
How do I load BDC data from a BDC URL?

I am doing this in SharePoint 2010, but wouldn't be surprised if the problem exists in SharePoint 2007 and has the same solution. I have a runtime security trimmer on my BDC data. I was expecting the security trimmer to give me URLs based off of the "default" profile URL defined in the model. Unfortunately, that is not the case. It g...

Adding custom Floating menu option in SharePoint Document Library Item Level to copy row and create new row with copy

Hello, Add Floating Menu Item to the Page Library "E.g. Copy Item". Once user selects option, It should 1) Copy entire selected row's information including Page. 2) Let user rename the page. 3) Create a new row in the same Page Library. 4) Save the copied information in the newly created row. Thank you for your help ...

SharePoint 2010: Limit search to return a Document Set after matching on its child item

In SharePoint Server 2010, say I set up a Document Set and put some Word documents in it. Each Word document contains a common phrase that is found only in the body of the Word Documents. When searching for this common phrase that exists in each of the Word Documents, is there a way to return only the Document Set in the search results...

Sharepoint file system permissions

Hi. In my sharepoint application I want to write log files to a certain folder on the hard drive. For users which are not administrators, the logs are not written. How can I manage the permissions for such users in order to write the logs? ...

sharepoint moss 2007 add column with javascript

We use MOSS 2007, and I have a document library with several document templates in it. When someone clicks the document template (for example .dotx), the templates is opened. But I want it working so that a new document is opened based on the template. I can do this with the New button in the toolbar above the list, but I do not like th...

Is it possible to use sharepoint master page in a separate application as parent master page...

Hi, Is it possible to inherit a sharepoint master page(as a parent) in another application's master page which will be treated as child (i.e. after integrating that standalone application with the sharepoint application)? I am totally new to Sharepoint...Any links or article source related to this will be highly appreciated. Regards, DC...

In sharepoint, how to list all webpartzones of a specific page from object model approach?

I'm using Sharepoint Object Model and after spending some hours with this problem, it looks like SPLimitedWebPartManager doesn't have the "Zones" property (available in SPWebPartManager). I cannot believe the SPLimitedWebPartManager is able to retrieve all the webparts on a specific page (an SPFile), each one with its respective webpartz...

SPSiteDataQuery: Filtering Content Types in SharePoint 2010

In SharePoint 2007 executing a SPSiteDataQuery with filter for content types worked as expected. <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name='ContentType'/> <Value Type='Text'>SomeContentType</Value> </Eq> </Where> In SharePoint 2010 the same query only returns items from one list. A possible workaround would be to filter on the content ...

drop down list filter web part in sharepoint is not getting exported. Any suggestions?

Hi all, I would like to implement filtering on my sharepoint list. My list is having title and description columns and i would like to poulate the ASP.NET dropdown list control with titles and when i select the title i would like to show the description. I have followed the link

Recurring Events in Sharepoint changed from Exchange 2010 - alerts not correct.

Hi All, After installing Exchange 2010 SP1, it appears that Sharepoint is behaving differently. When a user edits an instance of a recurring item on a calendar that has not been edited previously, it treats this as a creation (generates an "added" alert email and updates the created date/time to the current date/time). Some users rece...

How to use Filefield to upload a file to shrarepoint

I am rendering the fields of a selected content type (spcontrolmode=new). The name field is rendered as a FileField where i can select a local file. How to upload this local file to sharepoint, using this FileField? i tried to parse it to a FileUpload control, but its impossible. Thanks. ...

JsTree: Icons not showing when using types plugin and how to dynamically populate based on open_node?

I am attempting to create a treeview of Document libraries from SharePoint (wss3). the icons i specified in the types plugin are not rendering? I am probably missing something so simple. How can I inject more nodes into the tree when i expand a folder or document library? TreeView"> $(document).ready(function () { var thisSite = ...

Why can't I access the items in a List even if the SPList.ItemCount is > 0 ?

I have the same code running against two different SharePoint installations, to iterate through the items in a List and display the data. Against the first SharePoint installation, SPList.ItemCount == SPList.Items.Count == 4. Against the second SharePoint installation, SPList.ItemCount == 4 while SPList.Items.Count == 0, and the fore...

sharepoint custom EditForm.aspx not reading the correct item ID?

I made a custom EditForm.aspx but when I click on an item in the list to edit, it gets the data for the very first item in the list, every time. The title gets the right information, but the custom list form doesn't. I checked the parameters and there is a ListItemId that has QueryString(ID) as the location, so that is correct. Anyone kn...

SharePoint 2010 Publishing Page live preview... any thoughts?

I would like to collect your ideas on the following: SharePoint 2010 (and 2007) does have a preview button... while you are editing a publishing page you can switch to the "Page" tab and hit the Preview button: Clicking this button does some magic to save your data, and opens a new window where the preview page is displayed. Nice, but ...

Generate Screenshot From WebBrowser Control

Hi Guys, I grabbed some code from the link below to generate a screenshot from a web browser control: Then, I modified to be an extension method like so: public static Bitmap GetScreenshot(this WebBrowser webBrowser) { // Load th...

Sharepoint Lists Missing from Site Collection

Hi. When I go to my site collection and click New > List, there are only a few lists available. The heading 'Communications', which has Annoucements, Discussions etc, is completely gone. The sub sites of this collection however have the full set. I've tried exporting the Announcements list from one site into the root collection but it...

How do we know whether we use WSS only or MOSS?

Hi, I have installed WSS 3.0 sp1 in windows server 2003 and it runs successfully now. My problem is does this version of WSS, includes the MOSS 2007 or is it just the WSS? Thanks ...

How to set multiple project owners in MS ProjectServer

Hi, I'm trying to configure a owner-like user in MS ProjectServer (2003). Though I can grant every permission to the user, for certain services (via PSI), like Statusing.ReadStatusTimephasedData, it seems to require to be the project owner. I've tried to configure category permissions to consider RBS but no results either. Any ideas? ...

Get Site ID using sharepoint web services

How can i get the Site ID not the web ID using the built in sharepoint web services. ...