
Windows SharePoint Services - Browse User Information/Check In Security Issue

Hi, We have a top level team site setup with 5 team subsites, each of the subsites is restricted to a certain company. All companies have read only access to the top level team site. We don't want each of the users in the 5 companies to have access to the People and Groups links within the team site (no suggestions around hiding or rem...

Two Questions on Sharepoint Publishing Sites

Hello all, I have a custom page layout which is based on a custom content type. I have placed several textfields and lookup fields from custom content type in the page layout. I want them to be seen to only admins. Contributers should not see and edit. Is this possible? Admins will select an item in a lookup combobox in page layout. I ...

Modify the standard Sharepoint Rich Text Editor ?

Hi all I want to modify the standard sharepoint Rich Text Editor control so that I can add a button to upload images easily by browsing the site's picture libraries and adding a reference to the image in the body of the editor. please tell me what I need to do to achieve this ? thanks ...

Saving a file share link in a SharePoint list column

I have to save a fileshare link in a sharepoint list and i want that file to be opened when the link is clicked, the normal sharepoint hyperlink column does not work for me in this case as it embeds the http:// with the url. How can I handle this scenario? the link i want to save is in the format \\myserver\myfile.pdf and the ...

Need some help with sharepoint web part development

Hi, I have a custom web part where there is a text box. My custom web part also has a custom setting where user enters some values separated by commas. So on load, the UI should display the values entered in the setting (without commas though). Is this possible with normal ascx user control, since it cannot access the sharepoint web p...

Sharepoint - Select most recent articles from each category

I have a list of news articles in Sharepoint, each one of them is assigned a category. I would like to have a Content Query Web Part select the most one most recent article from each category - How could I do this? Matt ...

Unable to delete content type from a Sharepoint list programmatically

Hi all: I'm currently having trouble deleting a content type from a Sharepoint list programmatically. What I wanted to do is that I want to install a newer version of a custom content type (it has extra fields), so I opted to delete the original one and re-add the latest one. Below is the code: bool requireUpdate = false SPContentTyp...

Updating the Internal Name using the Content Database

Hi, We currently have a field which has the wrong ID. the IDs and Internal Names of Sharepoint Fields are readonly on the domain model. I was wondering if there is a way to update them even by using the content database. One sure way is to delete the field and recreate it. but it already has data and there are thousands of pages. I w...

Getting Internal Error - SP2010 - WSP Builder

Hello I've a SP2010 Enterprise installed in Win Server 2008 R2. After i create a web app i'm able to browse the application. After i deploy a custom solution (which is working fine in MOSS 2007) through WSP Builder Extensions for 2010 using VS 2010 i'm getting 500 Internal Server Error I'm not able to see anything in IIS Logs, Shar...

Get Content Field Value in Sharepoint Publishing

Is there a way to get displayed article's content field values? For instance, I have custom columns inserted to my custom page layout, I can drag and drop them in SP Designer and update in browser. But I need to show different colored texts, different images according to a value in the article's custom columns. Or I would like to use th...

HTML Editor not working in publishing pages - SharePoint

Hello All, I am developing a SharePoint publishing portal wherein I make use of HTML Editor(third party control) in my page layout for editing the contents. When I try to edit the page using the publishing console, the HTML Editor which I have added in my page doesn't appear at all. I monitored the design at run time using firebug and...

Visual Web Part in Sharepoint 2010 shows only XMLDataSource in GridView

I created a new Visual Web Part in VS 2010 (using Sharepoint Server 2010), then dropped a GridView on the User Control. However when setting up the DataSource for the GridView, I only get XMLDataSource as an option. There is no option to create a SQLDataSource for instance. does anyone know how to get over this limitation in Visual Stud...

Problem using sendmail activity in workflow sharepoint

Hi, I have a breakline problem using sendmail activity in a Sharepoint VS workflow. I use < br/ > for the breakline, everything is ok in live mail&outlook but when i try it in lotus note all my text is inline. How can i fix this problem ? ...

Sharepoint 2010 workflow with custom infopath form

I am trying to figure out how to use a custom Infopath form with a Sharepoint 2010 workflow. I have read about a million tutorials on how to do this, but I always end up receiving a "The workflow template has specified no FormURN for this page." error. I use a Visual Studio project to deploy the solution. I have a Module containing the...

VBScript to Upload file to SharePoint DocLib

Hi All, I'm trying to automate the uploading of files to a SharePoint document library. I've run across countless posts (on this forum and others) but can't seem to get something that works. I'm not really a developer, though I have done some simple VBA and VB Script. What I'm looking for is a solution to automatically upload a file (....

How can I dispose SharePoint objects safely in PowerShell functions?

What is the proper way of disposing objects created inside a function? I came across this method on a website. function get-spweb ([String]$webUrl=$(throw 'Parameter -webUrl is missing!')) { $site = get-SPSite $weburl return $site.OpenWeb() $site.Dispose() } Does the Dispose method ever get called in this function? ...

How can the width of a SharePoint:FormField be adjusted?

Within MOSS2007, I'm building a custom form (newform2.aspx) for a list, and having a real problem trying to adjust the width of my form fields. Here is some of the code I'm trying to adjust: <tr> <td colspan="3" style="padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; width:100%; ">DescriptionText<br/> <SharePoint:FormField runat="server" id="...

Data update error with SharePoint 2010 and MS Access 2010

I've encountered a strange error when attempting to update a SharePoint 2010 list that I have linked to via Microsoft Access 2010. Error: Data cannot be inserted because there is no matching record. This occurs in 2 scenarios: I attempt to run any UPDATE query against the list in MS Access I attempt to update a record from the list...

SharePoint 2010: feature receiver code executed from UI, not from PowerShell or stdadm

I have a WSP containing a web scope feature with the following code: using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Permissions; using Microsoft.SharePoint; using Microsoft.SharePoint.Security; namespace Macaw.DualLayout.Samples.Features.DualLayoutSampleEmpty_Web { [Guid("8b558382-5566-43a4-85fa-ca86845b0...

Registration for SharePoint certification 50-573 exam

Hi,..can somebody please guide me how to go about preparing for SharePoint certification 50-573? Details about 1)The registration centers in Mumbai (Bombay). 2)how to go abt preparing for the exam? ...