
How to make a cross domain AJAX POST call from a Sharepoint Webpart?

I need to call a (HTTP) REST API as as POST call - basically, it allows me to post a message to a forum/community. Since, there is currently no way of authenticating over the API, I need to depend on browser cookies. ie, have the user logged in to the community and then use the API calls. This means, server proxies are ruled out. And b...

SPContext.Current.Web is not latest

I am creating a list with a deployed list template. with the following code: SPSite site = new SPSite("http://servername"); SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(); web.Lists.Add(listName, listName, listTemplate); web.Update(); SPList List = Web.Lists[listName]; I am able to access the list with the web object which is used to create it. But, SPC...

Why does $Resources:wss work in a web control, but $Resources:core does not?

When I have the following in my ascx web control: <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$Resources:core,Description%>" /> I get this error: The resource object with key 'Description' was not found. But when I change the Literal to: <asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$Resources:wss,viewlsts_desc%>" /> The control renders just fine. ...

SharePoint 2010 - Creating a custom document library template

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to create a custom document library template for SharePoint 2010. When a user clicks on the Libraries link on the quick launch menu of a new SharePoint site, and then clicks the Create button, the Create dialog is launched. I know this dialog window hosts a Silverlight control, but obviously th...

How to redeploy a web service on SharePoint

I've created a test web service and successfully deployed it to SharePoint 2007. Now I actually need to put real code in the service and redeploy to the server. I've rebuilt my dll and copied it to the appropriate bin and then re-gac'ed it - same steps taken to deploy in the first place. However, when i access the services description...

How to fetch from a large list with Throttling enabled?

We have a SharePoint list containing 50.000 items, and want to fetch some data from it without disabling SP2010's default throttling. From the MSDN artical on handling large lists, we figured the key ingredient would be using a small RowLimit on the SPQuery, and using ListItemCollectionPosition for batching. However, with our code (so...

Publishing to Sharepoint from Eclipse

I cant find any eclipse plugins to publish to Sharepoint. I wish to write a plugin for TIBCO Business Modeler (based on Eclipse) which publishes exported HTMLs to Sharepoint. I cant also find the right API for Sharepoint to do this. Does Sharepoint have a REST API to enable publishing? Can someone point me in the right direction? Thank...

Controlling HTML from WebParts in Microsoft Dynamics AX

I have a website running in Microsoft SharePoint which uses menus and other data from Dynamics AX 4.0. I have a weblet in the website where I fetch a menu from Dynamics AX, which uses the WebMenuWebLet and WebVertMenuHTML classes to generate the HTML to be displayed on the page. I have now tried to strip everything from the weblet to rec...

Sharepoint MOSS 2007 advanced search customization

Hi, In my sharepoint site, the master page template is chagned and we moved the search box into the site which showed as a web part, When the user enters a search string in that box, it should search whatever the materials available in the site itself, document library, blogs in the web, forums and wikis. Therefore, I think I need a way...

Adding a ListItem to a list in Sharepoint 2007

I am trying to add an item to a list in Sharepoint. At the moment I am trying to add the item via CAML I can read the list, and query the list but I have not been able to add to the list. All the examples that I have seen update the list, I would expect that it should be reasonably similar process to add an item. this is how I am te...

WCF 64 bit not working

Hi, I'm trying to develop a simple WCF service running in a 64 bit environment. I fire up VS2010 under Windows 7 New Solution -> WCF project -> Run -> It works fine. As soon as I change the properties of the project in order to make it compile in 64 bit, running it throws the following exception: Could not load file or assembly 'WcfS...

Getting to the web part gallery in sharepoint via the code

Hi I am currently trying to add a web part to a page. All i think is well however i am using a piece of code that i thought returned all existing webparts but really it only returns the web parts that are currently on a given page. web.GetWebPartCollection(url,storage); I was hoping to get the reference to my web part that already re...

How to wait and detect the creation of SharePoint workflow task

Hi all: I'm having trouble predicting when a workflow will start creating task. Basically, I needed to merge the newly created workflow task with an older version of the same task (which I have easy access to). Since the application in which I'm performing this process in is relatively long, I've placed the process which would create ...

What is the point of Sharepoint?

My company have started to use Sharepoint. Now as a software developer I simply can not understand the advantages of such a system. To me it just looks like a browser based application through which you access/edit files; has windows not allowed this for 20 + years? I can understand it is an intranet for messages etc. so why not just a...

Copy permissions from one user to another user - SharePoint

Hello I want to copy the permissions of a user and to another user. I know i can do it by creating a group with required permissions and adding the users will do it. But i dont want to create a group. Is there a way to copy the permissions of a user to another user directly? NLV ...

How do I find the ID of a web part in SharePoint?

I have a web part that saves preferences to an external database because they are used by an outside program. One of the key fields for the preferences is the ID of the web part so each web part instance can have separate preferences. I'm working on an issue in the test farm with a set of preferences that generate an error on the Share...

Sharepoint issue, selective behavior?

I was recently assigned a task in Sharepoint as part of my internship, and it's been puzzling me for some days. Note that this is the first time I'm using Sharepoint so I might be using wrong terms here. They have a site that contains 2 web parts; a list called "Company Directory" and below it, a list (I think) called My Information. Th...

Sharepoint - How to get image(s) from a RichTextField ?

Hi how can i get the image(s) inserted inside a RichTextField in order to test the weight of the image ? Thanks. ...

How to hide the "! NEW" tag on a sharepoint list without affecting lists contained in the site?

Does anybody know if it is possible to hide the "NEW" label that gets appended to the Title field of a new SharePoint list item? I have a nightly script that copies a list from one site to another site list and don't need the NEW to show up. ...

Can sharepoint apps be developed in a Visual Studio 2010 stand alone dev box?

Can Sharepoint apps be developed in a Visual Studio 2010 dev box only or does the dev box need to connect to a Sharepoint server? Can the Sharepoint Server be a stand alone machine (no domain controller between the two machines)? ...