
Requirements for collection class to be used with LINQ

I always thought that enough requirement that class should satisfy to be able to use Where() with it is to implement IEnumerable. But today a friend of mine asked me a question, why he cannot apply Where() to the object of SPUserCollection class (it is from Sharepoint). Since this class is derived from SPBaseCollection which implements ...

how to programmatically (c#) find and replace in doc and docx file in share point library

My job is to do a find and replace in .doc and .docx files which are saved in sharepoint document library. i have to alter all the documents in the document library by doing find and replace. please help me in this... Open XML formats are only for word 2007 (.docx). I need single solution that would do find and replace in both .doc and ...

Use the same InfoPath form on both a library and a workflow task.

I have a fundamental workflow issue where by particular forms need to be generated and filled in by various users as part of a workflow. I started off having the form as a task form in the workflow. The problem is that if this form is an important business document, you don't want it locked away in a field, in a list item, in the workfl...

Map SharePoint Sub Sites into Separate Domains

I want to map the SharePoint sub sites into separate domains.What is the procedure on doing it in SharePoint 2010 ? ...

Sharepoint 2010: company with several departments site structure question

I have to create a team site with Sharepoint 2010 for a company that has several departments. Requirements (simplified) are: Top Menu: company / department-A / department-B Main-page (default, home page): company news department-A tasks department-B tasks company quick launch menu (on the left) Department-A-page department-A ne...

How to configure a non-trivial list view in share point

I have a sharepoint list. It has items with properties A, B, C, D, and E. I want to create a view that would filter the items like this.... WHERE (a = 1 AND b = 2) AND (c = 3 OR d = 4 OR e = 5) Sharepoint appears to flatten this out to WHERE (a = 1 AND b = 2 AND c = 3 OR d = 4 OR e = 5) And gives me results I do not want. IRL, thi...

Comment icon not updating after approval in blog site.

I set up a workflow for comments in a blog site. Only after approval should a comment be posted in the blog. To test, I created a comment and received an email to approve. I approved the comment and it was added to the list. When I click on the comment icon it displays the new comment, but the little comment icon didnt update to show a...

Exposing Sharepoint Metadata to web service search

Our organization has started a project hoping to use sharepoint to create Electronic Records for Clients rather than the paper method which tends to have documents get lost etc. I have been tasked with interfacing with sharepoint to find documents associated with a given client. Each document has sharepoint metadata that stores a Clien...

Applying a custom webtemplate to a sitecollection works on powershell ise and not on powershell console

Hi all, I'm working on a automated script for deploying sharepoint projects. I'm using a sandbox level webtemplate that must be applied when de site is created. I had a lot of troubles doing that because it seems like sharepoint caches the list of webtemplates and get-spwebtemplate doens't find the new added one. The way I made it work i...

WSS3 - setting a default value on a SPFieldType.Boolean after creation

I'm using WSS3 and C# to create site and I am creating a class to change fields on lists after they have been created. I have already created an SPField.Boolean type with no default value, but after upgrade I need the default value to be set to true. My current code that does not work follows: //web is already defined as the...

How can i recreate a spreadsheet or sharepoint datasheet view on a website ?

I am trying to migrate users off of a sharepoint solution into a website + SQL backend. The one thing is that everyone seems to like the sharepoint view and the data sheet view for editing and managing information. what is the best spreadsheet / access data editing solution. are there any third party mvc widgets that are good ...

What are some BI tools that integrate well with Sharepoint 2007?

We currently use MOSS 2007 for our company intranet site and we are looking to create dashboards for performance kpi's etc. Weve been using SSRS 2005, Cognos as well as excel services and BDC. I've demoed Dundas Dashboard as it comes with a sharepoint web part for viewing dashboards in SharePoint. Are there any other BI platforms out the...

Input Data To SharePoint RichText Control By WinForms WebBrowser Control

Hi, I need to edit the value in an SP Rich Text field via the WinForms web browser control. Most other controls (input tags) are easy to get and we can change the value quite simply. However, not so simple with Rich Text. I headed over to: and got some ideas. At first, I tried creatign a...

Backup Sharepoint 2010 (using Powershell - Backup-SPFarm)

I asked this on ServerFault, but didn't get any reply's, I know it's command line, but they should still be able to answer it, anyone here have any idea's? I've ran the following (task description): > Add-PsSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell > Backup-SPFarm -Directory E:\Backups -BackupMethod Full But get this error: Backup-SPFa...

How do I know if the user selected a SharePoint file in OpenFileDialog?

In an OpenFileDialog, the user can enter the address of the SharePoint site and select a document in the document library. I need to provide check-in/check-out integration for SharePoint documents. Is there any way to determine if the file is stored in a SharePoint document library? Thanks in advance! ...

Can I install and run SharePoint Server 2007 or 2010 on Windows 7 Professional?

Can I install and run SharePoint Server 2007 or 2010 on Windows 7 Professional? ...

Select the current value in a dropdownlist using XSL and SharePoint

I'm using the row edit template below. The problem I have is that the current value is not selected when the row edit XSL template is used. The value defaults to the first item in the list. What is the best way to get the current value to be the selected item in the template below? I thought having DataValueField="{@type}" and DataTe...

Are there any good Silverlight/HTML file-upload with metadata libraries ?

I need to creating a solution in SharePoint 2010 to upload multiple documents and tag them with metadata. Does anyone know of an interesting/compelling file-upload control or solution that supports adding metadata to the files? The solution could be in Silverlight or HTML/Javascript. I've looked at the Silverlight Multi file uploade...

SharePoint adds line breaks <BR> to messages received from Outlook

I recently created a new discussion list in SharePoint for our group, and I set it to be able to receive emails. The issue is when the SharePoint discussion list receives an email it adds unwanted line breaks (in the form of ) in between each line. I wanted to know if there was script that could be run from my end to apply to emails be...

Sharepoint Survey... Creating a different Graphical View

Does anyone know anything about editing the graphical views of survey's without using designer? I would like to change the results layout a little. thanks! ...