
Using WebRequest.Create inside RenderControl() for WebParts

I need to call a web service to receive a JSON object which I'll parse before rendering the content. Here's the code for the same: Dim jResponse As MessageResponseWrapper = New MessageResponseWrapper() 'Custom class to deserialize JSON Dim req As System.Net.HttpWebRequest req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create("http://some-c...

Cant browse through results of GetListItems using LINQ to XML

Hello, I'm getting the data from sharepoint wbesite using activeItemData = ws.GetListItems(listGUID, activeItemViewGUID, qNode, vNode, rowLimit, null, ""); Here is what I got from the sharepoint its one record. <**rs:data** ItemCount="1" ListItemCollectionPositionNext="Paged=TRUE&amp;p_ID=1" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-c...

WSS tools for VS2008 directory question

Hi, I want to place an aspx inside the TEMPLATE->LAYOUTS folder of the server running WSS. Should I create the same folder structure under the pkg folder of visual studio or under the project root? In other words should I do this pkg->TEMPLATE->LAYOUTS or this project root->TEMPLATE->LAYOUTS Also where should I place the elements.xm...

IE9: radio button selection fails with Infopath forms

After upgrading to IE9, InfoPath forms consistently fail on radio button selection. This occurrs even when using compatibility mode. ...

Moving Sharepoint 3.0 2007

Hi I'm moving our Sharepoint site 3.0 2007 from a Windows server 2003 machine to windows server 2008 RC2. The Sharepoint site uses a sql database which will also be moved to the new server. I need to move all site content included any documents that have been uploaded to the site and the sql database. Is there any easy way to sim...

How to handle unused Managed Metadata Terms without a WssId?

The Problem We upload (large amounts of) files to SharePoint using FrontPage RPC (put documents call). As far as we've been able to find out, setting the value of taxonomy fields through this protocol requires their WssId. The problem is that unless terms have been explicitly used before on a listitem, they don´t seem to have a WSS ID....

Sharepoint 2007 cross-site workflow

Hello. Is it possible to create some kind of workflow in SPS 2007 that would mirror contents of one list to another one on another site. For example. Our portal locates in http://portal and it has "Tasks" list. There are some subsites: http://portal/group1 with "Tasks" list http://portal/group2 with "Tasks" list http://portal/group3 ...

How to show CustomAction on a certain Custom List

Hi, How can I show a CustomAction for a List of "Custom List" type and it's Title is "Demo List"? Is this possible? if not is there any workaround to achieve what I want? ...

What is the best thing you've developed for Sharepoint?

I am new to Sharepoint, starting to learn how to develop for it. From the first few chapters of the book I am reading, it doesn't seem like you can do too much with it. So I ask, what is the best thing you've developed for Sharepoint? I am just trying to get a feel for the types of things that can be developed for Sharepoint (plus you...

FileSystemWatcher - Which process caused the update

To investigate a problem that we have with SharePoint 2007, I wrote a small application that monitors a folder for security changes and logs the exact date and time from these changes. I use the FileSystemWatcher to do this. We do this because from time to time, some process alters the security settings from all folders below c:\inetpub...

SharePoint List Best practices

Hi all, I am creating an application using SharePoint List for storing the data. The data design would pretty much similar like if you are going to put it in a relational database, with items like many to many relationship, primary keys, foreign keys. I would like to know what are the best practices? There are a few questions that I ...

Creating publishing page in in SharePoint timer job throws MissingMethodException

I'm doing a simple news importer for a sharepoint site using timer job that runs every few minutes. The code below runs fine if I run it in a web part but throws MissingMethodException when ran in timer job's Execute method. The full exception: System.MissingMethodException was unhandled by user code Message="No parameterless constru...

Email not sending when task is assigned, but email sends when task changes (SP2010)

I had been using SP2010 Beta for 7 months or so, and had the task lists set up such that when a task was assigned to someone, an email was sent to that person. I moved over to RTM, and am having trouble getting this to work. An email will be sent to the person assigned to the task when something in the task changes, but not when it is fi...

Migrating MOSS 2007 site to WSS 3.0

I am trying to migrate a site from MOSS 2007 environment to WSS 3.0 environment as it does not (need to) use MOSS features. Unfortunately the site was created using "Publishing" site template. I have gone through the pain of deactivating all the MOSS related features but there still seems to be some MOSS stuff hanging about. TargetTo and...

custom membership provider with WSS API problem

Hi, I just ran into a weird problem when writing a custom membership provider for a wss site. This is how we validate user, since the authentication is using webserivce, we need to call the web user and passing user name and password to the webserice then update the WSS Profile based on the webservice call. This is how we do for Validat... combine two rows into 1.

I'm working on a project that will combine a couple of sharepoint listitemcollections. It's basically to bring together three sharepoint lists. I've already gotten my three sharepoint queries to return my proper results and im using the .GetDataTable() method to generate my objects for LINQ joins. Below is my code. I may be approachi...

Publishing a Magazine in Sharepoint 2007

Hello, My client wants to create a company internal magazine on Sharepoint 2007. Actually I never seen anything like this in any Sharepoint site before. An "issuing system" (like issue #1, october) is required. Stories (news) should be grouped into issues. Users should post their stories (like best practices) which will be approved an...

Attendance column not showing up as field when creating new calendar item (SP2010)

I have a SharePoint calendar, with a little over a dozen columns (I have also added a couple extra columns). When adding/editing calendar events, I notice that the Attendance column is not showing up as a field. If I look in SP Designer, I see the column, Attendance, but it shows a blank Content Type (whereas most all the other columns h...

Customizing the "My Profile" CSS styles on SharePoint 2010

Hello, I'm trying to edit the CSS file of the "My Profile" page on my SharePoint 2010 solution. I need to change some colors and position of some elements. On my little research here, i found 2 ways to do it: 1º - Editing the mysite.master file 2º - Editing the portal.css on the root folder of the project. I'm a little afraid of thes... Web application accessing SharePoint object model

I have an 2.0 web application that will run on the same web servers as SharePoint Server 2007. The application should run in its own App Pool (IIS 6.0). The Web Application needs to call the SharePoint Object model API. Is there a resource that explains the required configuration / security settings and other considerations tha...