
Adding presence indicator to a custom web part

I have a custom web part which is generating some user data. I have added the appropriate code to output the standard presence icon and menu however this is acting rather stangely. The rendered html of my web part is as follows: <span> <a href="http://mysite/Person.aspx?accountname=USERID"&gt;USERNAME&lt;/a&gt;&amp;nbsp; <i...

SharePoint 2007 - Get Central Admin URL ID (guid)

I am looking to get the GUID of the Central Administration page in SharePoint but not sure how I can get it, any help would be appreciated. I need to be able to get this dynamically using the API / Object Model Thanks Phill ...

Why does RunWithElevatedPrivileges fail to execute?

I'm trying to make a web part that greps user comments and stores it in custom list, I wrote this code to add a list to the site once the web part added to the page, [Guid("c314a0e8-0210-4064-b79e-bfd3594c6083")] public class CommentWriteSpace : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart { SPSite site = null; SPWeb web = null; ...

multi line text box in sharepoint web part

How can I display a field that is a multi line text box in a sharepoint webpart? when i click "modify shared webpart" on the webpart i would like the text field to me a multi line box thanks ...

SharePoint Table of Contents Web Part and export/import

After moving a SharePoint MOSS site using stsadm export/import I have found some problems with the Table of Contents Web Part. If I click the Heading of one of the sections in the Table of Contents web part, for example 'Documents' the page errors as it is still trying to look at a sub-site url from the site that I exported from. So in...

How to place resx files in App_GlobalResources folder using solutions (wsp)???

Hi everybody, I've made a lot of solutions (wsp) for SharePoint 2007 and I have almost automated all installation steps needed, but there is one thing I cannot automate. How can I make a solution that places resources (resx) files in the App_GlobalResources folder of the virtual application? Thanks in advance. ...

Running Word from a SharePoint Workflow

Hi All, based on I have made a console application that splices multiple word files into one. Now I want to do the same from a Workflow in SharePoint. In short, my code before it fails looks like this: object oMissing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; Microsoft.Office.Int...

Office SharePoint Server Error 3935

I have a document library which contains a content type that has an expiration policy applied to it. Every day when the Information Policy services runs I find the following in the server event log: Event Type: Error Event Source: Office SharePoint Server Event Category: Information Policy Management Event ID: 3935 Date: 12/10/...

How would you display the menu of a Sharepoint 2007 website in a .net web application out of the Sharepoint context?

I have a website in Sharepoint 2007, as any page I use a .net menu to display the page hierarchy. This works when i am using it in a Sharepoint webapplication because i am in the Sharepoint Context. The problem is that I have a web application that is not a Sharepoint Application but must have the same menu as the website in Sharepoint ...

Advanced Search option Programatically Sharepoint Search

I am using object code model to retrieve search result from sharepoint search..Can any one suggest how do i put advanced search option for my search.Do object code model has the feature to perform advanced search. ...

custom database query in sharepoint using active directory username as filter

Hello, i have a custom query in a database which i want to display to users in a MOSS via performancepoint webpart. I need to filter the report based on the username of the logged in user. How can i pass the AD username to the performancepoint webpart? Thanks ...

CustomAction not appearing in ListView web part for SPList that does not inherit permissions

I have a SharePoint document library created and it is set to not inherit permissions from the web. I've configured a ListView webpart to display the contents of the document library and it works fine. I created a user that has the Contribute permission to the document library, but can only read the rest of the site. I created a custo...

Why does SharePoint apply 'exempt from policy' automatically?

I have a custom SharePoint document library which allows items to be added of a custom content type. This content type is given a custom expiration policy based on a meta data column. The expiration policy is the following: <data> <formula id=""Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.PolicyFeatures.Expiration.Formula.BuiltIn""> <number...

How to direct to a custom error page?

In SharePoint, I want to be able to direct to a custom error page if a 404 is reached. However, after following: How to point to a custom 404 error Web page in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 I'm unable to hit my custom error page when trying for entries such as: http://localhost/adsdasa...

Sharepoint BDC Error: The title property of entity tblStaff is set to an invalid value

I am just starting to create our Business Data Catalog(s) for our practice management system and I am running into an issue w/ our staff table. Background: I am using Business Data Catalog Definition Editor to create my ADF. I am using the RevertToSelf Authentication Mode. I have tried a few other tables and they seem to work just...

Deploying custom applications to same IIS site as Sharepoint

I am attempting to setup an application on the same site as Sharepoint. So where http://sharepointurl is the url for sharepoint, to access the application the url would be http://sharepointurl/MyCustomWebApp/. I have setup an IIS application at this level but attempting to run the application with a custom dll in the bin result...

How to create sub-lists in sharepoint

Is it possible to create sub lists in sharepoint? I am currently using folders to organise my content but folders are a totally different concept in sharepoint when accessing them programactically. I want to achieve something like: -web ----List A ---------Sub List 1 ---------Sub List 2 ----List B ---------Sub List 1 ---------Sub List ...

Must Have SharePoint dev tools

I have only been doing development work in SharePoint the last 6 months. Coming from a client server background the tooling situation in SharePoint was a rude surprise, but I think that I have by now picked up the majority of the Must Have tools. Which tools should be in every SharePoint developers toolbox in your opinion ? My list so ...

Accessing SPLIstItem properties in SharePoint

I officially think I'm going mad. I'm trying something very simple - accessing my SharePoint list's items and their properties. However, SPListItem.Properties count is zero for all normal lists. Everything works as expected for document and pages libraries. So, if the list items are based on document type, all is good. If they are based...

Add SharePoint Document List to Quick Launch through Web Services

I'm creating Document Libraries in SharePoint with the Webservice Lists.AddList method through a C#.Net application. (See below) listsService.AddList(listTitle, listDescription, 101); I would like them to show up in the Quick Launch menu under the site they're created in rather than just the 'All Site Content' menu. I've had a look a...