
Sharepoint Javascript

I am using hjavascript:void'') to open the link in a new tab. But I get the error following error message: In Firefox: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (hjavascript) isn't associated with any program. IN IE: it displays the following error: The webpage cannot b...

How to integrate sharepoint document into web application and adding credentials for external users

Hi, Being new to integrating sharepoint documents into web applications I am struggling with the following task, so any help or guidance would be very much appreciated. I have a page in my web application that needs to display a document from sharepoint. I use the appropiate sharepoint web service to get a list of all the documents in...

Setting up Visual Studio with a cloud based SharePoint site

I have a SharePoint site on the cloud where I access it through a URL like this one; I can also edit the site with SharePoint Designer by pointing to the same URL. I'm at the stage in the project where I want to do some specific things so I am going to use V...

Creating a new CMS, importing content from ASP - Umbraco or Sharepoint?

I'm working on a project to create a CMS, which will entail importing a lot of existing content, most of which is static, but in ASP (so they're not all just pure HTML, there are includes and sometimes other server-side code). We're considering using Umbraco or Sharepoint (2010) for managing the external content, which currently compris...

Joining other Lists into SharePoint DataView - troubleshooting xsl

I have very similar working code. I've tried it inside an existing sharepoint generated view and a new custom page. none of the columns or lists have been renamed or have spaces. I've trippled checked the data, column names and this code. It just produces nothing. any good way to troubleshoot xsl? <xsl:value-of select="/dsQueryResponse...

What technologies are there for formatted, structured data input and output?

I am working on a project here that ingests internal resumes from people at my company, strips out the skills and relevant content from them and stores it in a database. This was all done using docx4j and Grails. This required the resumes to first be submitted via a template that formatted everything just right so that the ingest tool kn...

SAML for SharePoint 2010 Authentication

Is it possible to authenticate a user in SharePoint 2010 using a SAML Token provided by third-party? Most of the examples of SSO configuration for SP2010 assume that you are going to use Active Directory as your user repository. I do not want to setup ADFS, since all of my users are actually out on a SAML compatible Jasig CAS server....

Sharepoint 2010 is changing my internet hyperlink column url to my intranet url, why?

I have a content type with a hyperlink column. If I create a page based on that content type and point the hyperlink field to a document in a library on our public url (eg: the url gets changed to point to the intranet/administration site (eg: http://**edit** whic...

Can I change server authentication to mixed mode in sharepoint 2010?

I want to know weather I can used mixed mode authentication on sql server instance being used for SharePoint2010 installation; without breaking the licence terms for SP2010. ...

Sharepoint: List Permission custom message

Is it possible to create a custom HTML message when a user does not have access to a specific List instead of showing the user that there are no records? ...

Sharepoint Edit or New item meta data page Title shows up twice...

current setup: 1. Parent content type (PCT1) has 5 columns (including Title column) 2. Child content type (CCT1-A) inherites from PCT1 and adds 5 more columns (but child ct also comes with it's own Title column). 3. Now I associates Child control type to a document library. 4. I see two titles in the edit item or new item page 5. If i d...

How do I programmatically rename a Sharepoint directory (SPFolder or SPListItem)?

I have tried this: SPFolder folder = ...; folder.Item["Name"] = newName; folder.Item.Update(); And it behaves mysteriously. If I run it, it throws an exception: SPException: Cannot complete this action. HOWEVER, if I stop it in the debugger after the new Name assignment and before the Update(), and look at the properties of folde...

WSS -filtering a custom web part

Hi -I have a list and I am using a web user control and the Smart Part web part to show a list item. (The Smart Part web part lets us use web user controls as "web parts".) My list contains many items, but I need to show only one. So I am planning to add a dropdownlist to filter by ID and show that item only, and then persist that selec...

Use just Sharepoint 2010 foundation

Hi, am an ASP.NET developer new to Sharepoint. Having installed Sharepoint Server 2010, SQL and VStudio on Server 2008 I'm trying find out if there is a way to disable all the extra features that come with SP Server. I wish to develop SP foundation apps only. Do I need to uninstall SP server and just install SP foundation or is there ...

2 Columns into 1 Calculated Column.

I have 2 Date and Time columns, that only display the date in both columns. I am trying to create a 3rd column that will display Date in Column 1 or the Date in Column 2 if it's filled in. If by chance both Date columns are filled in, then display in the calculated column the date which comes first. Any help out there? ...

Sharepoint Foundation 2010 licencing costs

Hi My client has a Windows Server 2008 R2 dedicated box leased from a hosting company. I assume they have to correct licences for it. However I want to install Sharepoint 2010 Foundation on this box and expose it via the internet to the client and their satelite employees around the world. I initially thought this wouldn't cost any mo...

Sharepoint Webpart custom properties get default values on server reboot

I have noticed that the custom properties of a webpart I developed return to their default values when I reboot my machine. Is that a normal behavior? are the properties saved as far as the server is up, or there is some parameters I am missing. Thank you. EDIT: code: namespace TestWebpart { [ToolboxItemAttribute(false)] [Xml...

jQuery <nobr> Selector

Morning All, Previously I have been using $("#WebPartWPQ2 .ms-formtable tr:contains('lblName')> td").toggleClass('changedetails'); to customise a sharepoint list form, this has worked fine, (I have looked into alternative solutions to improve performance before but seem to achieve similar results) Is there a selector for <nobr> in...

Top-level exception handling for (visual) web parts

I've looked into this quite extensively and I've found the following: You can do some clever stuff to catch most errors by implementing a base class, see Andreas Knudsen's solution for this. The Error event in UserControl never gets fired, see details here: What I can't find is ...

Sharepoint - Integrate c# application

Hi, iam new to sharepoint. I have an application created in C#. Now i have to upload to sharepoint portal server and need to create a link in documents tab which will open this application. ...