
MOSS 2007 Search Center. Altering Scope of a Search

Hello All!!! I'm creating a new Sharepoint Site Collection and as a subsite I have a Search Center. After creating a new Content Search (File Share), I can search this using the Dropdown from the Home Page. Searching "sharepoint" with Scope "All" : returns 4 items Searching "sharepoint" with Scope "ISOs and Tools" : returns 2 items ...

Edit only owned list items in Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0

Is there a way to limit the "edit item" permission in WSS 3.0 to only allow a user to edit his own documents or list items? We need the ability for a user to edit only documents/list items he creates - NOT items that someone else created. So, essentially we need a sub-set of the EDIT permission as well as ADD. Is this possible in Wi...

SharePoint Blog Template Master Page Branding

This may be a simple question, but I am having a problem with it. I have multiple publishing SharePoint sites & sub-sites with a customized master page. I now have a sub-site based off the Blog site template. The custom master page is not being applied to it. I checked to make sure the site's master page setting it pointing to the cus...

sharepoint WSS workflow - "failed on start" error

I've got a WSS 3.0 "project" site with all my workflows working properly. I want an easy way to clone this site, there will be one per project, so it has to be something the empowered end user can do (stsadm export won't work for him). I save the site, with content, as a template, then create a new site from the template. This new site...

Capturing title change event on SPWeb

I am listening on a particular SPWeb using an SPWebEventReceiver that is successfully firing on the WebMoved event. When the web is moved I update a list with the new location/title. What I would like to be able to do is listen for when the Web is renamed . Do I do this by attaching an item listener and waiting for an ItemUpdated even...

Temporary Internet File (read from SharePoint via IE). How do I find the URL?

When an IE user clicks the link of a file residing in SharePoint (and user selects "read-only" access), the file is copied to Temporary Internet Files, my application is opened and passed that filename as a parameter. I'm trying to implement a "check out" button in my app so that a user can switch from read-only mode to check-out and ed...

Sharepoint import version error

We have a SharePoint server that is version something like 12.0.4 and we are trying to import a site collection that was exported from another SharePoint server. The version there is somthing like 12.0.0. We have the export but we no longer have access to the server. How do we import the site from a lower version into a higher version...

Sharepoint services (WSS) as custom web application Infrastructure

We are developing our own application Infrastructure to develop custom web applications for our customers which go around having standard web functionalities like CMS,locallization,Authentication etc.... Custom application can be any line of business/B2B/B2C application over web. Application can cater both intranet/internet user. It is ...

MOSS 2007 site in a farm type initializer exception

We have some solution that we built against a MOSS farm one of which includes a timer job. This job has been working just fine for months. Recently the administrator enlisted another server into the farm, and our timer job automatically started running on this new machine. As soon as this switch happened our timer job started yielding th...

MOSS Requirements Gathering

I'm engaged in a project with a customer that requires MOSS to be installed for Internet and Intranet. Unfortunately the client does not know what he wants. Is there a systematic appraoch usually used to gather MOSS requirement such as a set of questions usually business analysts ask to clear the direction and to manage the scope. Is the...

What to expect from a SharePoint job position.

What can I expect from a "SharePoint" job? I have an offer from a company which is into SharePoint development. I'm wondering whether it is only about configuring standard SharePoint widgets or whether it is also about real development and programming. What are your experiences with SharePoint? ...

Server side paging for gridview in a Sharepoint webpart

I have custom some controls residing in SharepPoint webparts. I use a GridView control to take advantage of the built-in paging and column sort. The GridView gets databound from a method that iterates through an SPlist (with a foreach loop) to build a DataTable. This looping through the list is required to apply logic to process the l...

SharePoint deployment failure using VS2008 on the comannd line

I am trying to implement a nightly build environment for our SharePoint solution that includes VS 2008 and VS 2008 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 (version 1.2). When I deploy via the VS 2008 GUI it works fine. When I use the command line: c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe SharePoint.sln...

Filtering Sharepoint Lists on a "Now" or "Today"

I'm trying to find an effective method of filtering Sharepoint lists based on the age of an item. In other words, if I want to find list items that are 7 days old, I should be able to build a filtered view on the data. There is a hack to build a "Today" field that works, but doesn't filter properly. Does anyone have any good ideas? ...

SharePoint branding change the SiteLogoUrl by theme, no theme applied event exists

Up to this point we have not yet needed a new masterpage for our SharePoint Site Definition. We have a theme that some of our customers will use depending on their corporate SharePoint branding. Currently I change the 'SiteLogoUrl' in my 'FeatureReceiver' on the 'FeatureActivated' event using the following code. public override vo...

SharePoint custom context menu in custom list appears on folders and not just files

I have created a custom list here is the List Template: <ListTemplate Name="CustomDocumentLibrary" DisplayName="Document Library" Description="" BaseType="1" Type="10101" OnQuickLaunch="TRUE" SecurityBits="11" Sequence="110" Image="/_layouts/...

SharePoint Discussion Board "Last updated" field is not updated any more.

On of our SharePoint users informed me today about a strange behavior of a discussion board on one of his sites. Normally the standard "subject" view of an discussion list has a field named "Last updated" showing the date and time of the last post within the corresponding thread. On the discussion board of our user this field is never ...

Are there design patterns for writing SharePoint workflows that will be upgradable?

Howdy, I have asked a question on another thread about upgrading long running workflows and have not received an answer that I wanted to hear. ( The answer, which matches up with the other research I have done on this topic...

ColdFusion: How to use SharePoint's getListItems() with ColdFusion

Hi, does anybody know, how i could get all items from a SharePoint-List? It should be possible to call the function getListItems() with 4 parameters. One for the list where the information is stored in. one for the query. the third for the displayed fields. and the fourth that specifies the number of rows to return. My code is: <cfob...

Proper stsadm commands to update SharePoint Solution/Feature

What are the proper stsadm commands in sequence to force an upgrade to a SharePoint solution. I have tried C:>"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN\stsadm.exe" -o deploysolution -name "MySolution.wsp" -immediate -allcontenturls -allowGacDeployment -allowCasPolicies -force followed by ...