which has got Recent Documents webpart.. Now I want to show SiteColl-B Recent Documents Webpart content in SiteColl-A How can I achieve this using Object Model in MOSS 2007 ? Any help would be appreciated Thanks Dee...

SharePoint - Passing Dataview Row Arguments to a C# function from button

I've done this with a Gridview. but does anybody have any examples on how to pass row information from an button in SharePoint Dataview rows to an inline C# function? the button Repeats as follows: <asp:Button runat="server" Text="Delete" id="Delete{@ID}" OnClick="DeleteDoc()"/> My function looks like this: void De...