
How to make webpart properties customizable only by an Administrator

I am developing a sharepoint 2010 visual webpart that will show some sort of ajax content. I have a property on the webpart for the refresh rate, but I want this property to be set only by an Administrator (or any specific group). What is the best way to achieve this? Thank you. ...

Sharepoint Foundation. Documents opening in browser instead of client application

I need to have all the documents in Sharepoint opens in client applications. I set the appropriate setting in the admin page, but it doesn't work for all users. Also I tried to set this in library settings, result was similar. I think the reason may be on a client side, but I haven't found it. All users with this trouble have IE7 and MS...

How to provide auto sugestions in browser enabled Infopath Forms ?

Hi, I am not sure if this is achievable. How can I provide auto suggestion as the user types in in a browser enabled infopath form ? This auto suggestion data should be fetched from a sharepoint list. Any ideas ? ...

Sorting Navigation's Items from code (Sharepoint 2010)

Hey... I work in sharepoint 2010 and I want to sort Global Navigation's item from code(written in c#) Here is part of my function for sorting navigations items: PublishingWeb myPublishingWeb = PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWeb(site.OpenWeb()); SPNavigationNodeCollection publishingNavigationNodes = myPublishingWeb.Navigation.GlobalNavigati...

Sharepoint. Manejo de Cumpleaños del mes. Error

Hola, estaba siguiendo los pasos del articulo "Manejo de cumpleaños del mes" Segui todo el procedimiento y funciona perfecto, la vista se crea y se modifica bien. Incluso si veo la lista puedo cambiar a la vista modificada y muestra los datos correctos. ...

SharePoint 2010 Wiki page columns

I created a wiki page library in sharepoint 2010 and i added several columns to the library. Is there any way to get these columns to show up on each wiki page as they did in SharePoint 2007 ...

How to allow using javascript in RichHtmlField control?

Is it possible to set up RichHtmlField control to allow javascript in HTML? I mean I need to insert some script into field content, but the code is removed from source after submit. ...

How to Obtain SharePoint List Field Value

I'm trying to get the value of a list field using the SharePoint object model. Problem is that what should be the value is coming back as the field name. Code snippet below. The value is coming back as "City" instead of the actual city name. I know the value is not "City" because I checked it in the SPListItem Xml property. I have ...

Programmatically changing name of SPFolder

Hi all: I was wondering whether it is possible to programmatically change the name of an SPFolder after it has been created? e.g. foreach (SPFolder folder in list.RootFolder.SubFolders) { if (folder.Name.Equals("blah")) { // set the name of the folder to something else folder.Name = "blah 2.0"; } } Googli...

Can I use SharePoint 2010 Foundation as a public facing site?

With Moss 2007, we had WSS on our servers so that we could use some basic functionality of SharePoint without purchasing a license. We also created a number of public facing sites on WSS for clients who didnt want to purchase a full fledged license for MOSS 2007. I got some news that SP Foundation 2010 cannot be used as a public facing s...

The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.

Hi, I have a piece of code that works in a VS.C# project, but when this code is part of a webPart in Sharepoint, it throws an error. ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true; HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(validateUrl); Http...

Setting up Sharepoint Dev environment from exsisting site.

We have a company SharePoint site that we paid a company to configure and setup for us. We are slowly taking over more and more of the administration of this site. We would like to setup a test environment so we can make changes with out affecting daily business. How can we take what they have already installed, deployed, and configure...

Trouble adding users to SharePoint

hi all, i have a new sharepoint instance in standalone mode. yesterday i was able view newly added users (added in user & groups of computer management) to sharepoint. the search feature in sharepoint brings up the users while adding them to sharepoint. but today, strangely, new users added to windows are not showing up in the sharepoi...

2 levels of lookup in sharepoint 2010,how to solve it?

Hi, I am doing development in Sharepoint 2010. I have a small issue. There are 3 lists (say list1, list2, list3). list1 has a column col1. Now, in list there is a lookup column called col2 on col1 of list1. This works very well for a single lookup. Now, I need a column in list3 (say col3) which should be a lookup on col2 of list2. I a...

cascading Multiple lookup field ?

Hi all I used cascading lookup field custom control from when I create a field from this custom type its type becomes cascading lookup I want to set it to be multiple lookup column I changed the parenttype of the field to be LookupMulti and in code when I allow multiple ...

Authentication Providers 'greyed out' in sharepoint 2010 (enable anonymous access)

I am trying to config a sharepoint 2010 site for anonymous access. The tutorials I am following are: And a few youtube videos. I am stuck fast in a cert...

Sharepoint webservices add task through CAML

Hi all, I am having a problem with getting the right userinfo from the usergroup.asmx webservice. I am sending the username to the webservice and I get the userinfo as a response. In the response I see that the userid = 87 and username = john smith. Than I call the updatelistitems webservice to add a task and the value of assignedTo fi...

customizing an xsl property of @publishingPageImage

I and my colleagues have been trying to format/change image sizes in a publishingpageimage field from a Page image dataview. Is this possible in anyway to set a size for the image without cropping the image. Please i really do need ur help on this, anyone? Thanks. ...

sharepoint how to get reference to items in GroupedItemPicker ?

Hi all I have a GroupedItemPicker with items in it I can get reference to selected ids only is there any way to get reference to the original items in the picker ? thanks ...

UseExplicit property in infopath with form based context

Hi everyone, I have a problem with my infopath form. The context, user of the site mustn't have acces to lists that provision infopath form field. Administrator should have acces to these lists. When i test the useExplicit property of udc file for impersonate the connection to the list i have no problem ( all my account are local accou...