
Silver light web part could not be displayed while using it with ADO.NET service in SharePoint 2010

Hello Everybody, I have created a silver light application which leverages the ADO.NET Data Services in SharePoint 2010 and trying to achieve the CRUD functionality through ADO.NET data service. For that I have added service reference by specifying URL as http://:1111/_vti_bin/listdata.svc to my silver light application in visual 2010. ...

Not all SharePoint lookup fields updated when synchronizing MS-Access

I have an MS-Access 2007 database with links to SharePoint 2007 lists, I run XP professional. The lookup fields are not all updated when I synchronize after I create records offline . I built a test with the following result: I created 3 SharePoint lists A, C, D. C has a lookup to A and D has a lookup to A I created an MS-Access databa...

Automate creation of a SharePoint list without writing any code

As part of the configuration of my product (after installation), I need to create a few Sharepoint lists on the SharePoint site specified by the user. Digging around, it seems that i need to write custom code to do this, either using the server-side API as described at

SharePoint extend ALL fieldproperties with custom settings

What is want is pretty simple. I want to add settings to all field-properties (oob and custom) in a custom listdefinition, say "E-mailform". Thus, I create a "E-mailform" and I add a OOB-textfield. At the settingspage (where you can set length, required yes/no, etc.) I want to add a custom section with custom settings. When I add a OOB-...

SharePoint 2010 Bulletin Board - User can only edit their post

Hi, I need to create a bulletin board in SharePoint 2010 and ideally we'd like people to make posts but they should only be able to edit their posts and not others. Is this possible at all? Also if anyone knows of any off the shelf solutions (not necessarily with the above mentioned edit abilities) that I could trial please let me kno...

Hiding built-in field in "Edit Properties" form trough Content Type definition xml file

We need to hide some of the built-in field of our Pages in the "Edit Properties" form. I tried to hide the fields in the content type file using Hidden="TRUE", ShowInDisplayForm="FALSE" etc, but it does not seem to work. Also, we have a content type hierarchy, so the fields would be "hidden" in our main content type that all concrete c...

How to hide Site Actions tab, but show Sign In link in a different place.

Hello. I am new on SharePoint 2010 and trying to make basic web sites. First, created a new site. Using domain authantication. I've done to hide Site Actions tab. Surrounded the tags with <SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID = "spstcSiteActions" runat = "server" PermissionsString = "ManageWeb"> When you do this, end-user cant see...

SPWebConfigModification class will not update Central Admin application's web.config file.

Using SharePoint 2010 I am trying to use the SPWebConfigModification class to make some basic changes to web.config files on applications in the farm, including the Central Administration web.config file using web application scoped features with feature receivers handling the addition/removal of the modifications: public override void ...

How can I filter a Sharepoint 2007 libarry list based on current user login?

Hi all. I would like to know how I can filter a SharePoint library list based on current user login. Suppose I have created the followings: 1) A SharePoint form library containing bunch of uploaded InfoPath form data. 2) The InfoPath form template contains a promoted text field called "TargetUser" to store user domain login (ex: DOMAIN...

Regarding sharepoint and SQL data store

Hi There, I have to create a web form and store all kinds of data from the page, the data will be text, num, email and checkboxes. I have to store them in a database SQL. I have to deploy the same page in the sharepoint server and users will be able to use that page to fillin the details once the details are filled in it should be load...

ObjectDataSource filtering on date/time in SPGridView

I'm scratching my head on this one... I have date/time columns which I want to sort by date/time but when filtered, only filter by the date part of the date/time. My filter code (a lambda contained within a setup method) looks like this: this.taskGrid.AllowFiltering = true; this.odsGrid.Filtering += (sender, e) => ...

Regarding sharepoint and SQL data store

Hi, I am using a dropdown box in sharepoint designer, I want the data to be populated from the database. What control in sharepoint designer should I use. I cannot use sql data source as it says it is not supported in sharepoint enviroment. Please let me know your thoughts thanking you all ...

How Link changeset with the documents on the sharepoint project portal for TFS 2010?

As I understand configuration management mean you have to track all your artifacts(requirement, design, code,test plan, test cases, test result, user manual) so at any point of time you can bring your changeset and see what the corresponding documents version with it, since we put our documents on the sharepoint not the source control an...

Sharepoint 2007 date time in a list

We are using a custom list on Sharepoint where we require users to enter data with a date and time field. We have been facing huge issues in data validity when generating reports due to this field. Following are the kinds of mistakes: Selecting AM instead of PM or vice verse. Changing to 24 hrs format doesn't help much because then the...

Surface an XML schema as an ASP.Net user interface in SharePoint 2010

I have a requirement (at the least possible cost, be that custom dev or 3rd party product) to take an XML schema (which is subject to regular change) and surface a UI to this through SharePoint 2010. The UI cannot require manual changes when the XML schema changes. So in some way the UI needs to be dynamically generated from the schema...

Sharepoint-Property to identify the source of the document/item in ItemAdded Event

I want to increment the metadata whenever the copy operation is trigerred. public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties) { try { this.DisableEventFiring(); SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() { ...

Creating Dynamic Sitemap in SharePoint

Hello all, I have developed a publishing portal in sharepoint.I have a requirement wherein I need to create sitemap for the entire web application. This should be dynamic, in the sense, whenever we update the contents of any given page in our web application, it should be reflected immediately in the sitemap page. What are the possibl...

Sharepoint--Increment the metadata when document is copy or added, but dont increment when move

Hi, I have an event handler and Itemadded event. I want to increment the metadata only if document is added or copy from one libraray to another, not if it is moved. ...

SharePoint Add New Item Button on Home Page

Hi, I'm building a bulletin board site (in 2010) and I'm sure this must be simple but again it doesn't seem so. Anyway on my default page I have a query webpart showing the latest items and what I need is just a button at the top of the page "Add new item" which would show the popup and allow users to complete the form just like it wor...

Use of SPListCollection.Add Method (String, String, String, String, Int32, String, SPListTemplate.QuickLaunchOptions) in sharepoint

How to use of SPListCollection.Add Method (String, String, String, String, Int32, String, SPListTemplate.QuickLaunchOptions) for creating sharepoint document library programmatically using or Can you plz show me steps for creating document library programmatically/dynamically using in Itemadding event? Thanks in advance...